Life Hunter

Chapter 1096 Follow the clues

But people didn't believe it.

The humans near the Demon Suppression Tower will all spit when they see the Destiny Army.

This time, the stigma must be cleared away!

The destiny magicians of the Tianming Sect looked at Duan Tianji, some with bright eyes and some with dim eyes.

Yes, looking towards the third floor of the Demon Suppression Tower.

Through the glazed windows, you can see some Tianming Sect disciples looking over here.

Some disciples of the Destiny Sect were put under house arrest in the Demon Suppression Tower because they refused to resist the demon.

The disciples of the Tianming Sect who can come out are either the main fighting faction or the middle faction.

Some old guys in the sect have already summoned them to act according to the situation, but not to cause trouble.

Again, you can't put all your eggs in the same basket.

After all, there has always been a war faction within the Tianming Sect, and Liu Feijiu is not the only elder who opposes the leader.

However, others did not object as openly as Liu Feijiu.

Then, these disciples looked at Duan Tianji.

Duan Tianji left the Tianming Sect with so many treasures, and no one knew how many elders secretly supported him.

Unlike most disciples of the Tianming Sect, a few young main battle disciples' faces were slightly red with excitement. They could not wait to verify their destiny skills in the war.

When the Destiny Army was facing the Demon Army of Zhengxi, Li Qingxian and the generals were discussing how to deal with the demon army that had bypassed Xianwang City.

The generals discussed quickly and quickly came to the conclusion that the demon tribe should be broken into pieces and fight guerrilla warfare.

"How to solve it?" Lu Wenhua asked.

The army is still moving forward, and the generals are discussing as they move forward.

The generals offered their suggestions one after another, but there were all kinds of loopholes. Only Li Qingxian moved forward while using his horoscope deduction.

After a while, none of the generals had a truly complete policy.

Song Wushuang became anxious and said: "We can't wait any longer. Once we wait for them to disperse, we will be powerless."

Everyone looked at Li Qingxian.

At this time, I can only place my trust in this Xian Wang.

Because the movements of the river guards and even the demon clan were judged in advance by King Xian.

He had already proposed to the river defenders to abandon the city and then counterattack the siege, so as to minimize the losses.

Unfortunately, the river guard did not agree.

He had also long ago judged that the demon clan might be ruined.

But the decisiveness of the demon clan is beyond everyone's imagination.

After a moment, Li Qingxian raised his head and spoke slowly.

"First of all, we need to select a few armies, take the airship, predict where they will land, and try our best to kill them before they disperse. However, since they have decided to break up into pieces, they will never fight head-on. I will run away. Next, I have four steps to fight this anti-guerrilla war."

"First, divide the troops into pieces. We need to mobilize various armies, various sects, and each force to be responsible for an area, plow the streets and sweep holes. Every mountain, every forest, and every river must be cleared repeatedly."

"Second, concentrate our forces and encircle first and then search. This is very important. If we do not encircle or block, a large number of fish will inevitably slip through the net. The only way is to encircle first. In the past, this was difficult, but I will Send a large number of puppet cultivators and machine birds to conduct investigation, and then use the methods of legal cultivators, and even ask beast-controlling cultivators to take action, so that the demon clan has no way to hide."

"Third, advance separately and then advance together. After encirclement, move towards the center of the circle from multiple directions and try your best to avoid fish slipping through the net. With this encirclement, no matter which direction the monsters escape, they will encounter us. people."

"Fourth, search at night and day. The demon clan has an advantage in the dark. At night, we are more likely to be attacked by sneak attacks. We cannot let them lead us around. We have to search during the day."

"In addition, there are some things to note..."

Li Qingxian explained the tactics one by one.

The generals took notes carefully and nodded frequently.

Even though Chen Yingyang and Du Bo had fought many big battles and were famous generals of Qi State, they looked at each other at this moment and nodded heavily.

With Li Qingxian's tactics, direction and methods, the specific action methods were quickly implemented.

King Xian's army was divided into two, one part continued to advance, the other part took an airship to intercept and kill the demon clan, led by Song Wushuang.

At the same time, Li Qingxian communicated with all the major forces in the north, whether they were government or martial arts forces.

Nishe and Wanhe Chamber of Commerce also took action, providing people and money.

The government, people and major forces along the river were greatly influenced by the river guarding army. They had heard and witnessed batches of human heroes dying in battle, and even though they were cold-blooded, they still criticized the imperial court.

After learning about the dangers of the Monster Clan's guerrilla warfare, all major forces mobilized. Whether it was for the hat on their head, for the livelihood of the sect, or for the common people, everyone must contribute.

What's more, Wanhe Chamber of Commerce gave generous rewards for killing monsters.

As a result, major forces recruited troops, and heroes from all walks of life formed gangs. Even horse bandits and bandits expressed their willingness to wash their hands of themselves and join the ranks of encircling and suppressing the demon clan.

It wasn't their conscience that discovered it, it was their calculation. Since they were short of manpower, they were most likely to be attacked by the demon clan. It was better to take the opportunity to clear their name and join the major forces, and maybe save their lives.

All forces within a thousand miles of the river call for friends.

Subsequently, after the other major forces of the human race learned of this incident, they took the initiative to send manpower.

Due to the court's reputation, many powerful forces were unable to help the River Shou Army and Xian Wang Army, so they kept suppressing the disciples below.

But now that the demon clan is about to rush into the hinterland of the human race, all the major forces have the responsibility to take action, because all the major forces made an oath back then.

A large net woven by the human race surrounded the dispersed demon army early on.

Tianshi Sect.

All the elders gathered together.

"Once the monster clan disperses, the consequences will be disastrous. We must find a way to nip it in the bud."

"That's right. I've seen the Supreme Elder's strategy. It can be said to be the most perfect strategy of the human race. There is no way it can be more thoughtful than this."

"However, after all, the hundreds of thousands of monsters are scattered. No matter what we do, it may lead to the death of hundreds of thousands of people."

"Yes, we will release most of our disciples to help the Supreme Elder resolve this matter..."

The elders were talking a lot, and when the discussion came to an end, just when they were about to issue an order, they noticed that Zhao Qingchuan had been bowing his head in deep thought.

"Qingchuan, what are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking, Junior Brother Qingxian always likes to say that the problem cannot be solved at the level where it occurs, and must be solved by higher-level means. Junior Brother is now the commander-in-chief, so it's okay to solve it in a military way, but I'm thinking, If Master Poison is still alive and knows life magic, how will he solve it?"

The elders were stunned and laughed.

"It's true that caring leads to chaos, and so does the Supreme Elder. At this time, why should we abide by the rules of not taking action?"

"We can't do it openly, but we can do it secretly. In order to save hundreds of thousands of people, it's shameless to be shameless."

"Besides, the demon clan often plays tricks. News has come from the demon world. They originally wanted to use the Great Wizard Legion to curse the Supreme Elder, but unfortunately they provoked some powerful enemy and were all killed."

"The Supreme Elder is still not poisonous enough. In this way, it will be simple. Qingchuan, you take the Ten Thousand Star Pan to the sky above the group of monsters, let the Ten Thousand Star Pan record the breath of each monster, and then transmit it to those who participate in the battle. It's in the magician's life chart, and then you just follow the clues, and no one can escape. Hey, such a simple thing makes it seem like the mountains and rivers have fallen."

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