Life Hunter

Chapter 1097 A miserable victory

A group of Tianshi sect magicians who did not abide by the wartime rules of both sides set off, took flying magic weapons, and held ten thousand star disks, arriving at the southwest of Xianwang City.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of monsters have begun to disperse. Looking from a high altitude, they look like a group of ants hiding in Tibet.

Zhao Qingchuan pointed a little, and countless stars that could not be seen by the demon clan flew out of the Ten Thousand Star Disk, fell into the body of each demon clan, and then returned back to the Ten Thousand Star Disk.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Qingchuan said: "Go back to the sect."

Not to mention having a great time, everyone returned to the sect without getting tired of sitting on their buttocks.

Tianshi Sect did not announce this matter because the human race needed to train their troops and also needed an excuse to mobilize their troops.

For a high-level life magician, it is easy to observe and deduce the trajectory of a hundred thousand monsters, or to plan the hunt in advance. It can even accurately train troops and unite people's hearts, while ensuring that the monsters do not hurt anyone. common people.

The life magicians, who had been obstructed by Emperor Taining and the Tianming Sect, finally began to directly fight against the demon clan because of Li Qingxian's existence.

Those forces that sent their disciples to hunt monsters and the forces that did not dispatch them were clearly distinct, and it was clearer and more intuitive than any fortune-telling deduction.

King Xian's army marched all the way, and the generals were worried.

This is because the demon clan is simply using a double plan this time. Whether it severely damages the river guard army or harms the human race, it has great strategic significance.

Generals Wang, Gao Tiankuo and Ouyang Li fell one after another, which had dealt a devastating blow to the river defenders.

In the event that the River Guard Army suffered a heavy blow, it would take a long time for the human race's confidence to recover.

But the most important thing is not the confidence of the human race, but that some people don't want the confidence of the human race.

Some generals, soldiers, staff, military advisors and others were discussing the situation behind the game while marching, frowning all the time.

The river guard army has an innate advantage, that is, they have great righteousness.

The leader is the General King. Emperor Taining cannot take action directly no matter what. Otherwise, it will be a drama of fatherly kindness and filial piety, in which his father leads a military expedition and his son points his sword at the emperor. Emperor Taining will become the biggest joke in the world in the past, present and future.

But Xian Wangjun was different.

If Emperor Taining insists on going his own way and declares King Xian's army to be rebellious, he can legitimately join forces with the demon clan. At that time, King Xian's army will be attacked from both sides. Even if Li Qingxian can bear it, what about the other soldiers? What to do about military morale?

Because Emperor Taining can really do such a thing, or in other words, he has been doing it all these years.

The life and death of millions or even tens of millions of people were nothing in the eyes of the emperor.

Not even as important as a eunuch at your feet.

The sun is in the west.

The army was getting closer and closer to Xian Wang City, and early on they saw a city on the horizon ahead facing the setting sun, stained with yellow.

The black demon tribe surrounded Xianwang City like jet-black kelp wrapping around the rocks.

The Taigu Army did not have cavalry, but the Marshal Army and the Du Family Army gathered three thousand cavalry, and the martial arts forces headed by Bei Lulin gathered three thousand cavalry.

Six thousand cavalry moved forward slowly, followed by a group of 30,000 infantry consisting of pure top-notch warriors.

This first forward army, led by a young general of the river guarding army, slowly accelerated and broke away from the main army.

The second army of 200,000 soldiers slowly accelerated.

The army behind them only tried to avoid excessive disengagement, but did not accelerate at full speed.

Because after a day of marching, you need to maintain your physical strength.

The Dharma cultivators and Literary Cultivators began to cast spells and recite poems. Pale white rain fell from the sky. There was no water on the ground, but it nourished the bodies of all the soldiers, sweeping away fatigue, calming the mind, eliminating hunger, and restoring strength...

"The whole army...advance!"

After recovering their physical strength, the million-strong army followed their own rhythm and crashed into the demon clan in the east of the city like an indestructible giant pointed tree.

"King Xian is here and the demon clan will slay him!"

"King Xian is here and the demon clan will slay him!"

Everyone in the vanguard army mobilized their true energy and roared loudly, and the sound could be heard for dozens of miles.

In King Xian's city, 90% of the generals guarding the river were stunned for a moment, even a little dazed.

"King Xian...Prince Xian is back? Oh, it's King Xian, it's Li Qingxian...and this Li Qingxian seems...a decent person..."

The monsters found in disbelief that the River Guard soldiers in front of them were still the same person no matter how they looked, but they seemed to be completely different people.

The eyes of these people were shining as brightly as stars.

It seemed like a flashback, but the demon clan's eyes were so hot that they felt terrified in their hearts.

Lion Army Camp.

Lionheart King and Eagle King looked at each other and sighed together.

King Shujiao said: "His Royal Highness the Lion Heart King, please give the order. We still have a chance before King Xian's army arrives. Once Li Qingxian takes action and invites Super Grade, it is very likely that we will be completely left behind. The human race has a saying, stay Since Qingshan is here, we are not afraid of running out of firewood. We are not escaping, we are here to better deal with the Destiny True Son and to accumulate strength."

"Blow the trumpet." Lionheart nodded.

The last army of the Lion King, a total of 150,000 troops, rushed straight into the Xianwang City.

These 150,000 monsters were nothing at first, but as they got closer, the human soldiers discovered something special.

These monsters have crooked noses and slanted mouths, black eyes, and the hair on their bodies is slowly falling off, and the exposed skin is glowing with a metallic color.

Their teeth slowly poked out of their mouths, their sharp claws slowly lengthened, and they exuded unspeakable murderous intent.

Many monsters in front turned to look at these new monsters. They were obviously possessed by witchcraft and had no fear of life or death, but they still stopped fighting and stayed away from these new monsters.


"All troops on defense!"

"It's the crazy demon army!"

"Defend! Defend! Defend!"

The river defenders on the due north wall looked down at the crazy demon like a mad dog, shrinking their formation with all their strength.

Jiang Youfei wanted to rush out, but King Meow stopped her with his claws and pushed her back to the army.

Not far away, an old sheepherder wearing a sheepskin coat was holding a sheep whip, leaning against the city wall, squinting, and slowly scanning the surroundings.

Li Qingxian frowned. He originally wanted to divide his troops into two groups, one to rescue the river defenders and the other to besiege the Lion Army camp. However, if that happened, the river defenders would suffer heavy losses. This was the last thing he wanted to see, so he sent an order to the entire army. .

"Speed ​​up! Quick!"

The entire army of King Xian suddenly accelerated and shot away like a huge crossbow.

King Shujiao said: "We have done our best and can leave without regrets."

Lionheart King nodded and took out a jade bottle.

A drop of golden blood emerged from the jade bottle, lifted into the air, and rapidly squirmed and expanded.

After a while, the golden blood transformed into a translucent and majestic lion, twenty feet long, which looked exactly like the champion.

Lionheart King said: "Your Highness, Champion King, we have tried our best, please take us back."

"You..." The clone of the Champion King was furious and was about to reprimand everyone when he looked up at the millions of idle kings in the east.

"It's a very strong army. You won't lose unjustly." There was a touch of worry in the eyes of the champion king's clone.

When the Tree Horn King heard this, he looked at each other and felt relieved.

The clone of the Champion King snorted coldly, looked at the King's City, and said: "In this battle, we slaughtered the old king's army, killed the general king, and severely damaged the river guarding army. It was a tragic victory."

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