Life Hunter

Chapter 1126 The Demon God Arrives

Under the horned crown is a strange face.

It was not a human face, nor did it look like an animal's face, but a huge black whirlpool, with only a white ball like an eye exposed in the middle, shaking gently.

When the giant face of the devil poked his head out, the dark and deep door behind him rippled with countless ripples, as if endless monsters were about to pour out.

Endless black viscous liquid emerged from the bottom of the Demon God's Gate, slowly advancing in all directions like a slowly bursting river.

In the dark water, countless monsters are ready to move.

Heaven, earth, mountains and rivers all whimper.

The stars in the sky are crumbling.

The entire human world seemed to be bending down to welcome the new king of the world.


The devil wanted to speak, but suddenly stopped, his white ball eyes staring at Li Qingxian.

To be precise, he was staring at the immortals headed by Li Qingxian with a round light floating behind them.

Looking at one of them in particular.

Not the four smiling boys.

Nor is he the highest-ranking star official in the palace.

It was Wang Lingguan who was twisting his neck from side to side and shaking his wrist.

Wang Lingguan wasn't even looking at him.

At this moment, the white ball in the middle of the swirling face flashed ten thousand times.

At this time, even if the righteous monks were prepared, when they saw such a terrifying demon, they still had thoughts that were difficult to defeat.

Ninety-nine percent of the righteous monks retreated slowly.

That is the devil, the real devil.

The legend of the demon-slaying battle still echoes in their ears.

The human race had almost wiped out the demonic cultivators, but because of the arrival of the demon god, everything was reduced to nothing.

In the end, both sides suffer losses.

Just because the devil came.

Now, a new demon has arrived.

The fear conveyed between the lines in the legendary stories merged with the demon in front of him, turning into an invisible terror that eroded the soul of every monk.

More than 90% of the monks looked at the Demon God and the planet horn crown above the Demon God's head, and had similar thoughts.


Give in...

Kneel down and worship...

At the same time, all the demon cultivators, including Zhang Wen and other five masters, turned towards the demon god and knelt down to pray.

Some recite magic sutras.

Some kowtowed.

Some opened their wounds and sacrificed their blood to the devil.

Some cried with joy and shouted loudly.

"Kill all humans!"

"Kill all the humans!"

"Demonize the world, a demonic kingdom on earth!"

Even though they were still being burned by the silver light of the sky star, not only did they not feel any pain, but they felt indescribable pleasure.

When the devil comes, everything will be reversed.

Demon God...ah...

Suddenly, the throats of all the demon cultivators seemed to have been pierced by a sword, and they made various strange and weird sounds.

Because, that incomparable, that arrogant, that lording over the world, that unparalleled majesty... the demon god who could be described with any powerful words suddenly retracted his head.

Then, two devilish claws grasped the door, like a guest child politely closing the door before leaving.

Seeing that the door was about to close, his right paw suddenly stretched out the door and grabbed it gently, and the black water that poured out instantly flowed back to the Demon God's Gate.

That child picked up a bag of garbage before going out.

Too polite.


The door is closed.

The blood-colored Demon God's Gate burned like paper and turned into pitch-black fly ash, scattered in all directions.

The demonic cultivators were stunned, and so were the righteous ones.

Everyone present was stunned.

From Hua Mo Mountain to the bottom of Hua Mo Mountain, everyone was motionless.

Everyone's brains are blank.

After a while, everyone slowly recovered, but everyone's eyes were straight and stiff.

It felt like I had suffered an unbearable blow in my life, and then my brain couldn't bear it and exploded.

It's like drinking ten pounds of wine and falling into pieces.

Everyone felt that not only the soul in their mind was gone just now, but also now.

Everything I have experienced over the years seems fake.

Because everything I know and encounter in my life cannot explain today's phenomenon.

What happened today?

Everyone worked as hard as constipation to slowly recall what had just happened.

The devil has come, the devil has gone.

It's such a simple thing.

Too simple, therefore too complex.

The demon cultivators finally came to the conclusion that summoning the demon god failed.

The righteous monks also came to the conclusion that the devil had escaped.

The righteous monks were stunned for a while, and then slowly moved their gazes towards Li Qingxian bit by bit, and towards the distinctive inner gods behind him.

They thought of countless possibilities, but the most unlikely and likely reason might be Li Qingxian.

The bodies of the demon cultivators who were originally kneeling slowly became weak, then slowly tilted and collapsed on the ground.

"It's over..."

A second-grade demon cultivator, who only had a third-grade level left, ended up with a fourth-grade cultivation level. He was no match for a fifth-grade opponent. He slowly fell to the ground, closed his eyes, and lost his breath.

No one killed him.

His injuries were not fatal.

He was just desperate, and then, his life was cut off.


After a brief silence, the cries started one after another.

There were high-quality demon cultivators, dignified sect elders, people with different identities and different strengths, all collapsed at the same time at this moment.

The righteous monks looked at these grief-stricken demon cultivators and wanted to laugh, but they suppressed their laughter and tried to show sympathy.

However, some people held back their sympathy and failed to hold back their laughter.

Although I don’t know why the devil left, I do want to laugh.

Some righteous monks really want to raise their arms and shout out, but they don't know why, but they always feel like they can't shout out.

Zhang Wen was stunned.

As the possible and future leader of the Demon Alliance, he did not cry, grieve, or despair. He just knelt on the ground blankly, with his body upright, looking in the direction where the Demon God's Gate dissipated.

Countless images flashed through his mind.

At the beginning of the scene, you are in the capital, and you fall in love with the jade-like handsome man at first sight.

Afterwards, I realized that I should have entered the mysterious place with the other person, and worked together to solve the mystery, and formed a deep friendship.

After that, the two began to interact.

Later, the man said that he had found the root cause of the disease and wanted to find a cure from the magic book.

Later, that person's skill increased greatly and he sat in an unattainable position.

He fulfilled his promise back then and lured the Demon Sect into the court.

He broke into the disobedient Tianmo Sect and killed the master of the Tianmo Sect with his own hands.

There were rumors that the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Sect was possessed. In Zhang Wentong's opinion, it was extremely ridiculous.

All the demon cultivators in the world combined are not as good as that one who is more like a human demon lord and a living evil god.

He was like a marionette, doing all the orders of that person, including establishing the Death Demon Land, expanding the Demon Chamber, and building the Ten Thousand Demons Array.

He said it was just to cure the illness he had contracted in Quidi.

Zhang Wentong knew what he was hiding.

But Zhang Wentong never objected. Whatever he asked, Zhang Wentong did.

After the Ten Thousand Demons Array was established, Zhang Wentong knew that everyone said that the chief minister of the dynasty was inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people. That was false.

He, the leader of the Demon Alliance, Zhang Wentong, is inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people, always.

However, today, two big hands suddenly appeared and swept away the dishes on the table. The dishes were smashed into pieces and splashed on the face causing pain.

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