Life Hunter

Chapter 1152 The Divine Thunder from the Upper Realm

"My lord, why don't you open it and take a look?" Lu Jing urged.

After a while, Li Qingxian said: "I know what's inside."

"If the goods are not right, please take a look."

Li Qingxian stroked the package again and put it into the Qiankun bracelet.

The guards looked sad and looked away.

Not long after, the messy sounds of armor and footsteps were heard outside.

"Your Majesty, He Bao is lucky to have lived up to his command! There are no monsters in front of Mo Dao's army!"

As soon as He Bao's broken gong voice came out, half the city would cover their ears.

He Bao strode forward in a broken armor, with wounds all over his body still covered in flesh and blood, his entire left ear missing, and a small piece of the left side of his head collapsed.

Behind He Bao were the generals who were all beaming with joy.

After Li Qingxian looked at He Bao, he nodded and said, "Good job."

He Bao took a deep breath and straightened his chest.

King Xian praised him, saying that all the hard work was worth it.

"Bury brother with dignity." Li Qingxian said solemnly.

"Don't worry! They died north of the river, under the Champion City."

The generals were filled with emotion.

In the past few decades, many people in the human race would rather die in battle north of the river than live south of the river.

But what I asked for was not received.

"The ceremony will be held tomorrow. I will personally bury a brother. From now on, whenever a brother is killed in battle, the Lord will attend the memorial ceremony."

"As commanded."

Li Qingxian looked out the door and said: "In the next few days, we may not have time to pay homage. The Champion City will be a grinding mill. Also, there will definitely be trouble behind us."

Lu Wenhua's expression moved slightly and he said, "I heard from some monk friends that you don't need to worry about the rear?"

Li Qingxian blinked and said, "So that's it. Our human race really never lacks people with lofty ideals."

Suddenly, Li Qingxian frowned suddenly and looked up at the sky.

An indescribable feeling came over me.

"What's wrong?"

"Not sure."

Li Qingxian frowned, this feeling was very close to that day.

That day... was the day when the entire army of super wizards in the demon world was annihilated.

Although I still don’t know what happened.

Is the demon world going to be in trouble again?

But why did I feel a terrifying warning sign, almost a death curse?

Li Qingxian secretly transported all the treasures and made full preparations.

Upper Bound.

A group of immortals and gods were drinking and celebrating.

A white divine light struck and flew towards the Lei Department Hall.

A big man covered in thunder snorted and said: "The current lower realm is really messing around. Instead of doing good things, they are trying to test the upper realm."

The big man waved his hand casually, and thunder surged, destroying the white divine light. With his remaining power still remaining, he crossed the starry sky and thundered down to the lower world.


A thunderous thunder appeared out of thin air.

Thunder is slower than thunder, but the strange thing is that at the same time, thunder can be heard in all directions in the world and everywhere in the world at the same time.

The moment Thunder appeared, the expressions of many masters in the world changed slightly.

Thousands of voices resounded in unison, divine thunder from the upper realm.

Before the demon cultivator hiding in the secret place could curse loudly, blood started to flow from his orifices.

All over the human race, the statues of evil gods were broken into pieces.

God goes like nothing.

There are also some statues that seem to be unchanged, but after an instant, the statues bleed from their seven orifices.

Many great monks looked at where Thunder was and frowned.

The divine thunder from the upper realm descended on the Tianming Sect.

Given the strength of the Destiny Sect, it was definitely not a thunder punishment. Perhaps the Destiny Sect had done something to receive a reward from the upper world.

This upper realm divine thunder is enough to refine a super-grade thunder weapon, enough to become the number one offensive weapon in the world.

Many monks sighed.

The Destiny Sect is really blessed.

Being given the divine thunder at this time, the world has changed again.

There may be trouble over there with King Xian's army.

In the city of the wise king.

Li Qingxian secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, just like last time, I felt warning signs, but they disappeared suddenly.

The difference is, why did the thunder suddenly fall this time?

That breath of thunder is so familiar.

The power of a typical Leibu righteous god falls in the Tianming Sect.

But at this time, I felt a warning sign.

In the end what happened?

Li Qingxian shook his head and refused to deduce it at all. If it involves the Thunder Department of the Upper Realm, he would definitely encounter a catastrophe if he would arbitrarily commit suicide and deduce it.

In history, there were cases where a fortune-teller tried to spy on the upper world and was struck to death by a thunderbolt.

Tian Ming Sect has a deep foundation, and naturally knows about this kind of thing, and will never pry into the upper world.

Then the origin of this thunder is worth pondering.

Just as he was thinking about it, the messenger talisman rang continuously.

Li Qingxian opened it and listened. It was all a kind reminder.

"The Tianming Sect has been secretly preparing for big moves these days. This time it attracts thunder, which is more of a disaster than a blessing for us. We must be careful."

"If you can't find out, no one in the Tianming Sect can spread the news. It's as if he's dead. You have to be careful."

"The Tianming Sect doesn't know what they are preparing for. They are completely isolated. You have to be careful."

Countless life magicians told Li Qingxian to be careful.

Not long after, a message came from Duan Tianji.

"Something is not good. In our Tianming Sect, there are many secret techniques, some of which are incomplete and come from the upper world. Although I don't know what the divine thunder is coming this time, it must be related to those secret techniques. I suspect that they Be more careful when targeting you. In addition, the Demon Suppression Tower is ready, but it still cannot be completely exposed. We need to save a surprise soldier..."

Li Qingxian chatted with Duan Tianji for a few words, and then put down the communication talisman.

"That thunder sounds very weird, like the legendary divine thunder from the upper realm." Lu Wenhua said.

The smiles on the generals' faces disappeared.

The monks were more or less superstitious. Just after they had achieved an unprecedented victory, divine thunder descended from the sky. What does this mean?

Li Qingxian said casually: "This is the Upper Realm Thunder Department using the sky thunder to congratulate us on our victory over the demon clan."


All the generals responded one after another.

Li Qingxian said: "The soldiers and horses have not moved, but the food and grass go first. Although it is better to do it all at once, the demon clan is not a weak enemy, and expelling the demon clan cannot be done overnight. The material supply of the North Bank New City is the top priority. You should step up the overall arrangements. , If it doesn’t work, I will transport it with the Qiankun Bracelet.”

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. If you are still needed for this kind of thing, then I would be derelict in my duty."

"That's good."

"Don't move for the first three days. There are changes in the Tianming Sect, and the imperial court may also use methods. Let's wait and see the changes first to avoid being attacked from both sides." Li Qingxian said.

The generals nodded heavily, having considered all of this.

Champion City is just one of the enemies of the Xian Wang Army.

Maybe not even in the top three.

A hundred miles away from Tianmen Pass, Wangshan County.

Three old men in disheveled clothes were walking staggeringly in the middle of the road, arms around each other.

The soaring smell of alcohol dispersed, and passers-by frowned and stayed away silently.

The three old men didn't care at all. They shook their heads drunkenly and boasted.

"Back then, I cut off ten thousand armies with one sword. What a bullshit demon clan. I was so frightened by that sword that I dared not move forward for three days, thus delaying rescue."

"Your sword is too fierce. It's not good for fighting and killing. When I was in the demon world... I hiccuped... I peeed, and the water flooded the entire army."

"You two, it's pointless to force yourself. I gave a hundred thousand demon soldiers a house to protect them from the wind and rain, because I have a kind heart..."

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