Life Hunter

Chapter 1162: A group of swords to resolve the situation

Xiang Xinglong glanced at Mr. Sanshan indifferently, turned around and left, with a smile on his face, and then glanced at the location of Jiangnan Mingzong and other forces.

The life magicians whispered.

"I haven't seen the three of you for a long time. Which of you has experienced the great power of the Three Mountains?"

"I have experienced that when three people join forces, they are indeed invincible. Even if a first-level Shen Shen attacks, there is nothing they can do against them."

"There are no flaws in the cooperation between the three of them?"

"If there were any flaws, it wouldn't be like this. This performance was originally prepared for His Highness King Xian."

"If it's just these three people, with His Highness King Xian's strength, it's nothing. Just be afraid. With the help of the Tianming Sect, the strength of these three people is unfathomable."

"The next three performances will be more difficult than the last."

At this time, Mr. Tianshan said: "His Royal Highness, King Xian, is it a civil fight or a military fight?"

"What is a civil struggle and what is a military struggle?"

"Literary fighting is about observing the situation and analyzing the formation with words. The two sides do not compete, but it is just time-consuming and laborious. In military fighting, the three of us lay out the general situation and invite His Highness to join in to solve the situation. In military fighting, it is inevitable Being impatient won't hurt anyone, but it will hurt your spirit."

Everyone nodded, this kind of fighting method was considered common in the world of fortune-telling.

The former may seem simple, but it requires more mental effort to explain the methods clearly than to analyze the situation.

Although the latter does not require too much mental effort, once you are trapped in a situation and unable to extricate yourself, it will damage your mind and even your will.

Some old life magicians sent messages to Li Qingxian one after another.

"Their methods have been revealed, which is to consume your brain and heart."

"The performance is just for acting, and the inside is for the purpose of draining your mind, so be more careful."

In Li Qingxian's room, the counselors also analyzed in low voices and came to similar results.

He Bao sneered and said: "You guys, you guys, are so troublesome. If it were me, I would just flip the table."

Lu Wenhua smiled and said: "You don't understand this. Facing the demon clan, of course, you can just flip the table, beat the champion king to bow his head and retreat, handing over the treasure. But after all, His Highness is a life magician. If you want to solve the destiny sect, you must Show your ability to convince people. This performance may seem ordinary, but in fact it is a hundred times more dangerous than the champion's castle."

"Huh? It's better to do it directly to avoid a long night of dreams."

"Just be at ease. Since His Highness Prince Xian dares to come here, he has his own plans."

"Also... you tell me when to take action, I have long disliked the Tianming Sect."

The counselors shook their heads and took action in the Tianming Sect. Not to mention the second-rank He Bao, even the first-rank members of King Xian's army were unable to move forward.

Li Qingxian said: "I have to return to Xianwang City early tomorrow, so let's fight."

"Please give me some advice, Your Highness King Xian." The three of them sat on the ground and saluted in unison.

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the sky became dark and the earth became dark.

Everyone was in a trance for a while, and they saw that they seemed to be on the vast blue sky, sitting upright on the clouds.

Below, there is a strange continent, with four mountain-high giants sitting cross-legged, none other than Master Sanshan and King Xian.

Some young life magicians were so excited that they almost screamed.

Playing chess in the world, the great fortune-teller performs tricks.

Unlike young people, high-level life magicians use their magic power to observe the world below.

Three mountains are arranged in a row, located due north.

On top of the three mountains, Tianshan, Dishan and Renshan sit cross-legged.

On the ground at the south end opposite the three people, King Xian was also sitting cross-legged on the ground.

There are two large rivers running horizontally and vertically between the two sides, dividing the continent into nine pieces of land.

On each piece of land, there are three mountain ranges with different shapes.

There are a total of twenty-seven mountain ranges, faintly connected into one, forming a great power.

Everyone discovered that Li Qingxian was in a low position. At first glance, he looked like a Taoist priest worshiping the three gods in the hall.

The three mountain gentlemen all had smiles on their faces, free and easy expressions, their clothes were flowing, and they were surrounded by divine light. They looked like statues of three immortal gods.

"What a great situation..."

"Masters, can you help me?" Some bold young people hurriedly asked for advice.

"Observe quietly and don't make any noise."

"The nine major situations are too difficult to lay out. Not everyone has the talent of a star chess master. Therefore, the three masters of Sanshan University each created three major situations and merged them into one to form the nine major situations. Thanks to the collective efforts, in some aspects, This nine-level situation is even far above the ordinary nine-level situation. The nine levels are unified and seamless. The first step His Highness Prince Xian has to do is to analyze which nine-level situation this is. This alone is enough to exhaust the ordinary One taste will last for several days.”


Some top-grade life magicians explained it kindly, while the rest of the life magicians watched and listened with their ears pricked up.

"Please ask Your Highness Prince Xian to resolve the situation."

"Please ask Your Highness Prince Xian to resolve the situation."

"Please ask Your Highness Prince Xian to resolve the situation."

The three people spoke in unison, and then the voices of the three people continued to echo in Li Qingxian's ears, never stopping.

At the same time, the river changed its course, the mountains rose and fell, and the whole world seemed to be alive.

Everyone was in the clouds, looking at such a strange world, and they were inexplicably surprised.

Suddenly, Li Qingxian sighed softly and said: "Mr. Sanshan, the three of you are extremely intelligent, naturally psychic, and have extraordinary talents. Unfortunately, you do not cultivate your character, only seek magic, and deviate from the great path."

"Please advise." The three of them saluted in unison, with a respectful attitude.

Comparing the two, everyone was slightly sweating for Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian said: "The roots of many major situations are in heaven and earth. Learn from heaven and earth, and then change heaven and earth. Mountains and rivers are shaking around, as if changing heaven and earth, but in fact it is just an appearance. Changing heaven and earth does not change its shape, but changes its spirit and creates a new earth. Support the new heaven. Since it is not changing the heaven and the earth, if you learn from the heaven and the earth and study the principles of heaven, you will still have endless ways and supreme power. But it is a pity that you are full of mistakes in even the basics of learning from the heaven and the earth."

Li Qingxian suddenly stood up and put his foot on the spot, causing the ground to shake.

Everyone was horrified, and Mr. Sanshan looked solemn.

"Everyone knows that the first of the nine major strategic situations of Master Xingqi is the eighty-eighth floor of mountains and rivers, where humans and heaven and earth are combined, complex and exquisite. It can be said to be one of the most troublesome situations in the world. But that's exactly what it is. Only the complicated and troublesome general situation can carry the mountains and rivers above. But you, actually have the 'Wind Convergence Shadow situation' as your foundation."

"Yes, this situation is unpredictable and can be used to deal with various situations and confuse others. However, for the great life magic that is extremely powerful and can see the truth at a glance, it is just a blinding method. If the foundation is not strong, the ground will shake. Why? Because the three of you have a weak foundation and know that you cannot establish the nine major situations, so you are opportunistic. This first breakthrough is very simple. My kick is the most basic 'excellent solution'. Please see .”

As Li Qingxian spoke, divine light emanated from his body, and blade-like divine light flew out one after another, seeming to fall in disorder everywhere.

Some of these sword lights are tilted, some are deep into the ground, some are half exposed, and they come in all shapes and sizes.

The knives fell, and the ground slowly cracked. The rivers and mountains that were still crawling on this piece of land slowly solidified.

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