Life Hunter

Chapter 1153 Besieging thousands of armies

The gate of heaven closed and suddenly opened.

Groups of dejected soldiers slowly moved northward.

The generals on horseback glanced at the soldiers with unhappy faces. They did not yell and curse in the past, but had the same unhappy faces.

Several generals looked at each other without saying a word, but their stomachs were boiling.

The Mo Dao army killed all the invincible troops, and the emperor actually sent us out of Tianmen Pass?

What are you doing, delivering food?

Now that more than half of the super-grade humans are in Xianwang City, what are these half a million troops doing?

If we don’t have enough food, can we deliver food?

Yes, they didn’t say to go to Xianwang City, they only said to be stationed in Maocheng, three hundred miles outside Xianwang City. But what’s the use?

The food is not enough. Could you please add more wine?

Yes, the imperial court sent out thirty pairs of royal flags, but all of them were blocked. So far, there is no news and there can be no action.

But apart from causing internal strife among the human race, what effect does this kind of action have?

The Xianwang army is fighting on the front line, and the imperial army is causing trouble in the rear?

Xie Linfu didn't have the shame to do such a thing.

The Fifth Army Governor's Mansion was scolded from last night until early morning, and Tianmenguan was scolded from morning to noon.

After waiting for the king's army to destroy the demon tribe, they really want to send their troops south. The two sides have fought a battle, and both sides will accept it whether they win or lose.

Anyway, soldiers live with their heads high and die early.

But what's the point of going to the rear of Xian Wang's army now?

What is the difference between this and the Demon Gate?

Both the military and the literary cultivators objected, and even Jie Linfu remained silent for a long time, and finally sighed and drafted the edict in his own hand.

This is what makes people all over the world poke their spines.

But my arms can’t twist my thighs, what can I do?

Now that we have food and wine, these five hundred thousand troops can dance for the court.

The army of half a million people plus the civilian supplies were like a swarm of ants, slowly heading north.

The first one has been walking for a day, and the last baggage team is still going out at Tianmen Pass.

Marching into the night, the army rested.

In the early morning of the next day, fierce police whistles and knocking sounds echoed throughout the army.

Everyone picked up their weapons and stood up. After taking a closer look, they were stunned.

This is a large house. The house is very normal, with carved beams and paintings on the walls, smooth stone tiles on the floor, and tables, chairs, and benches.

There is only one feature, which is a bit big.

An army of half a million people, packed into this big room, couldn't even hold a dining table.

Most people panicked, but the generals and counselors breathed a sigh of relief.

The super human race took action.

The generals were surprisingly calm, calming the soldiers and practicing on the spot.

The high-ranking monk who led the troops walked around the big room and thought for a while, but didn't move anything.

Three days later, when I woke up again, the big house disappeared.

The generals hurriedly used the messenger plate to contact Tianmen Pass and the Fifth Army Commander's Office.

After waiting for half a day, the order was issued.

keep going.

The army had no choice but to set off slowly.

The next day, when I woke up early in the morning, a faint fishy smell woke up all the soldiers.

The generals flew into the sky to inspect and saw that the army was surrounded by a wide ring-shaped river.

The river is dark yellow and exudes a strong smell of urine.

Ordinary soldiers cursed and cursed, saying that no one in the world could pee so much in a year.

The generals did not dare to say a harsh word.

No one even dared to fly across the river.

I spent three days surrounded by the smell of urine. When I woke up, the stench dissipated.

The imperial army officers and soldiers let out a long sigh of relief, and then inhaled hard.

I have never found ordinary air so beautiful before.

The generals once again summoned Tianmen Pass and the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion.

At noon, the order was issued again.

go ahead.

The imperial army is on the road again.

On the way, the generals reviewed the military situation of these days.

On the fourth day of the establishment of the new city on the north bank, King Xian's army officially attacked.

An army of half a million people bypassed Champion City and went straight to the Arctic Pass between the entrance to the demon world and Champion City.

Once the North Pole Pass is captured, the connection between the demon world and Champion City will be completely severed.

But the imperial army generals shook their heads slightly. The North Pole Pass stood among the mountains and guarded the key points. It was easier to defend and harder to attack than Champion City.

What's more, there are elite demon clans in the Arctic Pass, and it is rumored that Super Grade is in charge. It is very likely that the Champion City has fallen, and the Arctic Pass is still there.

Arctic Pass is the gateway to the demon world. The demon clan can give up Champion City, but it is impossible to abandon Arctic Pass.

Once the Arctic Pass is lost, the human race can march straight in and invade the demon world.

This is unacceptable to the demon world.

While heading to the Arctic Pass, the battle for Champion City officially started.

The mechanical catapults of King Xian's army were like wooden toys. In one day, a total of 10,000 catapults were rolled out, which greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

The Xianwang Army even has a new branch, the Projection Army.

King Xian's army did not surround three buildings, but surrounded them on all sides.

Since the first moment of the war, the exploding talisman cylinders flying towards the Champion City have not stopped, hitting the Champion City from all directions.

The entire city's four walls were covered with thunder, fire, and ice.

The monsters above were killed in large numbers without even a single human being being able to see them.

The wizards tried to use witchcraft circles, but they could not hold on for more than a moment before the circles collapsed.

The human race's attack was too brutal.

Not to mention the demon clan, even the Xian Wangjun himself was stunned when he saw this kind of battle.

They finally saw for the first time what the "saturation attack" mentioned by King Xian was.

In a saturation attack, everyone will die and the corpses will be exploded three times.

The demon clan was completely stunned.

Do you want to defend the city wall?

Let's face it, humans don't climb the city walls at all, and if they do, they will die.

If you don't keep it, then just watch?

While the humans were bombarding the city wall, a large number of siege engines and skeletons rushed under the city wall and destroyed it.

The city wall was built by the humans themselves and is very strong.

Destruction is slow.

The monsters in the city wall were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

The generals discussed for a long time and had no choice but to try to destroy the catapult.

As a result, the bird warriors flew into the air one after another. They flew higher and higher. When they reached extremely high altitudes, they dived towards the human catapults from all directions.

After the Eagle King's army was completely wiped out, King Xian gathered all the harpies in the world, leaving only a million or so.

Even if the entire demon clan has soldiers, its actual fighting strength is less than 500,000.

This time, a full 800,000 were sent.

Countless old, young, sick and disabled people were mixed in the bird army. They were panicked and frightened, but they did not flinch.

Eight hundred thousand tragic bird tribe, like a scattered light cloud, pressed against the human catapult.

The bird demon was getting closer and closer, and suddenly, a dense sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Talisman-hanging arrows flew from all directions, and the brutal saturation attack once again exposed its fangs in the form of arrows.

Among the ranks of the Xianwang Army, the Divine Bow Army was the first to form an army and has the oldest qualifications.

After years of training and accumulation, the Divine Bow Army has truly become the first army of King Xian.

Spirit talismans exploded all over the sky, and the sky in all directions was filled with thunder, fire and violent winds.

Then, under the control of the life magician, the catapult accurately threw the explosive talisman cylinder.

Exploding talisman jars filled the sky and exploded among the harpies.

Then, dense thunderbolts exploded among the bird demons, and balls of coke flew away.

This is Wen Xiu's war poem.

"Collection of Poems by King Xian" makes up for the shortcomings of literary studies.

Then, the Taoist cultivator took action, and each talisman bird flew into the sky.

The Talisman bird opened its mouth, and densely packed spiritual talismans were flying all over the sky like beans.

All the martial arts cultivators gritted their teeth at the sight. Are these still the same bunch of poor talisman cultivators? Each one covered their magic talisman like a dog-skin plaster, and using a magic talisman was like pulling out their teeth.

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