Life Hunter

Chapter 424: A few gossips to pay homage to the mountain gate

Xu Fang raised her head, her pretty face turned pale, looked at the master and whispered: "Old man, are you able to do this?"

Liu Yitian smiled kindly and said: "Hey, what are you afraid of? As long as we can do it, if we can't settle it, we will run away. There are only a few people in the sect. If we can't offend them, why can't we run away?"

"But the Divine Bow Sect..."

"There are people called the Shen Gong Sect. They are gone, and there is nothing left. As long as we are here, the Shen Gong Sect will be there. Don't worry, there will be a way to reach the mountain." Liu Yitian comforted with a smile.

Xu Fang nodded.

Li Qingxian asked: "How can the Wangjiatun sect enter the city?"

Yu Xiaoshan and Xu Fang were stunned. They didn't understand why this new guest didn't care about the big things at the moment and only asked useless questions.

Liu Yitian said: "The South District City is the land of the Yamen and Qiming Academy, and you can't enter. The West District City and the East District City belong to the Demon Gate and Beilvlin respectively. Unless we switch to the lintel and become vassals, we can't enter. We have to go, You can only go to North District City. North District City is controlled by four major gangs, which govern twenty-eight small gangs. In addition, there are ten well-established small gangs, a total of forty-two gangs. North District Of the sects in the city, one more is not enough, but one less can make up for it. If we want to enter the city, we can only worship at the mountain gate."

"What's the point of worshiping the mountain gate here?"

Liu Yitian explained: "Everywhere you go to worship the mountain gate, it's the same. In one word, beat. Those who want to save face only need to stay. If you are more ruthless, the gate-smashing beast will smash the mountain gate. If you are more ruthless, the leader will be punished, and the loser will leave the classics. The most ruthless, That is to find an opportunity to destroy the family, but this is usually only done by the evil sect of the Demon Sect, and ordinary martial arts gangs cannot do it."

"Very interesting." Li Qingxian nodded.

Yu Xiaoshan asked doubtfully: "Li Keqing, you don't really want to take us into the city, do you?"

"Is there any problem?" Li Qingxian asked.

Yu Xiaoshan was speechless.

Xu Fang looked at the master, and Liu Yitian smiled and nodded.

Xu Fang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Li Qingxian gratefully.

Li Qingxian slowly thought about it. He originally wanted to support the Shen Gong Sect for a few years and gradually develop and grow.

Unexpectedly, on the first day I met a debt collector, the next day someone wanted to jail the entire sect.

"From a common sense point of view, if Mr. Zhao Yishan throws himself here, he is destined to have no peace of mind. From a numerological point of view, the situation in the entire Qiyuan City is a mess, and it is like a much smaller capital. What’s interesting is that the situation in this county seems to have traces of artificial control. As an outsider, I suddenly stepped in and seemed to have triggered the general trend..."

Li Qingxian recalled what he had seen and deduced over the past two days, and continued to think. It seemed that this place was really not suitable for obscene development.

There is always a slight difference between ideal and reality.

Fortunately, he asked someone to help him buy a large amount of life materials before leaving, and the life materials bought by Shen Xiaoyi will be delivered one after another.

Several people were chatting about Qiyuan City. Not long after, a shout came from outside the door.

"Old Liu, you said it was embarrassing for you to do this."

Everyone stood up and walked out of the main room.

I saw a team of police officers walking outside the door. The leader was wearing a black square hat and a ninth-grade green official robe. His face was dark, his left hand was holding the handle of the knife, and he looked at Liu Yitian helplessly.

Liu Yitian looked ashamed, cupped his hands and said: "Xiong Tratou, I have caused you trouble."

The bear hunter waved his hand and said with a smile: "No matter where there is trouble or not, we are all old friends, let's not talk about it. I also understand the matter. The Scimitar Club has gone too far this time. Let's see if we can get together. Collect the money and forget it."

After saying that, he walked a few steps quickly, left the police behind him, and walked closer and whispered: "I guess Scimitar will be short of money, so I'll fight the autumn wind. If it doesn't work, go to Zhao's Bank to borrow some money, and the money you gave Zhao's will go away." No, one plus and one minus, you can borrow another two hundred taels and it will be enough."

Liu Yitian said helplessly: "I also know the principle of taking money to avoid disasters, but it is not the principle. This time I discounted two hundred taels of silver, and next time I may discount a thousand taels. Next time, does anyone want me to do this? Old mudneck?"

Liu Yitian said, pointing to his neck.

Xiong Captou laughed loudly and said: "Look at you, you are still so timid and fearful. A middle-level master, do you think that anyone dares to fight against the Shen Gong sect to the death? I can't lock my old friend into the class room. In this way, you Give money, even write an IOU, and I will guarantee it."

The catcher behind him shook his shackles, and the iron chain made a clicking sound as it hit the wooden shackles.

Liu Yitian glanced at Li Qingxian, but saw that Li Qingxian was wandering around, as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

Liu Yitian sighed and said: "Xiong Captou, we have paid back everything that should be paid. We can't give you any extra money."

Xu Fang laughed and said: "Xiong Captou, this..."

Xiong Captou seemed not to have heard Xu Fang's words, his face sank, and he said: "Old Liu, in this case, I can only deal with official matters. Three of you, the victim is suing, and all the witnesses and material evidence are available. Come with us to the county Please go to the government office. Old Liu, I will give you the honor of being a middle-grade master, so I will not lock you up, but your two apprentices will have to be put in the shackles."

Xu Fang lost her usual vigor and gritted her teeth, occasionally looking down at the cheap jade brave hanging on her chest.

Liu Yitian remained silent.

"Come here, take them away!" The bear leader waved his hand, and the catcher behind held up his shackles and moved forward.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Xiong Tratou, I think this matter needs to be discussed. How about this, you stay, have a cup of tea, and we can talk slowly."

"There's nothing to talk about." Xiong Captou glanced at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian sighed and said: "Since you don't drink tea, you can only tell the truth. Xiong Baotou, our Daqi code clearly states that all those who are of high quality must not be extremely vicious or extremely evil, and must not be without Judgment, no shackles, why, this Qiyuan City policeman is no longer an official of Daqi?"

Liu Yitian smiled helplessly, saying the first half is enough, plus the second half... young people are very angry.

Xiong Baotou took a serious look at Li Qingxian and the others, then the fierce look on his face faded, and he said without saltiness or indifference: "The law of Da Qi is clear, but this Qiyuan City is a barbaric land, and there are dangers everywhere. Who knows the murderer?" Are we colluding with the demon clan? Therefore, we are a little rough in doing things, but everything is for the court, for the superiors, and for the people. Don't worry, we are just to prevent someone from resisting and hurting innocent people. As long as you don't act randomly, when you get to the Yamen, The shackles will definitely be released. Come, take them away!"

"You can't take it away!" Li Qingxian said.

The masked Zhou Hen took a step forward, and the detectives felt their eyes flash. A strong wind blew up, and Zhou Hen stood in front of them like a hill.

Xiong Captou was not angry but smiled and said: "You dare to resist the government?"

"Are you a government official?" Li Qingxian asked.

Xiong Captou looked at the calm young man in front of him, and then thought about the masked man in front of him who was at least seventh grade but looked like a guard, and his heart skipped a beat.

"I'm just following the rules and following orders. May I ask where the young master is from?" Mr. Xiong said and winked at the other agents, who hurriedly retreated.

"You don't have to worry about where I come from. I advise you to wait until the people from East District City come before..."


There was a crisp slap in the face from outside the wall, followed by an angry curse: "Where did that blind toad come from? It jumped on your feet, Grandpa Wan! Go back and tell Ji Xiaodao, grandson, if you mess with my friends again, you will be tempered by fire." Knife Club.”

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