Life Hunter

Chapter 1093 The entire army retreats

On the grass of the big tent, the Lionheart King and the Eagle King were lying on the double seats, and the other generals were arranged in front of them in an orderly manner.

The demon clan is not as strict in rules as the human clan, and the positions of the generals are a bit chaotic.

But generally speaking, the closer it is to the main position, the more attention it receives.

The Eagle King obviously came here to escape, but he still gained the respect of the Lionheart King.

After all, the status of the Bird Tribe in the Monster Tribe is much higher than that of the ordinary Orc Tribe.

In the human world, thanks to the Champion King, the status of the Lion King Army is higher than that of the Eagle King Army, but in the demon world, the Lion Clan is generally inferior to the Eagle Clan.

The other generals didn't care about the Eagle King's status, but looked at the Tree Horn King next to the Eagle King with confusion.

Why is a vegetarian deer demon treated as a guest by the Eagle King, and even the Lionheart King doesn't object?

The Eagle King glanced at the generals, coughed slightly, and said: "It was the Tree Horn King who discovered that Li Qingxian is the son of luck. And unlike other generals, he fought against Li Qingxian and suffered repeated defeats. The demon clan did not Who can understand Li Qingxian like him?"

Most of the demon generals were straight men. When they heard about repeated defeats and battles, they were in awe and nodded one after another.

But after a while, the rectums became knotted. Doesn't this mean that the Tree Horn King has always been defeated?

The Lion-Hearted King glanced at the Eagle King and cheered: "As far as I know, all the millions of King Xian's troops are practicing magic skills and have obtained a large number of high-quality products. Is this true?"

"It's true," Eagle King said with emotion. "You should also take a look at the photos of the battle. You know the strength of the River Guard Army better than I do. Apart from magic power, there is no other possibility. The River Guard Army has a fundamental foundation. Strong, but the time to practice magic skills is still short. The Xian King's army has been practicing for many days, and our army tried its best to defend, but was vulnerable. Especially their explosive talisman cylinder, the power and tricks are much better than those a few months ago. Progress. The son of luck, no joke."

The Lionheart King looked solemn, his golden mane swaying slightly, and said: "The changes in the river guarding army are really great. The losses in this siege are as tragic as those against powerful enemies in the world. Now, add on With millions of idle kings’ troops, we can only turn from attack to defense. King Shujiao, tell us what you think.”

The Tree Horn King glanced at the generals and said slowly: "I only have one opinion, but it's very unpleasant."

"Say." Lionheart King roared, and the first-level pressure spread.

The military tent was instantly filled with demonic energy. It was strong and strong, but it did not break through the fragile animal skin.

The generals only felt that the bloody mouth was hanging in front of them, and they were shocked in their hearts.

This Lion-Hearted King has surpassed the ordinary first-grade, reaching the level of half-step super-grade, which is equivalent to the human race's super-grade martial arts or super-grade supernatural powers.

King Shujiao said: "In order to preserve the vitality of our clan, we should take two steps. The first step is to retreat the entire army. No matter what the cost, before the arrival of King Xian's army, tear apart the Great Wall of Righteousness and return to the north bank. The second step is to retreat. Step forward, negotiate peace with Qi, let Qi pay annual tribute, cede all the land north of the river, and at the same time, transfer Li Qingxian."



"Eating too much grass has clogged your intestines?"

"No wonder your nickname is Li Chui."

The generals of the Lion King's army cursed one after another.

The remaining generals of the Eagle King Army were silent. They didn't believe it at first and also laughed at the Tree Horn King. However, when King Xian's army attacked the Eagle King Army's camp, they realized that the Tree Horn King was still conservative.

Li Qingxian didn't even need to take action, he just suppressed the Eagle King's army and fought.

Coupled with the inexplicable increase in strength of Chen Yingyang and Du Bo, once the two of them pressed the formation, all the kings of the Eagle King Army had their tails between their legs and did not dare to start a high-level battle.

If Li Qingxian summons the demon god to beat him again, no one will be able to survive.

The Treehorn King smiled and didn't care, just looking at the Lionheart King.

"Why do you say that?" Lionheart asked.

King Shujiao said: "Excuse me, everyone, who has experience in defeating the Son of Luck? In other words, among the monsters in the human world, except His Highness the Champion King, who is qualified to fight against the Son of Luck? Whoever dares to stand up, I will send you away immediately Meet Li Qingxian."

The Lion Army generals were silent.

They had also seen the photos of the battle between the two demons that day.

Not to mention them, even if they are first-grade, they are absolutely no match.

King Shujiao said: "Li Qingxian is a life magician. Unless we use the power of the Grand Wizard Group or ask the Demon Court to take action, any method we use against him, even a super sneak attack, will be useless." He will sense it in advance, let alone other means. Facing his army of millions, we are helpless. This is a fact, and there is no shame in admitting it. "

"You mean we will definitely lose to King Xian's army?"

"I didn't say it. To defeat King Xian's army, His Highness the Champion King needs to personally take action, but now His Highness is recovering from his injuries and is unable to take action. For the time being, we have nothing to do with Li Qingxian. Let us not forget that Qi State does not belong to him, Li Qingxian, but to Li Qingxian. What belongs to Emperor Taining belongs to the ministers. Our duty is to weaken Li Qingxian while His Royal Highness the Champion King is recuperating. Please remember, I am not talking about escaping, this is called strategic transition. Then, we let the human race themselves, To deal with Li Qingxian. Just like, even His Royal Highness, the unparalleled champion in the world, uses the human race to contain the General King, for the same reason."

Lionheart King said: "In other words, we are just repeating His Royal Highness the Champion's methods?"

"Yes." King Shujiao said.

The expressions of the generals softened slightly.

"Indeed, we have never been able to defeat the Great General King." A monkey demon general said.

"But Li Qingxian is only at the second level, why should he compete with General Wang?"

"Just because of the millions of idle kings' army. Just because he is not the son of Emperor Taining." King Shujiao narrowed his eyes and scanned the demon generals.

The demon generals frowned and thought, and some demons slowly understood.

"Indeed, the General King is a prince after all, and there are some things he dare not do. But Li Qingxian, I heard, has always been very evil and dares to do anything. He is nicknamed Poison Lord, oh, and now he can be called Poison King."

"It's bad. The reason why the river guard army can't defeat our demon tribe is because the general Wang is taboo about this and is worried about that. If we had been replaced by the poisonous military advisor, we would have been defeated long ago. This Li Qingxian is probably the poison of the trumpet. He is a military advisor, but he is also a great general king."

"Yes, the General Wang is more or less pedantic as a loyal minister. Then Li Qingxian...why is it coming from the outside world? As the son of Wen Xiu, Ming Xiu shares martial arts skills and is proficient in magic cultivation. He is very evil."

"I support King Shujiao. We should let humans solve this hidden danger, just like we rely on Emperor Taining to solve the problem of General King."

"But how to solve it specifically?"

Everyone looked at Li Chui, King of Tree Horns.

"It's very simple. We use our intermediaries to spread rumors. For example, Li Qingxian wants to become the second general king. He even wants to be emperor, and he has already prepared the yellow robe. There is no need to think of new ones. The ones used by the human race before As for the strategy, let’s just follow the gourd’s plan and that’s enough.”

"Is this possible?"

"The human race's conspiracies come and go, aren't they just those dozens? Why are they often useful? The key to this matter is neither us nor Li Qingxian, but the suspicious Emperor Taining. As long as he is in power , the human race is not getting better. A wise prince has been so scared that he has not dared to go north for so many years, haha..." King Shujiao said with a smile.

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