Life Hunter

Chapter 1151 Long and Narrow Package

Dong dong dong...

The war drums of the river guards resounded through the sky.

"Take back the Champion City!"

He Bao, whose armor was broken, held up the broken sword of Mo Dao.

"Take back the Champion City!"

"Take back the Champion City!"

All the troops were arrayed and marched forward.

Amidst the roaring drums, the demon clan was stunned for a while.

The invincible army is all gone.

The generals of the demon clan all understand that the morale of the demon clan has reached a very dangerous situation in the battle of Xianwang City.

The Great Wall of Righteousness, which appears and disappears at times, is like a giant wall pressing on the hearts of every demon clan.

The Demon Armor Army was wiped out, the Deer King Army was wiped out, the Elephant King Army was wiped out, the Eagle King Army was wiped out, the Lion King Army was wiped out...

No matter how dull I am, I still feel something is wrong.

The weirdest thing is that the wizard army in the demon world was also completely wiped out.

The demon clan in this world has cut off its sources of troops.

The invincible army was sent out in the first battle not to show off, but to save ourselves.

Only by relying on the strongest army of the demon clan to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop can morale be rekindled.

The demon race is different from the human race.

The demon clan is brave, but full of animal nature.

When the animal nature is dominant, it is invincible, and even a pack of wolves is not afraid of a tiger.

But when he is at a disadvantage, he is like an old dog with a broken leg, extremely obedient.

An invincible army, not a single demon has escaped, and it is extremely brave. It is a powerful army that is first-rate in all the worlds.

Still unable to defeat Mo Daojun.

Is the heart of Mo Daojun harder than the steel of Mo Dao?

What is the power that makes the human race, which was originally more cowardly than the rabbit tribe, become more ferocious than the lion tribe?

Xianwang Kung Fu?


Kung Fu is just Kung Fu. Strength improves confidence, but it does not really temper one's will.

Something must have happened to make humans behave like this.

Evil law?

Less likely.

The soldiers of Modao Army were covered in blood and their eyes were clear.

Or is it that the human race has always been like this?

The demon generals were in a trance for a while, and they suddenly remembered similar looks.

After the fall of Champion City, the eyes of the soldiers behind them showed that they were weak, but they were fearless.

North of the river, there are a few guerrilla human teams, but they are determined.

In King Xian's city, the soldiers guarding the city wall are not strong, but their eyes are like daggers.

The same goes for these Modao Army soldiers.

The sound of drums awakened all the demon generals.

They looked at each other speechlessly.

The invincible army has been defeated, how can we fight?

Looking at the monsters with their tails between their legs, the generals sighed in their hearts.

"Defend the city!" An order came from Champion City.

All the monster clans retreated one after another and returned to the city as if they had been granted amnesty.

The human warrior, who was originally preparing for a big battle, looked at the back of the demon clan and showed a bright smile.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The mountains roared and the tsunami roared, and the whole army was boiling.

The first battle across the river was a great victory!

The puppet cultivators moved one after another, spells and skeletons were scattered all over the ground, and buildings rose from the ground one after another.

At the same time, several old people stood on the south bank of the river.

Looking from a distance, those old people seemed to be talking about something.

Then, everyone saw huge rocks falling out of thin air from high in the sky.

The boulders started from the south bank of the river and fell into the water to form stone pillars.

Huge stone pillars emerge from the water to form bridge piers.

On top of the bridge piers, rocks continue to fall and expand into a bridge deck.

The prototype of a magnificent bridge slowly opened.

As the boulders continue to fall, looking from a distance, the bridge looks like building blocks, extending northward.

North of the river, south of the Champion City, with the efforts of countless puppet cultivators, a fortress rose from the ground at an incredible speed, complete with moats, urns, parapets, etc., and even a dock and dock.

The Mo Dao Army is the first sword to attack the demon clan.

This fortress is the second sword that attacks the demon clan.

The monsters who flocked to the Champion City looked back at the miraculous Dahe Bridge and the New City from time to time. The fear in their hearts was like ink falling on a white paper, slowly spreading and seeping into their hearts.

Even the most ordinary monster race understands that once the new city is connected to the south of the river and the human race has a foothold, the counterattack will begin.

Logically speaking, the human race should be defeated at this time.

However, the complete annihilation of the Invincible Army completely rejected this approach.

Not only were they not angry, but they were secretly feeling lucky.

Fortunately, let the Invincible Army have a try first, otherwise, all the monsters who left the city would have been annihilated by the humans.

Just like the carpet of flesh and blood behind the Invincible Army.

King Xian can only be outwitted but cannot be defeated.

The Tree Horn King is indeed the best strategist of the demon clan.

The person who knows Li Qingxian is none other than King Shujiao.

I thought that with the passing of the General King, the last obstacle to the demon clan collapsed.

Who knows, a mountain higher than the General King will rise from the ground and step under the champion city.

The demon generals looked up and saw that north of the river, the sky had changed.

In the early morning, all the major teahouses and restaurants in Shendu are packed with people, and people are standing outside the doors and windows.

Night Guard's restaurant facing the street was even more crowded.

In particular, the restaurants where Li Qingxian had dined were crowded with people.

They raised their necks and looked toward the street like turtles eating food.

A man came running from a distance.

"Report...The entire army of King Xian has left the city, not just a million people, but tens of millions..."

Everyone smiled and said nothing. In the past, there were millions of people talking about fighting, but the real number of soldiers capable of fighting was only two or three hundred thousand.

Tens of millions of people are an imaginary number.

"Report...His Royal Highness Prince Xian did not show up, and did not even cross the river..."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, even the old man who was usually calm and unfazed, now he was either blowing his beard and staring, or was lost in confusion.

"General Lu Wenhua said... The human race has rich experience in solving disasters. If it cannot be solved... the human race is invincible... It proves... that without King Xian, we can still cross the river... cross the river!"

"Cross the river!"

Everyone in the restaurant yelled one after another, and a group of old gentlemen blushed more than the young people.

"Report...the wall of Zhengqi has moved...the human army has crossed the river..."

Everyone cheered.

"Report...Mo Dao's army went out to fight, advancing like a wall, and all the demons were shattered..."

"Report...Mo Dao Army is still fighting fiercely, never retreating, and keeps advancing..."

"Retribution... a great victory! A great victory! A great victory! The Mo Dao army completely annihilated the invincible army! The human race is invincible!"

"Report...the monster army retreated and fled back to Champion City...the human race's first battle across the river was a complete victory!"

The restaurants are boiling, the streets are boiling, the gods are boiling, and the world is boiling.

Li Qingxian was sitting on the city wall, drinking tea and water, eating fruits and melons, cracking melon seeds and walnuts, and looking ahead.

The people around him had not thought about food or food from the beginning, and their minds were completely distracted by the battle in the distance.

Li Qingxian's food scraps have been sent away to two trash cans, and half of the bucket is left.

It wasn't until the sun set in the west and the bridge built by Super Puppet Repair was officially completed that Li Qingxian stood up, clapped his hands, and shook off the debris on his hands.

"It's almost time. Let's go back." Li Qingxian ignored the constantly vibrating communication talisman and turned around to walk down the city wall.

"Your Highness, why don't you care at all?"

"It's destined."

Li Qingxian walked back to Prince Xian's Mansion. Two female disciples beside Concubine Jiang You came over. One disciple held a long and narrow parcel of old coarse blue cloth and offered it to her with both hands.

"The saint asked us to give this to you, please use it properly."

Li Qingxian stared at the long and narrow package, stretched out his hands, and took it solemnly.

Lu Jing, Zhou Hen and other guards looked at each other and were secretly surprised.

The army crossed the river without any change in King Xian's expression. But this little thing made him pay so much attention to it. What was it about?

The group of people followed Li Qingxian back to the study eagerly, staring at the old package together.

Li Qingxian placed the package on the table in front of him, caressed it gently for a while, and kept looking at it.

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