Life Hunter

Chapter 420 Tianxuan Holy Land is not interested

The other three disciples looked at Li Qingxian in surprise, wondering who his identity was and that he deserved such respect from the master. But when I thought about it again, I felt relieved. Master also treated debt collectors with this kindness.

Li Qingxian smiled and nodded, and said, "Uncle Liu, they are all members of my family. You talk to them."

Liu Yitian sighed, looked at the three disciples, and said: "Don't do evil in life, good and evil will be rewarded in the end. Back then, the old master was ranked fifth grade, Yi Bo Yuntian, this name was given to me by him. In the autumn of that year, he saw a group of gangsters robbing the road and saved him. Later he found out that the sickly man was from a prominent family in Shendu City. The opponent was originally ranked sixth grade, but he was unable to fight back because of his injuries. Afterwards, he was unable to fight back. The two of them drank and chatted happily, and the man said that he would repay this kindness in the future."

Liu Yitian glanced at Li Qingxian and said, "I believe you can guess that that man is Jingqiu's father. The two parties had not contacted each other for many years, but they only got in touch a few days ago. I heard that our sect had suffered a disaster, and Li Jingqiu Yi Bo Yuntian is willing to serve as a guest minister and support the Shen Gong Sect."

Li Qingxian patted Zheng Gaojue on the shoulder and said: "This is the bow master I selected for you. He has entered the tenth rank at a young age and can pull a powerful bow of up to five stones."

Several people were moved by this. It was normal for a tenth-level person to pull a five-stone bow, but not many could draw the bow and shoot continuously.

"Why don't you kneel down and worship Master?" Li Qingxian stopped smiling.

Zheng Gaojue immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times to Liu Yitian.

Liu Yitian hurriedly bent down to help Zheng Gaojue up, touched his shoulders, arms and other bones, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay! In a few years, he will be a good bow repairman."

Liu Yitian invited Li Qingxian in and secretly glanced at the masked Zhou Hen. He was shocked and smiled even more.

Li Qingxian and Liu Yitian sat on the left and right seats of the main hall respectively, while the others sat on both sides.

Li Qingxian glanced at the lobby. The tables and chairs were shabby, but they were wiped clean. The clothes of the Shen Gong sect members were washed white and patched, but they did not appear to be embarrassed.

Liu Yitian slowly introduced the current Shen Gong Sect.

"Speaking of which, I am ashamed of my ancestors of the Shen Gong Sect, alas..."

"Over the years, I have come and gone, and in the end there are only seven left. I will simply rearrange the seven disciples..."

"We also know that when a tree is removed, it dies and a person is resurrected. However, the ancient books of the town sect were taken away. If I cannot get them back in my lifetime, I will not rest in peace, so I have been staying in Qiyuan City. I only hope to cultivate good disciples and worship the mountain gate. Retrieve the ancestral classics..."

"Among my disciples, the fifth one is the most talented. He is less than thirty and is already at the seventh level. His bow skills are far superior to those of me back then. However, he has an extreme temperament and has suffered a lot..."

Li Qingxian listened to Liu Yitian's ramble on introducing the situation of the Shen Gong Sect and quickly understood the general situation.

A typical dilapidated sect, but it is a middle-grade sect after all, and it still has some foundation. If it were not delayed by staying in this bitter cold place, it would be far better to find a living in the prosperous place in the south than here.

"Where are the others?"

"The eldest brother and the second child often run around outside, and most of the money they earn is used to maintain the sect. The third child, the fourth child, and the seventh child you saw usually stay in the village and only go out when they can make a good living. The sixth child has always been Follow Lao Wu, Lao Wu is traveling around these days, taking challenges everywhere, and practicing bow skills."

Li Qingxian said: "How is Qiyuan City now?"

"It's not peaceful," Liu Yitian sighed, "It's just a mess. The county government only guards the southern part of the city and does not interfere with the martial arts gangs. The other three places in the city are controlled by major forces. The person in charge of the west part of the city is the Xueyi Sect. , behind them is the Demon Sect, covering the sky with one hand. Behind the Qingshan Gang in East District City is Beilulin. Although they are ruthless in doing things, they have rules, understand the rules, and are fairly moral. North District City is a pot of chaos, with all the major forces mixed together. Four martial arts sects share control of this place."

Li Qingxian wondered: "Qiyuan City is supposed to belong to the puppet cultivator fiefdom, why is there no puppet cultivator force?"

"They look down on this small town and it has gradually faded away over the years, otherwise these gangs would not be so arrogant."

"Where is the court?"

Yu Xiaoshan on the side sneered and said: "Isn't the imperial court just a big demon sect? How can it have the energy to take care of this place? Besides, why do they care about us? Did the demon clan send people to guard the city when they went south, or did they give it to us? Are you sending food and medicine? When we are needed, we are the people, and when we are not, we are just rags."

"No nonsense!" Liu Yitian scolded softly.

Yu Xiaoshan shut his mouth and looked outside quietly.

"This child's wife and children died when the demon clan went south, so he has a prejudice against the imperial court." Liu Yitian said.

Li Qingxian nodded and said: "I've heard that the people of Qiyuan City were responsible for the several times when the demon clan went south. I heard that the martial arts here are fierce and there are several masters. Once Qiyuan City is in trouble, those masters will return one after another. , help here."

"Yes, half a year ago, an army of 50,000 monsters besieged the city. We were all prepared to live and die with Qiyuan City. At the critical moment, the Star-Destroying Sword King descended from the sky and killed the leading demon king with the first sword, and thousands more with the second sword. The demon clan, scared off the entire demon clan army. If you go to the north of the city now, you can still see the hundred-foot-long sword mark, which is like a deep trench. Many martial arts cultivators go there to meditate."

Li Qingxian asked: "The Star-Destroying Sword King is practicing the Great Star-Destroying Sword?"

"Yes." Liu Yitian said.

Li Qingxian remembered that he participated in the fate play at Beast Bridge, and the fate gentleman he controlled learned the Great Destroying Star Sword. It seems that in the fate play, what is true and false is true, and perhaps the material of the fate play is taken from real events. .

Everyone chatted for a while, Liu Yitian winked at Li Qingxian, and on the pretext of discussing personal matters with Li Qingxian, he invited the others to leave and entered the living room with Li Qingxian inside.

Li Qingxian raised his hand, and the insulation notes floated in the air, releasing a mist to block the outside.

Liu Yitian hurriedly knelt down in the tunnel and said, "I have seen the superior officer, Liu Yitian."

Li Qingxian raised his hand to help him up and said with a smile: "We are all our own people, there is no need to be like this. Do you have something to say?"

Liu Yitian asked: "My lord, are you here for the Tianxuan Holy Land?"

"Huh? I don't remember that the big sect today is called Tianxuan." Li Qingxian didn't expect that the Tianxuan sect in the fate drama would still be traced here.

"Tianxuan is an ancient sect, and its old site is a hundred miles away in Cangmang Mountain. You really don't know?"

"I really don't know." Li Qingxian said.

Liu Yitian said: "Then I guessed wrong. It is said that Tianxuan Holy Land is about to appear, and many people have come to Qiyuan City. The Star-Destroying Sword King accidentally entered Tianxuan Holy Land when he was a boy, so he cultivated Tianxuan Divine Art and The Great Star-Destroying Sword is now ranked second grade and is one of the few martial arts masters in the world."

"When entering Tianxuan Holy Land, apart from these two high-grade techniques, is there nothing else?"

Liu Yitian laughed dumbly and said: "These two high-grade exercises are enough to make everyone in the world compete for their heads. Even the Tianzhu sect, the more high-grade exercises the better."

"That's it, I'm not interested." Li Qingxian said.

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