Life Hunter

Chapter 1139 Ancestral Land

Shen Zhizhai said with emotion: "The great destiny magician is the great destiny magician. If the great destiny magician thinks like us ordinary people, then the world will be over."

Li Qingxian said: "On the contrary, every great destiny magician is the most ordinary person. There is no distinction between ordinary and extraordinary. Everyone is the same."

"I'm confused." Shen Zhizhai said.

"In "Yuan Hai's Notes", a disciple asked what is the difference between a great life magician and an ordinary life magician. Do you still remember how Xu Yuanhai answered?"

"Remember, because it's very vulgar. Master Yuanhai said, eat when you have food, and fart when you have it. This is the difference between great life magicians and ordinary life magicians. But, I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand."

"Master Yuanhai's words are not about knowing or doing, but knowing what you know and doing what you do. A master of destiny is not extraordinary, but a return to the purest ordinary. Let's take today's incident as an example. You always ask If the disciples are members of the Tianming Sect, what methods should be used? Now, let us assume that each of us lives on an isolated island. From the time we were born, no one has hurt us, no one has restricted us, and no one has taught us destiny. Shu, we are just people who grew up alone, with enough food and clothing to live a good life."

Everyone listened quietly.

"Okay, now, when you are fishing in the sea, you are blown to this Treasure Island by the wind. You see all kinds of people on the island. You know that they are not living well, and they themselves feel that they are not living well. So, at this moment, do you want to restrict them, attack them, plunder them, or do you want them to live well?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"If that's the case, there's no reason to wish them bad."

"Yes, if we were really a blank slate, we wouldn't want to harm anyone."

"You mean to say that the great destiny magician is this kind of person?"

Li Qingxian said: "As we grow up, we are influenced by countless external information, from culture, society, parents, schools, books, there are too many, but how many people have thought deeply about it? , that most fundamental 'I', that 'I' that is not affected by any outside world, what do you think? If we have to say that a great fortune-teller is different from an ordinary fortune-teller, then the biggest difference is that the great fortune-teller Teachers can see themselves, return to their original selves, have a pure heart, penetrate the illusions imposed on us by this world, and recognize themselves clearly."

Everyone fell into deep thought.

Li Qingxian said: "The Great Fate Magician is not very powerful, it just uncovers the self that has been concealed and ignored. Just like, you are temporarily confused by Mr. Shen's questions and are led astray by chaotic desires, but if you are aware of it layer by layer , when you see your true heart, you will find that we are all the same, we all want this island to get better, and these people to get better too."

Shen Zhizhai nodded and said: "That's what you said. I just made a hypothesis. If a child is asked to choose, will he choose to educate Treasure Island or destroy it? I think normal children will choose the former. You have a pure heart. Heart."

Li Qingxian said: "But sometimes, an innocent heart is not enough. Just like cultivating weeds into food, when we look back now, those thousands of years of hard work will definitely succeed. But we divide the thousands of years into , one hundred years as a period, we will find that in the first half of the time, there is only failure, all failure, failure without any hope..."

Li Qingxian turned to look at Treasure Island and said: "In the process of cultivating weeds into food, there are some grasses that have no major problems when they are seeds or seedlings, but when they grow up, they become They have become diseased and bad weeds. If you continue to keep them or even use these bad weeds to cultivate food, it is likely that all weeds will turn into diseased weeds, and the transformation from weeds to food will never be completed. Therefore, cultivating food People who are wise leave most of the grass and pull out the hopeless ones.”

"Yes, the principles of the world are all the same."

"The masters of destiny have pulled out the grass that has been growing for thousands of years, the literary cultivators have cultivated the grass that has been growing for thousands of years, and the martial arts cultivators have protected the grass that has been growing for thousands of years. Looking back from now on, the human race seems to have always been grass. We It seems to have been failing. Measured in a few years, it is a failure; measured in a few hundred years, it seems to be a failure; measured in a few thousand years, it still seems to be a failure. However, I believe that if we give human beings In ten thousand years, those grasses will definitely grow into food, or even colorful things. In short, they will be better grasses, even better than weeds."

Li Qingxian looked around at everyone and said with a smile: "Today, I will weed the grass with you all."

Everyone took a deep breath slowly.

The airship descends.

With Shen Zhizhai in charge, Li Qingxian watched and met with everyone in the Qiao family.

Since the two parties had already finalized the cooperation, the group only stayed for one day before heading to the location designated by Li Qingxian.

After the Qiao family boarded the spaceship, some of them had stiff faces, and some looked around curiously. Only the old man of the Qiao family got seasick and had diarrhea while standing in public. The Qiao family lost face and had to send Mr. Qiao back.

Arriving at a small mountain village, the airship slowly descended.

Qiao Heng, the eldest young master of the Qiao family, asked doubtfully: "May I ask Master, why do you come here? This is called Dongcun, a very ordinary village."

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

Qiao Heng smiled awkwardly and didn't care.

Everyone got off the airship, and almost the whole village gathered together to watch.

The villagers were shocked and inexplicable. Some took up arms, some stood with their heads bowed, and some begged the Qiao family.

The Qiao family said nothing and looked at Shen Zhizhai.

Shen Zhizhai looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Don't get me wrong, we are here just to go to the lake ahead. This... should be the real birthplace of that person from Qi, right?"

Most of the villagers looked blank, except for two or three who stood there blankly, their mouths tightly pursed.

The Qiao family couldn't believe it, and the military commander didn't care, thinking that this kind of thing was very simple for His Highness Prince Xian.

The life magicians looked at each other, almost sweating on their foreheads.

This is the birthplace of Qi Taizu. As long as the Qi Kingdom does not fall, it is impossible for the Tianming Sect to find him, let alone Li Qingxian.

This kind of place is called Longtai Zumai.

Shen Zhizhai was also a little confused. This kind of thing could not be found by ordinary people, because the national destiny of Qi State would affect all fates.

It is not impossible to check through fortune-telling. When Qi falls, the ancestral tomb of Qi Taizu can be calculated in a quarter of an hour.

But now, the State of Qi is still there, and the important weapon of national destiny is still there, how can Li Qingxian find out the ancestral lineage of Longtai?

"Xu is from the upper world..." A disciple stopped mid-sentence in a low voice.

It was no wonder that everyone suddenly realized it.

The upper realm can descend to earth to destroy demons, and can it also dig up the emperor's ancestral graves?

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