Life Hunter

Chapter 1140 Broken Cylinder

Not like that.

However, this Xian Wang is indeed extraordinary.

The life magicians looked at each other and opened their eyes.

Li Qingxian looked at Qiao Heng and said, "Master Qiao, I'm sorry for the trouble with the people here. Don't hurt them. Just ask them not to leave within three years."

"That's it?" Qiao Heng looked searching.

"Kill someone and you will pay with your life."

"Yes, yes..." Qiao Heng nodded hurriedly.

The Qiao family secretly sighed inwardly. Qiao Heng seemed to be a smooth-faced man, but he was indeed a master of love affairs. He even married the housekeeper's wife, but after all, he was the eldest son of the Qiao family. He was responsible for the manufacture and sale of the most important weapons in the family. He was the most important person in the entire Treasure Island. Known for being cruel and ruthless.

But in front of these people, he is like a docile little sheep.

Li Qingxian looked at the villagers and said: "Of course, the premise is that you stay in the village as usual and do everything you have done in the past. If anyone wants to flee or even tip off, he will be regarded as a mortal enemy. Qiao Heng, This kind of person is up to you to deal with."

"Don't worry." Qiao Heng straightened his chest and glanced at everyone with a smile, "Everyone, you have heard of my name, Qiao Heng. This master has a good life, but since I, Qiao Heng, have agreed to the master, I will You must do your best, and your brains will be wiped out. So, if any of you want to tip off the news, then be prepared to face our Qiao family."

The people in the village were all changed. They knew very well that the Qiao family was a real pirate family and had the right to legally plunder enemy countries.

If the Qiao family kills people, they only need to be charged with treason with foreign countries, and then they can massacre them.

Li Qingxian glanced at Shen Zhizhai, and Shen Zhizhai nodded, saying that he would take good care of the Qiao family and prevent them from killing innocent people indiscriminately and destroying the Dragon Unleashing Technique.

Li Qingxian looked at the people in the village and said, "Now, what currency do you use here?"

"Unlike your country, we use silver and gold coins." Qiao Heng said.

"We have it here." A wooden box appeared in Shen Zhizhai's hand, he opened the lid, and the gold and silver coins inside were mixed together.

Shaking back and forth, there was a clattering sound.

Everyone on Treasure Island stared wide-eyed, wondering how this man could do magic tricks.

Qiao Heng had a faint smile on his face. He had long been accustomed to the masters' magic.

Li Qingxian took out a silver coin, put it in his hand, and asked, "Who is the village chief?"

"That's the old man." An old man came out.

Li Qingxian said: "I want to buy some things now. Some things will offend you, so I will give you enough compensation. You should understand that the process may be slightly different between me buying it and the Qiao family buying it."

"Okay! Don't worry, even if you want to buy the ancestral tomb, you can sell it." The village chief nodded vigorously.

Seeing what the village chief said, the villagers sighed and said nothing.

"Very good. Not the ancestral graves, but the grass on the graves, the remaining soil in front of the tombstones, and all the graves should have some."

"Okay!" The village chief agreed decisively.

Qiao Heng said: "Come here, take the villagers to get the grass from the graves and the soil for the tombstones. You must be careful."

"Wait, there are others. You make the list and take people to collect it in person. There can't be any mistakes."

"do not worry."

Afterwards, Qiao Heng asked someone to take out pen and paper.

Li Qingxian said: "In addition, we also need the stove ashes, oil lamps, wall bricks, roof tiles, water in the well, cobwebs in the house, old swallow's nests, and branches of every tree in the village. Roots, and…genealogy.”

The villagers looked quickly at the village chief.

A look of embarrassment flashed across the village chief's face, and then he said firmly: "Okay!"

"You are very open-minded." Li Qingxian smiled.

"Although we don't know what you want to do, our ancestors said back then that that man was domineering and would cause disaster sooner or later. If he hadn't been afraid of abandoning the ancestral land, we would have been slaughtered long ago. You are different from some people. You are a To be reasonable, you have the patience to tell us in detail, which is a blessing to our whole village. Don’t worry, we will take everything you want, we don’t want anything.”

Qiao Heng sneered and said: "You can take it if you are told to take it! Even if the master gives you a gold mountain, it will still be yours. Not only do our Qiao family dare not move, but we want to protect you! Take a long-term view, our Qiao family, I don’t want to die with you bunch of mud-legged people.”

Some people looked at Qiao Heng. On the surface, these words were meant for the village chief, but in fact they were a promise to Li Qingxian that they would never mess up.

One advantage of these people from big families is that they know who they can't afford to offend.

There is also a drawback, knowing who can afford to offend.

"Go ahead, I will check them one by one when the time comes."

"do not worry!"

After Qiao Heng finished speaking, he turned to look at the people of the Qiao family who had been brought here, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "I have said some things before, so I won't repeat them today. But I want you to understand that every time you take a breath today, Every breath and every move of a foot is related to the future of the Qiao family. Once things are done, let's drink and eat meat together, and we will have the golden king's head. If things go wrong, don't blame me, Qiao Heng."

"Don't worry, young master!"

"Don't worry, sir!"

Everyone expressed their opinions.

Then, Qiao Heng smiled and said: "Everyone in the village is our relative, we must treat them well. Go ahead... No, I will lead the team myself!"

After saying that, Qiao Heng turned to look at Li Qingxian with a smile on his face, his peripheral vision always resting on the tall and strong man.

Li Qingxian nodded lightly, Qiao Heng breathed a sigh of relief and led the people away.

He Bao took back the Damo Dao and said with a smile: "This man is quite sensible."

All the generals rolled their eyes at him.

Although the villagers didn't know much, they knew it was a big deal. After listening to the village chief's instructions, they honestly led people to get the life materials Li Qingxian needed.

Shen Zhizhai glanced at the disciples and said with a smile: "These life materials are all very common, but swallow's nest is rarely used. Can you tell me where swallow's nest is used, and what kind of life material it is?"

All the life magicians frowned and thought hard.

"It should be the Spring and Autumn Dream Rejuvenation Technique? This fortune-telling technique uses swallow's nest, probably to find traces of the old days."

"I think the destiny technique of 'Nanyue Crossing' should be used, in order to silently bypass the Tianming Sect's ban."

"Maybe it's the 'Cry of Spring'..."

Everyone speculated and deduced.

Li Qingxian looked around, his eyes shining.

As long as everyone is glanced at by him, they will instinctively feel hairy all over, shrink their shoulders, and even have a woman's arm blocking her chest.

I don’t know why, I just feel like his eyes can penetrate clothes.

Li Qingxian took out the natal chart again, reading it and deducing it at the same time.

After a full hour, Li Qingxian suddenly walked quickly towards the village.

Everyone hurriedly followed.

After twists and turns, Li Qingxian arrived at a farmer's house with rough stone walls and a thatched roof.

"Take whatever you want!" After the village chief said, he glanced at a villager, who nodded slightly without saying a word.

Li Qingxian scanned the house, his eyes fell on the entrance of the cellar, and said: "There is a broken vat inside, I bought it."

Everyone hurriedly entered the cellar and carried out the broken vats and debris.

Li Qingxian walked over and gently touched the edge of the cylinder mouth.

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