Life Hunter

Chapter 419: Blocking the door to collect debts leads to scolding

Zheng Gaojue said with a smile: "It turns out to be the Lost Dog Village, so that's normal."

Yu Ping said: "I have only heard about it before, saying that the martial arts world is deep in water. After some sects decline, they can neither stay in the city nor maintain their own mountain gates. However, they are not willing to disband the sects, so they can only live in some villages near the city. , look for opportunities to revive the sect. Although the name of the Lost Dog Village is ugly, its courage is commendable."

"Yes, this Shen Gong Sect still has bones. Many sects often fall apart." Li Qingxian said.

Zhou Hen moved his mouth but said nothing.

The four people turned around and left the city, heading for Wangjiatun.

Walking outside the village, you can see graves covered with grass lying on both sides of the road.

Li Qingxian glanced at the tombstones nearby and said, "Most of these graves are probably people who died in the martial arts world."

The four of them entered the village and walked through the sky full of yellow sand.

A spacious gravel road runs through the village. On both sides of the road are courtyards surrounded by stone walls. The broken lanterns in front of the courtyard gates sway in the wind, and the horizontal plaque with the name of the sect on the lintel jingles in the wind. There was a clanging sound.

Tiandaomen, Wuhu Mountain, Shenquan Gang, Ten Swordsmen...

At first glance, the houses on both sides look quite impressive, but upon closer inspection, the paint on the sect’s plaques is peeling off everywhere, and the walls are covered with weeds.

Looking along the streets on both sides, behind the stone houses, there are rows of mud-walled thatched houses neatly arranged, with some sect plaques hanging on the doors.

People come and go in the village, dressed similarly to the people in the city, wearing straw sandals and commoners, all dressed in travel dust, and full of food.

The four men were dressed in short black clothes, wearing thick-soled boots, and had rosy faces.

The sound of soft footsteps came.

A child whose face was half smeared with pot bottom ash, his hands in his sleeves, walked over with small steps with a smile on his face, and said loudly: "Four gentlemen, are you here to do business in Wangjiatun? I know this place well, and I know everything about it. As long as I can afford it, I can even tell the color of Tateyama Tiger’s mistress next door’s underwear.”

Li Qingxian looked at the child, who was about the same age as himself. His hair was as unkempt as a bird's nest on a tree. His face was dusty and dirt-stained. His face was sallow and thin. His eyes were slightly bright. There was a bamboo paper fan stuck in his cloth belt. The bamboo blades were cracked and the fan was dry up

Li Qingxian thought for a while, then flicked his right hand, and a penny flew out in a circle. The man reached out to catch it and stuffed it into his arms.

"It's cool, sir!" the child beamed.

"Let's go to the Shen Gong Sect. Can you tell us how this sect is doing now?"

"Ah? Are you here to seek revenge?" The child looked at Li Qingxian cautiously, his eyes flashing.

"This is Head Liu's closed disciple," Li Qingxian pointed at Zheng Gaojue and said, "I am Li Jingqiu, the guest invited by Head Liu. Are you from the Shen Gong sect?"

"how do you know?"

"You can tell by your concerned look, lead the way." Li Qingxian said.

"Guest, please come with me. By the way, my name is Wang Shoude. I am a native of Wangjiatun. I joined the Shen Gong Sect in my early years." Wang Shoude said with a smile.

Li Qingxian glanced at the child. He was not tall, but his arms were very long, which was indeed suitable for practicing bow and arrow.

"Not good enough?"

"I just felt energetic."

"Two stones?"

"No, I'm not strong enough. I can only pull a bow that weighs one and a half stones. Master said that when I get older in two years and eat more meat, and get better, I will soon be able to pull a bow that weighs two or even three stones." Wang Shoude said, looking at the long bow behind Zheng Gaojue.

Zheng Gaojue smiled and said: "Those with four stones, if you work hard, if you can pull five stones, I have just entered the top grade."

Wang Shoude said with great joy: "Our Shen Gong Sect has added another general, and the sect is expected to be revitalized."

The group of people walked for a while, turned a corner, and saw a crooked wooden door with earthen walls in front of them. Three or four men with big muscles and round waists were yelling at the door, spraying out any unpleasant things.

Li Qingxian looked at the plaque on the door and shook his head slightly.

Divine Bow Sect.

Wang Shoude blushed and whispered, "I'm here to collect a debt."

"How much do you owe?" Li Qingxian asked as he walked.

"Say less than a hundred taels, otherwise I wouldn't have scolded him so harshly and blocked the door for the third consecutive day." Wang Shoude said.

Walking to the door, Li Qingxian pretended to take out a twenty-tael silver note from his wallet, tossed it lightly, and Fa Li held the banknote and flew straight to the leader.

"Pay these back first."

Those few people glanced at the clothes of Li Qingxian and others, and finally took a look at Zhou Hen, who was like an iron tower. The leader of the group cupped his hands and said: "Brothers are righteous. For the sake of brother's face, we will give them another ten days of grace."

"Make your guest laugh." Wang Shoude looked embarrassed.

"Headmaster Liu is at home?"

"The sect has not been able to make a living these days, and we are just hiding in the house."

Li Qingxian stepped through the door.

Wang Shoude followed and said loudly: "Master, Uncle Keqing is here, and there are also your close disciples."

Li Qingxian entered the yard and took a casual look. It was a very ordinary large yard of a northwest farmhouse, with wing rooms on the left and right, and the main hall and two bedrooms on the left and right in front.

In the northeast corner of the yard, a white reed chicken walks slowly and pecks at the ground. In the southwest corner, there are piles of firewood. In the corner of the east wing, there are a row of earthen jars of pickled vegetables.

With just one glance, Li Qingxian knew that the situation of the Shen Gong Sect was worse than he imagined. There was no trace of a sect here. If you took off the plaque outside, you would see that it was a large courtyard.

A rough voice came from the east wing and said: "It's really strange. When did Master accept a closed disciple? What's even more strange is, what do we, the Shen Gong Sect, offer to our guest?"

I saw a bearded man with beards walking out of the east wing. He glanced at the attire of Li Qingxian and others, glanced at Zhou Hen, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Welcome, welcome, the Shen Gong Sect is a bit miserable now, let you laugh. ”

"This is Third Senior Brother Yu Xiaoshan." Wang Shoude hurriedly introduced.

Li Qingxian just nodded slightly to Yu Xiaoshan.

Yu Xiaoshan didn't take it seriously and was still smiling.

"Hey, why didn't I hear Master talk about this?" A delicate voice came from the west wing, and an old lady was seen holding a red handkerchief in her hand, flicking it gently, and was about to lean against the threshold. Onlookers saw the attires of Li Qingxian and others, and immediately twisted their waists and approached with three-inch golden lotus steps.

"Who is the guest of our Shen Gong Sect? Let me take a look." The woman looked at everyone with a smile. She had a small waist and a round face. She had rouge and gouache on her face. The smell of gouache made her nose itchy.

Wang Shoude said: "This is Fourth Senior Sister Xu Fang."

Li Qingxian nodded to Xu Fang and asked, "I heard there are only a dozen people left?"

Xu Fang chuckled, grabbed the topic and said: "There were still more than a dozen people half a year ago. Now, except for the old immortals, there are only seven of us disciples left. We have rearranged our identities. Xiao Dezi has also changed from the fourteenth to the seventh." Junior brother."

Wang Shoude smiled happily.

"I guess you are the guest? What a handsome boy." Xu Fang looked at Li Qingxian with a smile.

At this time, a man walked out of the shadows of the main hall. He was tall and thin, with his back hunched and his hands hanging down, almost close to his knees.

This man has gray hair, a big yellow smile with eye-catching teeth, a tall figure, and a humble smile.

Carrying a large, rough black bow behind him.

"But Li Jingqiu and Li Keqing? I've finally waited for you to come." Liu Yitian walked over quickly, gave Li Qingxian a fist, narrowed his eyes and bent down another inch.

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