Life Hunter

Chapter 1094 In the long run

"These human races have more than enough strategy but not enough courage."

"But, can we really withdraw? His Highness the Lion Heart King has also tried. A first-grade attack with all his strength was unable to shake the Great Wall of Integrity. Even using a super-grade witchcraft only caused cracks on the surface, but it healed quickly. It is not a multi-piece super It cannot be broken by a high-grade witchcraft weapon or by multiple super-grade players.”

"Why don't we just go west and escape, reach the end of the Zhengqi City Wall, and go around it."

"You are really crazy. Do you know how many days it will take to run? Do you know how many mountains it will take to climb? Do you know what kind of pursuit we will face?"

"We just said that the human race has no courage, and now, we have made the same mistake."

"It's not the same thing..."

Some old demon generals looked at each other with worries in their eyes.

Lionheart King coughed slightly and the generals shut up.

The Lionheart King looked at the Treehorn King.

The Tree Horn King sighed and said: "On the way, we also discussed that the Great Wall of Righteousness is newly built and has the greatest power. Even if His Royal Highness the Champion King reluctantly takes action, he cannot take away all of us. Therefore, we must first determine, if, I mean, if we want to break through the Great Wall of Righteousness and leave, how many people can we take with us?"

All the generals looked at the Lion-Hearted King together.

The Lion-Hearted King was silent for a long time and said slowly: "Ten thousand to thirty thousand, I can't say any more."

All the generals were heartbroken.

The Lion Army now totals over one million.

"Is it really impossible to fight?" asked a tiger demon king.

The Tree Horn King sighed and said: "When you ask this question, you will understand the morale of the entire army. If you think back to the battle process of the Eagle King Army, are we really so vulnerable? No, the human race is The General King died in the battle, but we lost two super-class figures, including the Champion King who was seriously injured. The most important thing is that the Great Wall of Righteousness lies there, cutting off the retreat. What do you want the soldiers to think? What's more, the supplies of a million-strong army can How long will it take?”

The generals were silent.

"Yes, if we really want to fight, we will be out of food for half a month at most. At that time, we will still have to retreat. What's more, more and more humans are coming to Dahe, but we can't get reinforcements."

"But an army of one million people just ran away, unwilling to accept it."

"Why don't we have a fight with the Xian Wang Army and the River Guard Army?"

In the eyes of some demon generals, murderous intent surged.

The Tree Horn King smiled slightly and said: "Okay, very good! This is the hero of my demon clan! We will eventually retreat, but before retreating, we must do what we should do. King Xian's army arrived here, It will take at least five hours. We will use these five hours to engage in a peerless battle with the River Guards! Even if we retreat, we will severely damage the River Guards. Everyone, do you dare?"


All the demon generals roared.

"Please give the order to His Highness King Lionheart." King Shujiao said.

The Lionheart King slowly stood up, his huge body rising from the ground like a city wall.

"The whole army is ready to attack Xianwang City in an all-out manner."

Then, Lionheart began to command the armies.

The generals of all armies took orders and prepared vigorously for the final battle.

In the big tent, only the Lion Heart King, Eagle King, Tree Horn King and less than twenty demon kings were left.

The Lion-Hearted King said slowly: "I did what you said and left half of the army behind to attack the city. What next?"

Some demon kings looked at the Lionheart King in surprise, and then looked at the Treehorn King.

The Tree Horn King raised his hand and stretched out four fingers.

"Next, our army will be divided into four. First..." The Tree Horn King bent a finger.

"Naturally, let the largest number of demon soldiers fight against the river guard army and try their best to inflict heavy damage on the river guard army. Moreover, use forbidden techniques and don't care about their life or death, especially the wild people. Secondly..." After finishing speaking, The Treehorn King bent his second finger.

"Naturally, it is our retreating troops. The number and who will be determined by the two highnesses. I will not make any decisions. Third..." The Tree Horn King bent his third finger.

"Fugitive army. We are going to arrange a demon army to go all the way west, along the river, and flee to the west. The first is to contain the human forces, and the second is to survey the Zhengqi City Wall along the way to prepare for future counterattacks. The fourth is to contain the human forces. ..." The Tree Horn King's fingers all bent.

"The last army must disperse into sparks all over the sky, break into parts, form a team of a few, and turn into a team of tens of thousands, rush into the territory of the human race, do not go to cities, do not go to crowded places, and specifically Go to those villages and towns with few people and kill people one by one! One hundred thousand demon soldiers dispersed, enough to kill millions or even tens of millions of people. We were defeated, but we unleashed a large force on the wounds of the human race. A basin of blood!”

After saying that, the Tree Horn King said in a dark voice: "We even asked the human race to spread the word that these scattered demon soldiers were originally going to die in battle, but Li Qingxian let them leave, which caused a catastrophe. We not only want to bleed the human race, but also Let the imperial court's blood be shed, and Li Qingxian's blood be shed!"

All the demon kings nodded.


"A little bit like a poisonous military master."

"very good!"

"It's still unclear who will win in this battle."

"What if, I mean what if, we capture King Xian's City?"

There was silence in the big tent.

King Shujiao sneered: "If the poisonous military master is here, he will definitely give up King Xian's city and invite you to enter the urn. After that, the human army was besieged. In the end, only two of our four armies were left. One of them died in the city, and the other was killed by His Highness the Champion King." Pick him up. However, the poisonous military advisor is not here and the river guarding army is leaderless. Who dares to do this?"

"Okay! Just do as you say!"

The Lion Army began to order his confidants to make real preparations.

Not long after, Treehorn King and Eagle King left the tent.

The two demons walked to an open place. The Eagle King put his wings on his back and looked at the magnificent Xianwang City in the distance. He sent a message: "Why don't you suggest holding on?"

King Shujiao replied via message: "As I said before, His Royal Highness the Champion King was severely damaged, and the morale of our army..."

"I want to hear the most important reason." Eagle King interrupted Treehorn King without politeness.

The Tree Horn King was silent for a long time and said slowly: "We can't be used as scapegoat monsters. Only the Lion King's army was defeated, and the defeat was huge, proving that the Xian King's army is indeed invincible. Only by returning to the Champion City can we have a chance to survive. . If the Lion King Army safely evacuates, or captures King Xian's City, even if it retreats later, once it survives from the hands of King Xian Army, then our Eagle King Army will bear full responsibility for the defeat. During the period when the Great Wizard Legion fell, even I The families behind me can’t protect me. Two super-class figures were killed in battle, three great figures were injured, and a million troops were slaughtered. How can I be justified if I don’t kill so many monsters?”

"What you did is exactly the same as those of the human race back then."

"Have you not discovered that all the humans who choose to do this will rise to the top and become ministers, and will live far longer than those generals who fight to the death?"

"But in the long run, they destroyed the human race."

"If you can't see us in the long run, then there is no long term. What's more, you and I have accumulated experience in fighting with Li Qingxian, the son of destiny. If, I mean just in case, Li Qingxian leads his troops to invade the demon world in the future, only you and me will , in order to better help the demon world repel Li Qingxian. In the long run, your life and mine are better than those millions of shit-eating pigs and dogs."

The Eagle King gave a long cry.

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