Life Hunter

Chapter 1125 Demon God’s Gate

Ordinary people don't know, but Taoist cultivators know very well what a star official means.

A star official, shining on the surrounding heavens and all realms.

The sky seems to be filled with stars, but in fact, it is just one of the billions of projections of the power of stars in the sky.

Even if there is a special Taoist cultivator who can appoint a star official, it is only a trace of power from those projections.

But this one, the Silver Star God Eye, with the round light floating on the top, actually has his own consciousness. It is clearly the distraction of the upper realm star official's body.

But Li Qingxian actually called him Taoist friend. How could a Taoist cultivator recognize Li Qingxian in the future?

Even my ancestors did not dare to call the Star Official of the Shrine that way.

When a spirit of this kind comes to the world, then...

The Taoist cultivators looked at the demonic cultivators with a touch of sympathy in their eyes.

The human race has had inner gods descending from the sky before, causing disaster to nearby demons, such as Qiyuan City, etc...

The Taoist cultivators suddenly realized that the previous gods descending from the sky might have been Li Qingxian...

The Star Official came to the world, and countless stars were like the scorching sun, branding the sky, covering the sun and moon, and covering up all light.

The stars are full, and the sky and the earth are silvery.

Everyone narrowed their eyes.

Especially on the Mountain of Demons, it is the place where billions of stars gather. The Starlight Divine Pillar has not dispersed for a long time. Even the top monks squinted their eyes and couldn't see the figures in the distance clearly through the silver light.

The evil cultivators here continued to scream, and thick black smoke erupted from their bodies. As soon as the black smoke appeared, it was completely purified by the silver light, transformed into the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and returned to heaven and earth.

At the same time, carols sounded faintly, very softly, as if they were very close and yet very far away.

These carols are sung in ancient pronunciation and have many contents. Some praise lovers, some praise saints, some mourn family members, and some appease the people...

The literary cultivators at the foot of the mountain were horrified. Isn’t this the legendary poem praising saints?

Although I am not sure about the goal of praising the saint Ya Shi, it is definitely not for the demon cultivator. It can only be the star official of the Shrine and Li Qingxian.

When the old sayings and old poems were being sung, the evil cultivators were in complete chaos.

"Do it! Open the door of the Demon God quickly! If you don't do it, my demon cultivator will be wiped out!"

"Leader, let's do it!"

"King Xian, this is to destroy all demons!"

"We should have guessed he was going to do this!"

"We can no longer hesitate. If that old guy in Shendu doesn't take action, I'm afraid he will be frightened. We can't count on him."

"Both the jade and the stone will perish!"

"You should have listened to the devil of Baibing a long time ago. Where is Baibing?"

"Let Yin Guang die..."

Suddenly, a majestic sound resounded through the sky, faintly competing against the skylight.

"Please open the devil's door!"

At this moment, everyone felt the earth undulate and the mountains tremble.

Deep in the ground, a majestic force surged out, as if it overturned the entire continent and dumped the entire sea.

Among the demon cultivators, some were ecstatic and some were deeply worried.

Fortunately, the legendary Demon God's Gate has finally appeared. It is an infinite power that directly connects to the Demon Realm. Any super in the world is vulnerable to the Demon God.

The worrying thing is that the opening ceremony has not yet started, no ceremony has been carried out, and there is not even the most basic announcement to the sky, so the Demon Alliance is forced to use the strongest Demon God's Gate. What will happen in the future?

However, almost all demon cultivators can no longer tolerate it, because a large number of demon cultivators have undergone irreversible changes in their bodies.

Some of the skin cracked layer by layer, revealing cracks like dry land.

Some eyes slowly melted and turned into blood flowing.

Some noses slowly melted and disappeared into powder.

Some demon cultivators even discovered through internal inspection that their intestines and stomach had turned into pus, sloshing around in their stomachs.

But, everything will end.

Zhang Wentong stood with his head held high, his eyes glowing green, and his long black hair spread out behind him, flying in the sky.

"You all must die." Zhang Wentong's voice was very soft.

His superficial skin peeled off layer by layer, and his face was covered with blood vessels.

The corners of his mouth were only slightly raised.

He seemed to be announcing something trivial.

Because he can see the future.

The door to the devil is opened, and everything is destined.

Therefore, he was not impatient and looked at the righteous monks as if he were looking at a mouse surrounded by cats.


Everyone looked towards the direction where the sound came from, and saw the second peak behind the main peak of Hua Mo Mountain, with a neat crack opening from east to west, and the two halves of the mountain slowly moved to both sides.


A piece of blood rose up into the sky like a countercurrent waterfall, turning into a large blood-colored wall that could be seen from thousands of miles away.

The bloody wall expanded rapidly, and soon it lay in front of everyone. It was about thirty miles wide and tens of thousands of feet high, penetrating the sky and the earth.

The sky was filled with stars, but an empty space was opened by this terrifying blood-colored wall.

Everything in the sky and earth is black and white, only the stars and the blood-colored wall shine brightly.


The blood-colored wall cracked in the middle and turned into a giant door, slowly separating to both sides.

"Prepare for war!" Behind Li Qingxian, a high-grade old man shouted sternly.

"Prepare for war!" The other factions followed suit.

"Prepare for war!"

"Prepare for war!"

For those Tianzhu sects with a long tradition, the moment they saw the Demon God's Gate, pages of books and volumes of bamboo slips appeared in front of their eyes.

The devil is coming.

At the same time, everywhere in the world, rays of light rose into the sky, no longer suppressed by the silver light of the stars, and reflected each other.




The sound of drums spread throughout the world.

The demon-slaying war drum, which had not been moved for a thousand years, sounded.

"Prepare for war!"

"Prepare for war!"

Countless monks stood up from all over the world and looked in the direction of Hua Mo Mountain.

The battle to slay demons begins.

Many monks behind Li Qingxian smiled slightly. They had mentioned this possibility countless times.

When the devil comes, fight him.

The brilliance of magic weapons flew up one after another, and the light of martial arts and magical talismans flew all over the sky.

Everyone on the ground is like a little starlight.

Countless starlights gathered together were no match for the Demon God's Gate or the silver light of the stars, but there was no force that could suppress these weak but persevering lights.

In the vast starlight, one after another, several feet tall gods appeared behind Li Qingxian.

Each of them has a round light floating behind them, and multiple divine lights are emitted from behind each one.

The Taoist monk let out a long sigh and no longer knew what to say.

"What is calling me?"

An earth-shaking loud noise spread across the country. The voice did not speak the human language, but everyone could vaguely understand it.

Inside the Demon God's Gate, the darkness is deep and thick darkness flows slowly.

Two giant scaly hands with sharp nails stretched out the door and clawed at the door frame.

His body was so huge that the Demon God's Gate was so huge that it actually required the Demon God to lower his head slightly.

In the dark flowing door, a huge head slowly stretched out.

There are many sharp horns on the top of the head, forming a crown. Each of the sharp horns is divided into countless spikes.

On each spike, a bead is pierced.

There are various kinds of beads, but if you look carefully, each bead is a shrunken planet.

On the planet, countless creatures are wailing, screaming, cursing, and struggling.

But in the ears of the devil, it was like the most beautiful compliment.

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