Life Control Chart

Chapter 948 Attracting the Soul-Forbidden God

Xiao Hei screamed and jumped to refute, "Ahhh! You old witch, you are talking nonsense! My brother Shi Yu is the reincarnation of the Yu Ming Tu! He is definitely not the reincarnation of your revenge doll!"

Shi Yu thought for a while and calmed down. He sneered, "You are not the one who can confuse people with words. I am not stupid enough to pounce on you and recognize my relatives after hearing a few words from you."

Fanlin Miaozun laughed, "Hahaha! You are still a child. I just scared you a little and you are so anxious! What are you thinking?

You think my child will not have that luck? He has never left this hall since he was born. I killed him with my own hands. Even his true spirit was smashed to pieces!

How could I allow the bastard who made me suffer so much humiliation to live in this world. "

Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief for no reason, and asked hurriedly: "What do you mean? Fate comes and goes, it sounds so weird."

"It's not that simple. Although my child is dead, the mark he left on the Yumingtu is still there. Didn't you say that you are the reincarnation of the Yumingtu? Hehehe!"

Even if you don't finish your words, you can let people imagine. Shi Yu's mind turned quickly, thinking about the possibility that a broken Yumingtu with the mark of the Forbidden Soul Heaven happened to be reincarnated as a human.

In fact, the possibility of such a thing is very small. It is incredible enough that the Yumingtu was dragged into the reincarnation by the Heart of All Things. This Yumingtu also has a mark from a foreign land. How great is the fate to achieve this?

Shi Yu laughed and denied Fanlin Miaozun's words, "What you said is completely unfounded. If I had the Soul-Forbidden Heavenly Mark, the Life-Controlling Heavenly Lord would have killed me with one palm.

And he also stole my body to go to the upper realm. How could he go to the upper realm with the Soul-Forbidden Heavenly Mark? Wouldn't that be courting death?"

"Did the Life-Controlling Heavenly Lord really steal your body?" Fanlin Miaozun said in surprise.

Immediately, she also laughed, "This bastard is both a bastard and a powerful beast! Haha! Little guy, just wait to be hunted down and killed in the upper realm!

He must be using your identity and your appearance to do whatever he wants, and he must say that you are his reincarnation!

And after talking for so long, you are still confused. How can the Soul-Forbidden Heaven Mark remain on the body? As long as the Lord of Controlling Life gives up the Life-Controlling Map, there will be no Soul-Forbidden Heaven Mark! But you are the Soul-Controlling Map Spirit, and you can never erase the Soul-Forbidden Heaven Mark!"

Shi Yu laughed and didn't care about Fanlin Miaozun's words, "Let him be, without him, I wouldn't be here today. After listening to the story, you don't plan to give me the Soul-Forbidden Heaven Soul-Cultivation Divine Art?

According to what you said, I am also half a Soul-Forbidden Heaven! Fate sent me to you, perhaps just to ask you to give everything to me."

"You wish! A heart of stone is not enough to describe you! Shouldn't you let me go? Without me, you wouldn't be born!" Fanlin Miaozun shouted.

"You are dreaming! Who knows whether the story you made up is true or false. If I say I have some sympathy, it's not much. Don't expect me to be so kind as to let you go!"

Shi Yu laughed, secretly mocking Fanlin Miaozun for looking down on me. Did he think I was a simple-minded rookie?

"Oh! All right! Since you don't want to let me go, I will go out by myself. I am tired of telling this story for so long."

Fanlin Miaozun's graceful and beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of Shi Yu, with a smug smile on his face, which shocked Shi Yu as if he fell into an ice cellar.

Shi Yu grabbed the soul chain beside him with one palm and pulled it hard, secretly annoyed that he was still tricked by Fanlin Miaozun.

After all, he is the first god of the forbidden soul heaven, and he can't take his words and deeds lightly.

Seeing Shi Yu panic, Fanlin Miaozun laughed even more happily, but his tone was extremely fierce,

"Hahaha! Without certainty, how dare I escape from you! I can wait until you leave and then leave calmly!

But I can't stand it! I can't stand any beast from Yumingtian living in front of me for a moment longer, let alone you, a Yumingtian bastard full of magic!"

Shi Yu was even more shocked. The swinging soul chain did not cause any harm to Fanlin Miaozun.

Fanlin Miaozun glanced at Shi Yu coldly, and waved his white hand to summon all the soul beads from the ground. The one that belonged to her was still full of cracks, but there was a faint light shining from the cracks.

"In fact, I didn't lie to you. Everything I said was true. I just concealed a fact from you, that is, my husband's soul bead can pass on endless power to me!

You are so kind, it's not enough to drop one, you sent so many soul beads to my side, hahaha!

If the Soul Casting Pavilion is still under the control of the Lord, it can easily subdue me, but now this is a no-man's land, everything is dilapidated, otherwise your poor true spirit can't open the door at all!

Do you know how long I have been waiting for this day? I have been looking forward to my husband coming to save me, but I didn't expect that he saved me with his own life..."

Fanlin Miaozun's words gradually fell, looking at the soul bead in his hand with a lonely expression.

Shi Yu's face was solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "You act rashly, aren't you afraid of attracting the Zhiling Guards?"

"Zhiling Guards?"

Fanlin Miaozun slowly raised his head and looked up at the top of the temple, as if his eyes could see the Zhiling Guards who lived deep in the Yuming Battle Road.

"He can't come! I said, I will never do anything without confidence. The Lord of Controlling Life is gone, who here can resist the attack of the Lord of Forbidden Soul?"

Ban Lin Miao Zun smiled, but beneath his extremely seductive smile was a bone-chilling coldness.

"You can actually attract the Soul Forbidden Lord?" Shi Yu exclaimed, and hurriedly looked up, as if he saw that the Soul Forbidden Lord had penetrated the Life Controlling Battle Path and tore the Order Guard into pieces.

"Hahaha! For this day, in order to completely destroy the Life Controlling Heaven, how long have I waited, how much humiliation have I suffered! It's here! This day has finally come!"

Fanlin Miaozun laughed heartily, and with a fierce wave of her hand, she slapped out a cloud of white mist, hitting Shi Yu's chest, knocking Shi Yu to the ground and rolling, and hitting the wall of the palace heavily.

Xiao Hei, who was sitting on Shi Yu's shoulder, screamed and hit a pillar in the distance.

"Brother Shi Yu! Brother Shi Yu!" Xiao Hei didn't care about the severe pain all over his body, and spread his four fins and rushed towards Shi Yu, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into armor covering Shi Yu's whole body.

Fanlin Miaozun did not stop Shiyu and Xiaohei from doing anything. She slapped the whale who was still in a daze in the illusion. His head exploded like a rotten melon. A wisp of soul was hooked up by Fanlin Miaozun's slender fingers and filled into his mouth.

"Hmm! Such a delicious soul of Yumingtian. It's really a nostalgic taste!" The bright red soft tongue licked the corner of her lips, and Fanlin Miaozun's beautiful eyes looked at Saluka on the other side.

Shiyu was horrified. Although the two of them were now deeply trapped in the illusion, their bodies were very strong. Now they were beaten to pieces by Fanlin Miaozun. God knows how much Fanlin Miaozun's strength has recovered!

Not daring to waste time, Shiyu jumped up and hit hard. The divine power flew out of his palm and hit Fanlin Miaozun's chest, causing a wave of waves.

"Haha! It's really the lecherous thief Yu Ming Tian, ​​still thinking of taking advantage of me at this time!"

Fanlin Miaozun covered his mouth and chuckled, and his beautiful figure attracted Salujia who was in a dream.

Salujia turned around in a daze, and actually walked towards Fanlin Miaozun by himself, raising his hands unconsciously, as if he wanted to hug Fanlin Miaozun's body tightly in his arms.

Fanlin Miaozun looked at Salujia who was walking towards him with a smile, and pointed a finger at Salujia's forehead.

Blood slid down his fingertips, and another wisp of soul was hooked out of the skull and fell into Fanlin Miaozun's mouth.

"Ah! It's so delicious!"

As if he was still unsatisfied, Fanlin Miaozun closed his eyes and sighed, his long and curly eyelashes trembled slightly, and he carefully savored the sweetness of the fresh soul.

Shi Yu stared at Fanlin Miaozun, and thousands of thoughts turned in his mind. Here, his power could not be fully released. He was able to subdue Fanlin Miaozun before because of the soul chain tied to her body.

Now that the soul chain has lost its effect, Shi Yu can't find a way to deal with Fanlin Miaozun.

"It's your turn, little guy. Your powerful and magical soul must be even more delicious."

Fanlin Miaozun slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and her tongue curled her lips again. The thin and bright red lips seemed to be able to bleed.

Shi Yu's body swayed, and he climbed up the wall and quickly climbed to the right eye of the Lord of Heaven. Although he knew that the chance of attracting the right eye of the Lord of Heaven was small, he could only make a last ditch effort.

"Haha! Interesting little guy, you still have a thief's heart. Well, I allow you to use your tricks for your patience in listening to my story.

After all, I also want you to die more desperately, so that your soul will be more delicious."

Fanlin Miaozun was pretty on the ground, smiling at Shi Yu's rapid climb to the top of the temple, and his left eye kept shooting out black light to drive the heart of all things, but all the tricks fell on the bricks and stones that had already been broken, and there was no more movement.

"Brother Shi Yu! The door can't be opened either?" Xiao Hei was trembling with fear, eager to hear good news from Shi Yu.

"I've tried it before, it's completely useless! This is really bad!"

"Where are the Heavenly Generals! Hurry up and lure them over, they should be able to kill this woman!" Xiao Hei gave Shi Yu an idea.

"The Soul-Forbidden Lord is here! Even the Heavenly General should be dispatched by the Guards to fight the Lord!" Shi Yu's words extinguished the little hope that Xiao Hei had ignited in his heart.

"That's right! You two don't know yet, those remnants have already rushed into the Life-Controlling Battle Road, hehe! Who can be a match for my Soul-Forbidden Lord? Do you want to see it? Let me show you!"

Fanlin Miaozun took in all the words of Shi Yu and Xiao Hei, and didn't care that they were anxiously discussing how to escape.

Shi Yu looked down, and Fanlin Miaozun waved his hand lightly, and a battle scene that was not at all fierce appeared in front of him.

The Order Guard grabbed the Order of the Lord in one hand and a ten-foot-long spear in the other, roaring and rushing towards the slender man hanging in the air.

The man was half human and half skeleton, like the Brahma Venerable. There were snake heads on both arms spitting out their tongues everywhere, and thick fog coiled around his waist and hips, like a demon riding a cloud.

The demon-like man looked around coldly, not even looking at the Order Guard who repeatedly attacked him. He only relied on the vast white fog outside his body to block all the crazy attacks of the Order Guard.

And every time he defended, he could counterattack with a huge force, which bounced the Order Guard away and left him with injuries of varying degrees.

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