Life Control Chart

Chapter 950: Entering the Dream

Brahma took a step forward, half-knelt and bowed his head, and said anxiously: "My Lord! This man can be called the reincarnation of God, so we must not be careless!"

The Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God frowned and said angrily: "What? Do you still think this little thing can escape the slave seal I enlightened?"

"I dare not!" Hearing the anger in the Lord's tone, Brahma bowed his head even lower and dared not speak again.

Brahma Lin Miao Zun also bit his lips lightly, not daring to continue to anger the Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God.

"Hmph!" The Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God moved his eyes back to Shi Yu and said angrily: "What are you waiting for? Do you want me to kill you with one palm?"

Shi Yu looked at the Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God, blinked a few times very slowly, and focused his eyes on the slave seal drawn by Brahma Lin Miao Zun. This slave seal is only in form, and it is useless to engrave it on his soul.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Yu raised his hand to pinch out a slave seal and floated it in front of his forehead.

The Soul Forbidden Lord turned his eyes slightly, glanced at Shi Yu's slave seal, and a little light in his hand fell on the slave seal.

Shi Yu looked at the little light indifferently, and just when the light was about to fall on the slave seal, he gently pulled the slave seal to the side, and the little light disappeared immediately after it was touched. In return, the Soul Forbidden Lord shouted angrily: "Asshole! Little bastard is looking for death!"

Shi Yu smiled slightly and nodded, "Yes! I am looking for death! I will never be a slave. Either you kill me now, or I will die when you force the slave seal! You want me to be a slave, dream!"

Xiao Hei, who had closed his eyes, immediately opened his eyes and looked at Shi Yu in disbelief, but Shi Yu covered his mouth with one hand.

Shi Yu's eyes flashed with brilliance, and the slave seal immediately exploded into countless stardust. Shi Yu smiled faintly at the furious Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God, and sighed, saying: "I can be tough in front of the Lord for once, and I have no regrets in my death. Xiao Hei, if you are afraid, just close your eyes."

"I force the slave seal on you, how can you have a chance to die? Die!" The Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God raised his palm and slapped Shi Yu.

Shi Yu's eyes condensed, without dodging, avoiding, being surprised or afraid, and watched the bone claws fall on his head indifferently.

Severe pain came again, and the skull that had not yet healed was crushed again.

Shi Yu was silent, just waiting to see if the Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God would impose the slave seal. If there was any sign of the slave seal, he would die immediately without hesitation.

The Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God did not give Shi Yu a chance. He promised his men that he must do it. The slave seal condensed on the forehead of the Lord of the Soul-Forbidden God and rushed towards Shi Yu quickly.

Shi Yu roared in resistance, and violent light rushed out from the bone fracture.


Just at the last moment before the dissolution, the power that filled Shi Yu's body suddenly dissipated, and the slave seal hit Shi Yu's forehead squarely, but failed to penetrate his skull.

Shi Yu gathered all his strength, but this time he did not dissolve, but directly attacked the Soul-Forbidden Heavenly Lord and the two Gods behind him.

The power he burst out was really weak, and the divine power was just at the level of leaving the body, but it was this little power that broke the Soul-Forbidden Heavenly Lord, the Brahma Lord and the Brahma Lin Miaozun, and everything in front of him suddenly became clear.

Shi Yu saw that he was still standing in the quiet and bright hall with his hand on the door of the hall.

After a long breath, Shi Yu reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead. For many years, he had never felt sweaty and sticky all over.

The divine power brushed over his body, and the discomfort all over his body dissipated immediately.

Looking back, the soul bead of the Brahma Lin Miaozun fell to the ground, and the dozens of Brahma Lord blue beads were still beside it.

Jingluohai and Salujia were still standing there with their eyes hazy, and they had not yet woken up from the illusion.

Turning his head to look at Xiaohei who was sitting on his shoulder, Shi Yu found that he had also sunk into the boundless illusion, and his eyes were wide open with complex and incomprehensible light.

Without saying a word, Shi Yu quickly climbed to the top of the hall and punched the broken bricks. The heart of all things in his eyes spun rapidly, emitting rays of light that eagerly summoned.


The Soul Casting Pavilion began to tremble violently again, and the silent Fanlin Miaozun finally spoke.

"Alas! The effort was in vain."

Shi Yu glanced at the soul beads on the ground, and had no intention of talking. The right eye of the Lord of Heaven had already broken through the wall.

As the right eye of the Lord of Heaven gradually appeared on the top of the hall, the entire Soul Casting Pavilion began to collapse. The panicking world masters and monks fled in fear, and it was unknown whether anyone benefited like Shi Yu.

Silently, three figures appeared in front of the increasingly crumbling Soul Casting Pavilion, each holding a knife and pointing forward.

A huge force burst out from the three people, pressing against the crumbling Soul Casting Pavilion, squeezing to death all the Realm Masters who did not have time to escape.

Shi Yu also felt the abnormal situation outside the hall. The Soul Casting Pavilion suddenly calmed down, as if someone had used supreme magic power to freeze this world.

The figure of the Order Guard appeared immediately, and rushed into the hall where the Soul Forbidden Heaven Prisoners were still alive without saying a word, and took their lives with a palm.

The Order Guard did not let go of those halls with only soul beads but no living people, and slashed the soul beads with palms, smashing all the soul beads into pieces.

Shi Yu temporarily stopped summoning the Right Eye of the Lord of Heaven, because he saw that all the Soul Forbidden Heaven Prisoners, including the remaining power in those soul beads, were gathering towards the right eye.

Moreover, all the spirits of various materials that had been refined long ago also exploded and dissipated into the air. The essence inside, one by one, followed the invisible soul chain and rolled towards the right eye of the Lord of Heaven, just like the explosion of the Heart of All Things. All the useless corners were discarded, and only the most essential parts were hidden in the eye.

The things that Shi Yu did not have time to do, or did not think of doing, were all done by the Order Guard.

Finally, the Order Guard came to the hall where Shi Yu was, which was also the last hall.

Pushing open the door of the palace, Zhilingwei looked coldly at Shi Yu who was hanging on the roof of the palace like a monkey, and said solemnly: "You can do whatever you want, but you must understand the consequences!

If the secret land of the Lord of Heaven is exploded again, Yumingtian will be exposed to the heavens. The more times I leave the Yuming Battle Road, the faster my strength will weaken."

Shi Yu fully understood what Zhilingwei meant by this, and his mind moved slightly. Shi Yu asked: "Zhilingwei, Kuangzhanzun?"

Zhilingwei was slightly startled, as if he had sighed silently, and cast his eyes on Fanlin Miaozun without speaking.

This was his most important goal when he came to the hall.

With a palm chopped down, Fanlin Miaozun and Fanzun's soul beads exploded immediately, and a generation of beautiful women finally died.

Shi Yu had a definite idea in his heart. The illusion woven by Fanlin Miaozun was too magical. Not only did it combine the real and the virtual, but it could also enter the dream with the dreamer and experience the illusion together, pushing the illusion to develop in the direction she hoped.

The illusion of reality and illusion, shuttling back and forth between the real world and the false world, easily forced those who entered the hu into death. Shi Yu had no idea when he fell into the illusion.

When Fanlin Miaozun died, the three people who were still in the illusion woke up at the same time and looked at the Zhilingwei in horror.

Whale Luohai and Salujia didn't know who the Zhilingwei was, and hurried to the bottom of Shi Yu. In their eyes, only Shi Yu, who was facing the Zhilingwei, could save their lives.

The Zhilingwei didn't care about the life and death of the realm masters at all. After confirming that no prisoner of the forbidden soul heaven survived, he flashed back to the Yuming Battle Road.

But the three heavenly generals were different.


After the Zhilingwei left, the three heavenly generals stepped forward together. Without their support, the Soul Casting Pavilion collapsed quickly like a landslide.

Fortunately, all the soul power had dissipated, so the Soul Casting Pavilion did not blow up the Tianzhu Domain and add another indelible scar to Yumingtian.

Shi Yu, who was suspended in the air, had just put Xiao Hei into the right eye of the Lord of Heaven. He didn't bother to comprehend the magic and quickly stuffed Xiao Hei into his belly button. The general who pointed the knife at Xiao Hei stopped immediately, looked at Shi Yu silently for a moment, and turned away.

Seeing this, Whale Luohai hurriedly got under Shi Yu's crotch, pressed Shi Yu against his back, and screamed at the general who pointed the knife at him, "I'm just a mount!"

He had long forgotten Shi Yu's prohibition of talking. Compared with death, being beaten up by Shi Yu was not difficult to accept.

What's even more ridiculous is that he was so scared that he forgot that the general would not hurt him.

The general in the middle was not pointing the knife at him, but at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu's destruction of the Lord of Heaven's domain was too much. As the guardian of the Lord of Heaven's domain, the general should have killed Shi Yu with his knife.

However, after the general took a few steps with the knife, he suddenly disappeared from the spot like a ghost.

Only the Heavenly General who targeted Salujia was still moving forward steadily, and the long sword he raised high had begun to emit an oppressive pressure.

Salujia could not move forward or backward, and he certainly did not want to be a lackey for Shi Yu, but he felt that he was no match for the Heavenly General in a head-on fight.

With just a moment of hesitation, he was chopped into two pieces by the oncoming knife light, and fell to the ground on the left and right.

Shi Yu sighed softly, thinking that there was no such a cheap thing in the world, wanting to take advantage but not willing to pay.

Even if he was cut into two pieces, the Heavenly General did not let go of the possible chance of survival, and thousands of knife lights chopped again, until the two pieces of Salujia's body completely turned into dust, the Heavenly General looked at Shi Yu deeply, turned around and strode away.

"Are you gone!" Xiao Hei held his breath for a long time, until he could no longer hear any sound, and then he crawled out of Shi Yu's arms tremblingly.

"Gone! The Heavenly General is really cruel!" Shi Yu sighed repeatedly as he looked at the hundreds of limbs mixed in the ruins of the Soul Casting Pavilion.

Suddenly, Shi Yu closed his eyes, rubbed his eyelids hard for a few times before opening them. There were still black lines in front of his eyes, but these black lines overlapped with real objects, just like he could directly see the root of everything.

"No need to change the eyes of seeking truth?" Shi Yu looked at himself in confusion, his arms, legs and feet did not change.

Looking at Jingluohai again, Shi Yu saw that he had skin and bones, and there were countless dark lines crisscrossing between the skin and bones.

"Brother Shi Yu! What's wrong with you?"

Xiao Hei knew nothing about Shi Yu's experience. He was ups and downs in another illusion, and when he woke up, he saw the Zhilingwei killing Fanlin Miaozun.

So he thought that it was Shi Yu's battle with the soul-forbidden prisoner that attracted the Zhilingwei and the heavenly generals, who rescued him and Jingluohai from the illusion.

Shi Yu stroked Xiao Hei's head a few times, "I just feel a little uncomfortable after melting into my right eye. It feels like I see two overlapping worlds at the same time."

"Don't worry about it for now! Let's go! I almost died in that woman's illusion just now!" Xiao Hei just wanted to stay away from the Soul Casting Pavilion. Although he didn't tell Shi Yu about his illusion experience in detail, it must not be too easy.

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