Life Hunter

Chapter 1160 The True Palace of Emperor Ming

"I have read some official files. In these days when King Xian's technique was popularized, the number of monks who died due to fights was less than the previous number. It is no wonder that those cultivators would rather not accept the imperial edict and support His Highness King Xian. This is enlightenment. The great meritorious people in the world, Wen Xiu and King Xian are against each other, but they must be righteous."

Everyone supported him.

"Then what about popularizing fortune-telling?" Li Qingxian asked.

There was silence.

I don’t have a cow, but if I had one, I would definitely donate it to the court.

But what if you have a cow in your hand?

Zhou Xuanshan said slowly: "The general trend is the general trend."

Zhao Qingchuan said: "I have been thinking that this time, our enemy is the demon race. We can fight with all our strength. But if next time, the aliens invade a hundred times and a thousand times more than the demon race, how can we resist? All the people Popularizing the cultivation method is a good way to solve future disasters."

"There is nothing wrong with a person only looking at what is in front of him, but the entire human race cannot just look at what is in front of him."

"Life magic is different from others. Once it is let go, there will be endless troubles."

"Are you alluding to a certain fate master?" Li Qingxian said half-jokingly.

Everyone smiled.

After chatting for a while, everyone dispersed.

Zhou Xuanshan watched everyone leave, finally stood up and looked at Li Qingxian.

"Are you really ready? This is the Destiny Sect after all."

"At least my life is safe." Li Qingxian said.

"That's good."

After Zhou Xuanshan left, Li Qingxian took out a book from the Qiankun Bracelet.

The mana is intertwined, as light as a feather, and four words are written on it.

Great Destiny Technique.

This destiny technique is one of the most powerful destiny techniques in the Tianming Sect.

Legend has it that once it is used, it will not be performed by one person, but by all the monks who have learned the Great Destiny Technique throughout the ages.

The biggest advantage of this life-spell is that it is extremely powerful, and it is still one of the most powerful life-spells in the human race.

For the Destiny Sect, there is no disadvantage.

But for people who are not from the Tianming Sect, this destiny technique has an inherent flaw.

That is, if you don't use it, it's fine. Once you use it, it will be used by everyone who has learned the great destiny technique.

So, in the end, was it this person who used the fate technique, or was it the destiny magicians of the Tianming Sect who used it?

This is a destiny technique that is not controlled by oneself but by the monks of the Tianming Sect of all generations.

To others, this fortune-telling technique is almost useless.

But for the Destiny Sect, this is the most powerful destiny technique.

As long as there is one person who knows this destiny magic, it means that all the destiny magicians of the Tianming Sect can take action.

Destiny is immortal.

As the Destiny Sect is passed down from generation to generation, the Great Destiny Technique becomes more and more powerful.

Thousands of years of accumulation have made the Great Destiny Technique an unimaginably terrifying art.

If you can't break the Great Destiny Technique, you can't break the Destiny Sect.

The Great Destiny Technique cannot be cracked so far.

Even the gods from the upper world.

Li Qingxian carefully read through "The Great Destiny Technique" and memorized everything, but he did not practice it.

The rattle from Guicun appeared in Li Qingxian's hand. He shook it gently and rumbled...

The body disappeared in Feikong Pavilion and appeared under the ginkgo tree in the strange world.

There is a man inlaid on the trunk of the ginkgo tree. He has become one with the tree, his eyes are closed, and he looks like a tree and a human being.

This ginkgo tree has grown much taller, with a horizontal crown and overlapping branches and leaves, like a huge round umbrella, covering half of the yard.

The golden ginkgo leaves seem to be the only color between heaven and earth, covering the crown of the tree and falling all over the earth.

Li Qingxian walked over, sat under the tree, and closed his eyes.

After a moment, Li Qingxian opened his eyes, thought for a moment, took out the "Great Destiny Technique", began to study, and then practice.

After learning the Great Destiny Technique, Li Qingxian left the Secret World and returned to Feikong Pavilion.

The Palace of Destiny.

The headmaster and the elders were sitting on futons.

More than half of the elders are new faces.

Suddenly, the leader Zong Huatian opened his eyes and frowned deeply.

Afterwards, the other elders opened their eyes one after another, most of them looking confused.

"Someone has learned the Great Destiny Technique but has not used it. Who could it be?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be within the Tianming Sect."


Everyone looked at Zong Huatian.

"Li Qingxian."

Everyone smiled.

"He is after all... Why is the leader frowning?"

Everyone quickly understood.

"He doesn't learn early and he doesn't learn late. It's quite strange that he learns at this time."

"Yes, this high-grade performance will reward him with a treasure, but he won't be able to practice on the spot."

"If you want to win over me, that's fine."

"If we weren't worried about his relationship with the upper world, why would we wait until tomorrow?"

"There is a difference between heaven and man. The god he relies on can only restrain evil spirits. To us, he is just a slightly stronger warrior."

"That's right. What's more, our Tianming Sect has too many ways to disperse them."

"No matter what, as long as we wait until today's imperial edict, the king's flag, and the necessary things, we will start."

"As commanded."

All the elders were calm and relaxed.

If it were just the Tianming Sect itself, it might be a hundred meters away.

But Emperor Taining took action indirectly, and the situation was set.

This world is originally the world of the royal family and the Tianming Sect.

No one can be greater than the imperial family and the Tianming Sect.

Neither can Li Qingxian.

On the second day, everyone walked towards the large square in front of the Tianming Hall.

Three rows of wooden buildings rise from the ground on the east, west and north sides of the main square.

The wooden building is divided into many independent rooms, and you can look down from the inside.

All major forces entered their private rooms one after another and looked down from three sides.

The square was crowded with people, as if all the life magicians in the world were gathered here.

At this moment, it was the time for the performance of the lower class, which was divided into four sub-squares, each filled with people.

One is the performance of the fate play. Everyone enters the fate play box and accepts various tests.

One is the performance of the Great Promotion Chart, in which everyone chooses a different identity based on fortune-telling, and then uses their different identities to live different lives, and finally compete for that first-rank position.

One is the fate performance method, which completely tests the monks' understanding of the fate of the stars. It seems simple, but it requires extremely strong patience and determination.

One is the performance of fate magic. Both sides use fate magic continuously, and then ask the other side to crack it.

Li Qingxian was sitting in a single room, looking at the performance below, and his ears seemed to echo with the shouts of the Beast Bridge and the quarrels in the Mingshu teahouse.

Familiar scenes reappeared before my eyes.

Suddenly, the corners of Li Qingxian's mouth curved slightly.

Someone is inspiring.

As expected of the Destiny Sect, I didn't notice it at first.

If he hadn't calmed down and was destined to be the emperor, he might have fallen deeply into it.

Li Qingxian blinked, and in the spiritual platform, the huge Emperor of Life slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, visible lights, points, lines, blocks, or other images appeared in the surrounding void.

After breaking the thunder phase and being promoted to the first level, he gained new magical powers.

The true palace of Emperor Ming.

Wherever I am, I am my vassal.

All the life skills are displayed in front of your eyes.

Not only do you see the life spell, but you also form a life line that connects the caster.

Even everything about this destiny technique emerged.

Origin, development, peak, shortcomings, advantages, pros and cons of this person's usage, comparison with self, comparison with perfect fortune-telling, how to crack...

Countless information stimulates the brain to generate electricity, and you can see it all at a glance.

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