Life Hunter

Chapter 1161 The General Trend of Three Mountains

Above the main hall square, it is lively and lively, just like a market.

Where Li Qingxian was, no one spoke, and it was deserted.

In front of Li Qingxian's eyes, there were thousands of illusions and endless streams of light.

The power of the Tianming Sect was peeled off layer by layer like an onion.

After a long time, Li Qingxian turned his head and looked at the back mountain of the Tianming Sect, where the Tianming Formation was located.

Not long ago, both Zhou Xuanshan and Gaifengyou, both the Mingshu Sect and the Mud Society, had reminded them.

The destiny formation has changed.

Indeed, one can feel the majestic power and endless power of God inside.

Just a little familiar.

Li Qingxian blinked, and the light in front of his eyes dissipated, and the scene was full of people.

Life magicians everywhere commented on the low-level life magicians who participated in the performance.

The great performance of destiny in the past dynasties lasted for many days and the process was complicated.

After performing the four techniques in the morning, the outstanding fortune-teller was selected and stopped. The winner will continue to perform the techniques tomorrow.

After noon, the performance of Zhongpin begins.

The middle-grade acting method focuses on situation, destiny and complex fortune-telling techniques, and goes beyond the scope of simple fortune-telling.

There are also four branch venues.

As night falls, the first round of mid-range performances ends, and the winners prepare for the second round tomorrow.

At the beginning of the lanterns, the Tianming Sect held a grand banquet. While enjoying the dinner, the fate magicians chatted about what they had seen and heard today.

After dinner, everyone calmed down.

Especially the low-grade and mid-grade life magicians, quietly looking at the front of the venue.

Xiang Xinglong, the new Grand Elder of Tianming Sect, walked forward with a smile, bowed his hands to everyone, and said: "Today's Tianming performance, all the sages have gathered, and the talents have gathered together to make the lintel of our Tianming Sect shine..."

After Xiang Xinglong said many clichés, he smiled and said: "The original intention of the Tianming Sect to host the Tianming Performance is to cultivate new blood in the destiny world for thousands of years. This year, people have said it many times, and it is always the same thing every time, over and over again, I'm tired of watching it. I think about it, and I'm right. This destiny show has not changed for many years, and all the contents have been seen in the Beast Bridge in the past. Therefore, I will go over my head today and shamelessly invite the best of the human race. Young talents should use new acting techniques to prevent the Destiny Act from becoming a stagnant pool of water."


Many life magicians applauded, especially the young life magicians who wanted to see something new.

Xiang Xinglong said: "Today, I invited a few elders from the fortune-telling world, and each of them prepared a little gadget to test the new high-quality blood of the human race. It is difficult to say that it is not difficult, and it is easy to say that it is not difficult. It’s not simple. However, since this performance is a new addition, ordinary high-grade people are not prepared and may not be able to figure it out. Therefore, I boldly appoint today’s young high-grade life magician to explore the way and perform the method for you first, how about it?”

Everyone nodded slightly, but they couldn't say anything.

Xiang Xinglong glanced at the audience and said: "But who should I choose to go on first? I am stumped. Choose someone who is not famous. Everyone must be unconvinced. Why should he go first? Choose someone who is famous but has great strength. He may not be able to surpass all others. Today’s young life magicians are only a few who have both fame and strength. I sent Duan Tianji to guard the Demon Suppression Tower, and the number one high-grade life magician of the young generation present is ready to appear."

Everyone looked at the room where Li Qingxian was.

"His Royal Highness, King Xian, please come on stage and let all the fortune-tellers in the world have a glimpse of the younger generation of fortune-teller. Everyone, are you okay?"


The unknowing fortune masters shouted and looked at Li Qingxian excitedly.

Li Qingxian has become a well-deserved role model for human life magicians.

In the past, although life magicians were powerful, they rarely acted directly and were more mysterious. They were good at playing life magic behind their backs. In the hearts of most humans, they were far less powerful than other monks.

Stepping through the Demonic Mountain and annihilating the demon clan will infinitely improve the status of the life magician among the monks.

The true king of the world, the myth of the destiny world, countless honors rest on Li Qingxian's head.

Everyone is fascinated. If they can really witness King Xian's fate, that will be the biggest gain from this performance.

However, many high-grade life magicians have sinking faces.

Some looked at Li Qingxian, while others observed the elders of the Tianming Sect.

Everyone took out the communication talisman one after another.

Li Qingxian's communication talisman kept buzzing.

Li Qingxian sat in the room, silent for a moment, nodded and said: "Since the elder has invited me, then the junior will show his shame."

After Li Qingxian finished speaking, he stepped out of the room, his white clothes falling to the ground in the wind.

"Okay, Your Highness Prince Xian is worthy of being a role model in the destiny world. As expected, you have already achieved the first level of concentration, right?"

"I set foot in Yipin not long ago."

The huge venue was filled with sighs.

Although everyone had previously guessed that Li Qingxian was a master of concentration, but hearing it with his own ears, the feeling was different.

The first-grade Li Qingxian no longer represents the younger generation.

There is an unbridgeable gap between him and the younger generation.

Duan Tianji, who was known as the number one genius in the fortune-telling world back then, was only a third-grade man.

Xiang Xinglong smiled and nodded, and said: "The King Xian's acting is rare in the world, so I won't talk nonsense. Please."


Xiang Xinglong and Li Qingxian walked side by side towards the Tianming Hall.

From the square to the Tianming Hall, you have to go through three platforms paved with white marble and three steps.

At the same time, three old men stood on the first platform.

The young man looked over and saw triplets, but he was just curious.

The older man looked at the three old men who looked very similar with deep eyes.

Walking to the first step of the stairs, Xiang Xinglong looked at the platform in front and said: "These three old gentlemen are far from comparable to His Highness Prince Xian. The three of them are all only in the second rank. Their only strength is that they are connected by blood. , the situation is harmonious.”

Li Qingxian looked around and saw that the three of them had round hair and smiling faces, like rich old men.

Li Qingxian bowed slightly and said, "I have met Mr. Sanshan."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, you're welcome..." The three of them smiled in return.

Hearing the name "Mr. Sanshan", the young life magician present suddenly realized.

These three people are naturally psychic, and after learning fortune-telling skills, they are even more miraculous.

When they were in the lower ranks, the three of them had made quite a name for themselves. After being promoted to the upper ranks, they devoted themselves to training, but their reputations had faded over the years.

The three of them once shone brightly during the war between the kings. They joined the imperial court as third-grade people and fought against many high-grade life magicians without falling behind.

Mr. Tianshan Da in the middle said: "We three incompetent people have recently developed a new method of operating magic, which can establish a nine-level situation. However, after all, the three of us are not the same person, and the situation is flawed, so we continue to take the liberty of asking all parties for advice. Master. Unfortunately, maybe we are unlucky and have not been able to find the problem so far. I heard that His Highness Prince Xian is extremely powerful in life skills, and I hope that His Highness Prince Xian will have insight and help us perfect this 'Three Mountains of Power Technique'."

As soon as everyone heard this, they understood that these three people were not saying that their Three Mountains Power Technique was insufficient. They were clearly saying that they had created this fortune-making technique on their own and had never failed.

None of their opponents could see through the true meaning, so naturally they couldn't see the problem.

"The three masters are being humble. I have a general understanding of the situation and have never seen the Three Mountains Dharma. If I can see it today, I will be lucky. I hope you will give me some advice."



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