Life Control Chart

Chapter 937: Squeezed

King Ku and King Chen both began to doubt themselves. They believed that they could run rampant in the Land of Controlling Life, but they heard that King Ye died suddenly and King Mi escaped. In addition, Shi Yu entered and exited the Land of Ten Kings as if he was in an empty space. They felt that the world was completely different from what they imagined.

Shi Yu did not ask any more questions. There was no doubt that Bai Que was powerful. He had combined the power of fourteen top-level true spirits. But Whale Falling into the Sea would never be able to beat Mi Susu away with a few punches.

Mi Susu was called Susu, but she was not really a vegetarian.

Turning back, Shi Yu looked at the gate of the Soul Casting Pavilion.

Those realm masters and monks who were watching the excitement from a distance, after listening to the boring story for a long time, saw that Shi Yu began to think about how to open the door again, and they all showed an expectant look.

Although Shi Yu was famous, he rarely killed people indiscriminately. Perhaps they would have a chance to follow him and pick up some benefits.

Shi Yu looked up at the gate that was thousands of feet high and asked, "Whale Luohai, how many people have you killed here?"

Whale Luohai was looking at the King of Spirit Seeds on the side and thinking secretly. Hearing this, he replied, "About a dozen. There are actually not many people I would like to subdue."

"Then did you try to use the blood of the people you killed as a sacrifice to this gate?"

Whale Luohai was embarrassed and scratched his head and replied, "I couldn't open it after a few punches, so I didn't plan to go in again. I just wanted to take a few brothers to try my luck somewhere else. I never thought about using people for blood sacrifice."

"Other places? Do you know how to get to other places?" Shi Yu was curious.

"I know! Why don't you know? There is such a clear road on the ground. Can't you just walk over it?" Whale Luohai's answer surprised Shi Yu and others.

"Can you see the road? Where is the road?" Shi Yu looked down at the ground.

There is a wide stone road in front of the Soul Casting Pavilion, but it only extends for less than a hundred miles before disappearing into the earth. Looking out, there is endless open wasteland. Where is the shadow of the road?

Whale Luohai was more surprised than Shi Yu and his friends, and asked: "How did you get here if you can't see the road? How can someone not see such a big, shiny road?"

As he said that, Whale Luohai raised his arm and pointed, as if he really saw a road extending into the distance.

But Shi Yu looked along his fingertips, and all he could see was gravel and dust on the ground. Where was the road!

Shi Yu was silent for a moment, and casually slapped out a breath of wind, pointed to a realm master in the distance, and shouted: "Come here!"

The realm master didn't hear the murderous intent from Shi Yu, so he flew over with a little trepidation.

"What advice do you have, Lord Shi?" The realm master asked politely.

"How did you get here? Did you see the road?"

"No, I am a bird, relying on my ability to fly around, and I got here purely by chance. I was born with the ability to use the wind to infer the surroundings, not that I saw anything, I did not feel the existence of the road."

Shi Yu nodded, and then aimed his eyes at another cultivator, who was not a realm master, but his eyes were brighter than most realm masters.

"You! Come here!"

The cultivator did not dare to hesitate, and slid down from the attic in a few steps, and ran to Shi Yu.

"Can you see things?"

The cultivator nodded hurriedly, "I belong to the lizard clan, and my clan members are born with yin and yang eyes. There is no difference between light and dark for me."

The words of the little cultivator made everyone envious, and they wanted to dig out his eyeballs and install them for themselves.

"How did you get here? Did you see the road?"

"I've been wandering around and never seen a road."

Shi Yu asked more than ten realm masters and monks, but no one had ever found a road in the underground world.

Shi Yu turned his head and looked at Jingluohai, "Tell me, what does the road you saw look like? Perhaps all the treasures here were discovered thanks to your extraordinary achievements."

Jingluohai's eyes turned, and he stomped on the ground hard. A wave of air rushed along the ground, and after rushing out of the stone road, it stirred up a large amount of dust and gravel.

"Look! There is a faint glow on the bricks and stones on these roads. Even if they are broken, the light is still there. Isn't it the road to follow the light?"

The little monk who was still standing on the side hurriedly stared at it, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes, but he immediately lowered his head and completely hid his discovery in his heart.

How could his little action be hidden from Shi Yu? Shi Yu glanced at him without saying a word, and turned his attention to those realm masters or monks with gods in their eyes.

Three of the realm masters were thinking, and a cultivator quickly closed his eyes. Shi Yu knew that they had all discovered it.

"Come here!" Shi Yu raised his arm and pointed to the one with the highest cultivation among the realm masters who had just responded.

Although the realm master was reluctant, he still did not dare to stay away. He stretched out his two wings and landed in front of Shi Yu in an unusually chic manner.

"I know you see different places, don't lie."

The realm master was embarrassed when he heard this, and nodded with a dry laugh: "Indeed, what I see is different from what you see. Just now, the Whale Realm Master swung the gravel. Although I didn't see the light, I saw some gravel with words. I think I can find the way along those gravel."

Shi Yu smiled slightly. This was the answer he wanted. He waved his hand and said: "Okay, you go, there's nothing for you to do."

The realm master bowed and retreated, his two wings flapping slowly, and his posture was very elegant.

With the words of the realm master, many realm masters and cultivators hanging on the Soul Casting Pavilion landed one after another and ran to other places.

Shi Yu loudly asked how to find the way, and his intention was very obvious, that is, to clear the place and let all the realm masters and cultivators here go to other places to find opportunities.

The way has been pointed out, if you don't know how to stay here, it's hard to say what will happen to you.

Only two kinds of people stayed, one was too stupid to understand the meaning of Shi Yu's words, and the other was a daring desperado.

Shi Yu glanced at the remaining hundreds of remnants, snorted and laughed, and ignored them.

Shi Yu stood in front of the gate again, holding the Soul-Banned Heavenly Magical Treasure in one hand and taking out the Heaven-Suppressing Seal in the other.

Since the soul cannot be sacrificed, let's try brute force first. The magic weapon belonging to the Lord of Heaven may be able to shake the gate.

"Get out of the way! Xiao Hei, stand with them first."

Everyone quickly retreated, and Shi Yu picked up the Heaven-Suppressing Seal and slammed it hard on the gate of the Soul-Forging Pavilion.

The Heaven-Suppressing Seal was instantly embedded in the door, making a violent roar.

The rock formation that looked like a sky curtain at high altitude dropped countless broken stones, and the flying dust was even more diffuse and choking.

Those realm masters and monks who were still bold enough to stay were frightened by the earth-shattering roar, and those who could not bear it fell directly from various places in the Soul Casting Pavilion, hitting the ground and screaming in pain.

Without waiting for the first roar to end, Shi Yu pulled out the Heaven-Suppressing Seal and slapped it again. Another loud bang spread out in all directions. The realm masters hanging high up no longer dared to persist. Those who could fly flew up, and those who could not fly quickly fell to the ground, all looking at Shi Yu's palm with horror on their faces.

Someone had already used a weapon to hit the door, but no one had ever made such a big noise and caused such great damage.

After just two hits, several ten-foot-long cracks appeared on the door of the Soul Casting Pavilion.

Shi Yu saw that there was a chance, and immediately gathered his divine power, grabbed the Heaven-Suppressing Seal and slapped it down like rain.

The Heavenly Lord Domain seemed to have set up countless forging furnaces, and the loud bangs rolled to every corner like a tide.

Thousands of realm masters who had already run far away looked back in surprise, speculating what kind of huge changes had taken place in the Soul Casting Pavilion and why there were unbearable loud noises.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Hundreds of blade lights hidden in the darkness cut through the void like waves and slashed towards Shi Yu's back at high speed.

A cold figure stood in the darkness, and everything along the blade light was chopped into powder.

Many realm masters and monks who were still standing and looking back lost their lives without feeling anything.

Shi Yu was smashing happily, and suddenly felt a great murderous intent looming over his head. He immediately screamed and enlarged the Heaven Seal to a radius of ten feet to protect himself.

Then he fiercely urged the Soul-Banned Heavenly Magical Treasure in his hand.

However, everything was too late!

There were only a few "chi chi" sounds of light cutting, and countless shallow white marks fell on the Zhentian Seal. The huge force pushed the Zhentian Seal and Shi Yu to hit the cast iron gate at the same time, squeezing Shi Yu's eyes and foaming at the mouth, and the soul-binding magic weapon in his hand was knocked away by the huge force.

Shi Yu barely opened his mouth and shouted weakly: "Xiao Hei! Tianjiang!"

"Ah? Tianjiang? Whale Falling Sea, you go! King Ku and King Chen block it!" Xiao Hei shouted while kicking three people out, all blocking in front of Shi Yu.

The huge knocking roar in the Tianzhu domain disappeared with a louder crash, but the "trampling" footsteps that followed were more terrifying than the roar.

Because every time the footsteps sounded, one or more realm masters would die.

What sent them to the Yellow Springs Road was a series of unavoidable sword beams.

"Who is this?"

Whale Falling Sea screamed in confusion.

No wonder Whale Falls and loses his voice. The blade is too scary, like Yama's soul-catching pen. Whoever is touched must die. No escape or accident is allowed.

In just a few breaths, in front of the majestic Soul Casting Pavilion, only Shi Yu and his men were still breathing, but they were all extremely suppressing their breathing, fearing that the noise would attract the ruthless eyes of the general.

Whale Falls looked at the figure that had appeared in his eyes in horror, and couldn't say a word.

"Don't be afraid! He won't kill us!" The trembling voice of King Chen sounded, causing Whale Falls to look over with his eyes tilted.

"Why won't he kill us?" The voice was almost squeezed out from the teeth. Whale Falls' cheeks were stiff, and his teeth were twisted together and couldn't open.

"This is why Shi Yu brought us with him, and why he wants to keep you! He guessed that the generals wouldn't attack us these days, and wanted us to be his shield!" King Chen's voice subsided slightly.

The general had already walked a thousand feet away, and he really didn't mean to continue to draw his sword and chop.

Only then did Whale Luohai have the ability to slightly open his lips and exhale a long breath of foul air. This foul air had been pent up in his chest, almost bursting his heart.

"Help... help..."

A weak and dull cry for help came from behind the Heavenly Seal. The three kings lined up in front of the door, then remembered that Shi Yu was still squeezed inside the door.

They hurriedly pulled the Heavenly Seal out, and Xiao Hei also came to help.

With a "bang", the Heavenly Seal was finally pulled out of the iron door, and Shi Yu fell to the ground softly, almost being squeezed into a pulp.

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Whale Luohai and the two kings, and then quickly disappeared, and they looked at each other fearfully for a few times.

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