Life Control Chart

Chapter 949 Here it comes

Fanlin Miaozun frowned slightly and asked doubtfully: "This guy is Zhilingwei? Who is he?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhilingwei was hit by the strange light in the eyes of the Lord of the Soul-Forbidden Heaven, and fell down in a mess with several somersaults. His illusory body quickly solidified and turned into a handsome man.

Zhilingwei was defeated by a blow, and roared in anger. The invincible momentum that was not inferior to Qianjiangzun rolled out from him and rushed towards the Lord of the Soul-Forbidden Heaven again.

But everything was in vain. Even such a powerful Zhilingwei was like a baby holding a straw stick in front of the Lord of the Soul-Forbidden Heaven, without any threat.

"Hee! It turns out that Zhilingwei was the Crazy War Lord back then. No wonder he disappeared after a big battle with me."

Fanlin Miaozun laughed happily, and was very happy that his former opponent had lost his freedom.

Shi Yu listened to Fanlin Miaozun's whispers and focused on the battle taking place on the Life-Controlling Battle Road.

There were four other demon-like men fighting with the nine heavenly generals. Under the protection of the Soul Forbidden Heavenly Lord, they showed far more power than the heavenly generals, at least they could fight two at a time.

There were also dozens of war-honored gods from the Land of Broken Life who were fighting around, but their weak bodies were no match for the mighty soul-forbidden heavenly beings. As soon as they got close, they were knocked into the void with one punch. The four supreme beings who had been entangled with Shi Yu had already become corpses.

"The Earth God is dead! Tsk, it's really a bargain for him, but even if he's dead, I'll drag him back to the Soul Forbidden Heaven and torture him!"

Fanlin Miaozun's expression became fierce, his eyebrows were raised diagonally and swept towards his temples, and the unstoppable hatred rolled.

"It's over! Brother Shi Yu! Yu Ming Tian is finished now!" Xiao Hei couldn't help being filled with fear, and he clung to Shi Yu tightly, strangling Shi Yu so much that he felt a little stuffy in his chest.

As if hearing Xiao Hei's wailing, the Soul-Forbidden Lord grabbed the Order Guard who rushed over again, tore off his neck and threw him aside, his eyes piercing through the endless void and barriers, and fell on Shi Yu.

Then, he saw Fan Lin Miao Zun, and just as he smiled, he inadvertently saw the dozens of blue beads in Fan Lin Miao Zun's hand.

The Soul-Forbidden Lord's expression suddenly became ferocious, and he disappeared in the Yu Ming Battle Road with a swish.

"Ah! Here it comes! That guy is coming!" Xiao Hei screamed in shock.

The corners of Fan Lin Miao Zun's mouth slowly opened up a smile again, looking at Shi Yu, "Today is the day when Yu Ming Tian is completely destroyed. In consideration of the favor you brought me the Brahma Soul Pearl, I will plead with the Lord and ask him to give you to me as a slave. I will let you see the day when Yu Ming Lord dies in my hands!"


The tightly closed door of the palace was suddenly blasted open, and the devil-like Soul-Forbidden Lord strode in, and with a big hand in the air, he cut off all the soul chains.

Although these soul chains could no longer hurt Fanlin Miaozun, they could still restrain her movements. Now that the soul chains were all broken, Fanlin Miaozun instantly regained her freedom.

"Lin Miao thanks the Lord."

Fanlin Miaozun's face was completely filled with a bright smile, and he bowed deeply to the Lord of Forbidden Souls, stepped aside, and completely exposed Shi Yu in front of the Lord of Forbidden Souls.

Shi Yu looked at the Lord of Forbidden Souls carefully, and fear was no longer of any use.

And for some reason, Shi Yu felt that except for the first few short breaths, he no longer had any nervous fear, as if even if the Lord of Forbidden Souls killed him, he would feel extremely calm.

The Lord of Forbidden Souls just glanced at Shi Yu, and then spread his big hand to Fanlin Miaozun, "Give it to me!" Fanlin Miaozun hurriedly put all the Brahma Soul Beads he was holding tightly in his hand on it. Dozens of soul beads that had turned into light blue rolled gently in the hands of the Lord of Forbidden Souls, colliding back and forth with each other, making a crisp ding-ding sound.

"Brahma! Wake up!"

The Soul-Forbidden Lord shouted, and the white mist wrapped around him rolled and turned into white mist dragons that rushed into his palm and crashed into the soul beads.

Two blue lights also shot out from the Soul-Forbidden Lord's eyes, piercing the soul beads of Brahma and scanning back and forth.

"Brahma! Wake up!"

The Soul-Forbidden Lord shouted again, as if thunder exploded in the small hall. Shi Yu was shaken so much that his hands and feet were unstable. He fell from the top of the hall and fell to the ground with a plop.

Dozens of soul beads in the hands of the Soul-Forbidden Lord exploded and condensed rapidly at the same time, turning into an exquisite soul bead with a sea of ​​stars inside, exactly the same as the soul bead of Brahma Lin Miaozun.

Brahma Lin Miaozun showed surprise on his face, completely forgetting the difference between superiors and inferiors, and eagerly snatched the soul bead of Brahma from the hands of the Soul-Forbidden Lord, and cherished it against his heart.

The Soul-Forbidden Lord smiled slightly, not caring about the offense of Fanlin Miaozun. He reached out and stroked her long and soft hair a few times, like an elder caring for the younger generation.

"I have troubled you over the years, and it was my carelessness. I thought that Fanzun and Vizun could defeat Yumingtian, but in the end they both died. If you hadn't suddenly sent me a message, I wouldn't have found this rat's nest."

Fanlin Miaozun said nothing, but bowed slightly to the Soul-Forbidden Lord, his eyes and mind were all tied to the soul bead of Fanzun.

The Soul-Forbidden Lord no longer disturbed the long-lost couple, and turned his eyes to Shi Yu who was quietly on the side.

Looking at Shi Yu with interest, the Soul Forbidden Lord chuckled: "You are quite interesting, how come you have the mark of my Soul Forbidden Heaven?

It was you who suddenly exposed the location of the Life Control Heaven and lured me to send Brahma here, right? But why was there no movement in just that moment?"

"Reply to the Lord, that is Lin Miao's mark, and he was the main reason for my murder! Please make the decision, Lord." A hoarse voice sounded behind the Soul Forbidden Lord, and the extremely weak Brahma condensed in front of Shi Yu.

The Brahma Lin Miaozun, who was fierce and ruthless just now, has now become a delicate wife like a little bird, holding Brahma's arm with a happy face.

The snake heads on Fan Zun's arms are also extremely gentle, and they stick to Fan Lin Miaozun's arms and whisper messages softly.

The Forbidden Soul God's expression changed upon hearing this, and a bone-chilling chill instantly enveloped Shi Yu.

Shi Yu only felt that all his secrets had been seen by the Soul-forbidden God at a glance, and there was no trace of flesh and blood in his body that he could control.

"Roar! Bastard! The Mingtian Heaven has gone too far to bully others! How dare you insult my Soul-Forbidden Heavenly God!"

The Soul-forbidden God suddenly became furious and grabbed Shi Yu's head with one claw. The sharp bone claws embedded in Shi Yu's skull. The snake head on his arm hissed ferociously and bit Shi Yu's neck fiercely.

The armor made by Xiao Heihua was useless in front of the bone claws and snake heads, and was pierced without any protective effect.

The pain of broken muscles and bones immediately enveloped Shi Yu's whole body, but he couldn't even utter a scream in front of the Soul-forbidden God. He could only watch his head being crushed and his body bitten to pieces. Xiao Hei had already been killed by that More than ten snake heads were chewed to pieces and hung on Shi Yu's body like defeated leather.

"Please God, be merciful and spare this man's life." Just when Shi Yu couldn't hold on any longer and gritted his teeth and tried to self-destruct, Fanlin Miaozun's sweet voice sounded faintly.

The Soul-forbidden God paused and regained some of his strength. Shi Yu's tense mind suddenly relaxed, and his courage dissipated in an instant.

"Hmph!" Venerable Brahma roared in dissatisfaction and reprimanded slightly: "Lin Miao, why do you want to keep such a scoundrel? Isn't the humiliation you and I have endured enough? Are we still going to keep this scoundrel looking for trouble?"

"Husband, don't be anxious. I'll leave him to his own use. This is related to God's plan and cannot be controlled by our husband and wife's whims." Fanlin Miaozun comforted Brahma softly, let go of Brahma's arms and walked to the soul-forbidden god.

After hearing that it was about God's grand plan, Brahma no longer said anything, but the look of shame and anger was still clearly visible on his face.

"Tell me! Why do you want to keep this kid alive?" The Soul-forbidden God was also puzzled by Fanlin Miaozun's dissuasion. He loosened his grip a little, but still tightly restrained Shi Yu's behavior.

Fanlin Miaozun did not panic and bowed to the Soul-forbidden God before replying:

"There are two reasons why I keep this boy. First, the Lord of Destiny is resurrected this time using the body of this boy. With him, it is possible to catch the whereabouts of the Lord of Destiny;

Secondly, in the future, I want to let this kid watch the death of Mingtian God with his own eyes, and use this kid’s mouth to tell him how Mingtian God was destroyed!

The only living thing in Yumingtian is the slave under my feet! Let the God who controls destiny also know what humiliation is! Then I will kill this kid with my own hands! "

Fanlin Miaozun's breath rose and fell rapidly when he talked about the urgent situation, and the strands of hair on his forehead continued to float with his rapid breathing.

Brahma hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her, his face no longer dissatisfied with the humiliation left by his wife.

The Soul-Forbidden God still did not release his restraint on Shi Yu, and said coldly: "There is no need to keep this kid, I only need his body to find the Life-Controlling God! This kid is evil! Who knows what will happen in the future? What a movement."

Fanlin Miaozun smiled sweetly, stretched out his fingers to pop out a slave seal, and slowly pressed it towards Shi Yu's forehead.

However, she did not send the slave mark into Shi Yu's forehead, but smiled sweetly at the Soul Forbidden God:

"My subordinates are incompetent. I am afraid that I cannot completely enslave this boy, so I ask God to take action."

Shi Yu was so frightened and angry that he urged his troops to self-destruct. Brilliant white light erupted from the crack in Shi Yu's skull, splitting his body rapidly and winding like electricity.

But at this moment, Xiao Hei who was hanging on his body suddenly showed his original shape, lying on Shi Yu's arm and wailing: "Brother Shi Yu! No! No matter what, survive first!"

Shi Yu was slightly startled and tried to lower his head to look at Xiao Hei. Xiao Hei's fearful eyes were full of desire for life.

"Alas! After all, he is a child, and he still cannot face death. If I die, Xiao Hei will definitely not be able to survive." Shi Yu sighed softly in his heart, and the courage he had just summoned fell back.

"Slave marks are slave marks, survive first..." Xiao Hei murmured absentmindedly, suddenly crawled along Shi Yu's clothes to his shoulders, and sat down blankly.

Even facing the angry eyes of the Soul-forbidden God, Xiao Hei seemed to be unaware of it, holding Shi Yu's head and slowly closing his eyes.

"Hmph!" How could the Soul-forbidden God let a small beast touch his body? He released his claws on Shi Yu's head and put his hands behind his back.

Looking at Shi Yu with disgust, the Forbidden Soul God continued:

"A small realm master is not worthy of me personally placing a slave seal! Lin Miao, your slave seal is too weak! Little guy, you should be wiser, compile a slave seal yourself and put it into your soul, and I will enlighten you."

Fan Zun and Fan Lin Miao Zun changed their expressions and exclaimed: "My lord! No!"

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