Life Hunter

Chapter 425 Qingshan Gang Leader

The bear turned his head sharply and looked out, his neck like weeds blown by the strong wind.

Yu Xiaoshan was surprised, happy and confused, and said: "It seems to be Wan Zhao, the leader of the Qingshan Gang."

The three people sent by Shen Gong looked at Li Qingxian, and Li Qingxian said: "I thought I would only send a hall master, but I never thought he would come by himself."

Xiong Baotou had a stiff smile on his face and said hurriedly: "Sir, you and Gang Leader Wan are..."

Before he finished speaking, hearty laughter came from the door: "Master Li, there are too many eggs from donkeys and horses in Qiyuan City, please don't dirty you."

I saw a thick, black-faced man walking out. It was obviously a cold weather and his feet were red, but he was wearing a thin short shirt, exposing his arms and chest, and he was only wearing shorts. His whole body was as usual, as if the autumn wind was surrounding him.

The Yamen agents took a deep breath. The word "you" coming out of Wanzhao was so unusual.

The number of people in the entire Qiyuan City who can make Wan Zhao say "you" is no more than one palm, and even the county magistrate of Qiyuan City cannot afford it.

The Qingshan Gang has jurisdiction over the entire East District City.

Even if the county police officers go to the East District City to arrest someone, they have to first consult with the Qingshan Gang before they can take action.

The detectives looked at each other and looked at the bear's head.

Xiong Baotou first looked at Liu Yitian with a pleading look. Liu Yitian nodded slightly, and then Xiong Baotou squeezed out a smile and hurried up to meet him. He lowered his shoulders and said with a smile: "Brother Wan, are you here? I just followed you. Brother Liu said, the Scimitar Club's bastards don't have eyesight, and I was about to go out to teach them a lesson, so you take action."

Wan Zhao was about forty years old, with a dark face and tiger eyes. He just nodded to Xiong Cap, looking around the whole place. Finally, he walked quickly towards Li Qingxian, stretched out his arms, slapped Li Qingxian hard on the left and right shoulders, and said with a grin. : "I've heard Qingtian talk about you a long time ago, and now that I've met you, you're even more famous. I've been with Brother Sun for twenty years, and it was Brother Sun who taught me martial arts. Just like Qingtian, call me Uncle Wan. "

"I've met Uncle Wan, just call me Jingqiu." Li Qingxian smiled. When he was in Guicheng, Sun Qingtian presented the Shanshui Golden Order, which Sun Qishan used to save his son's life. In an emergency, he could even mobilize the nearby Beilulin gang.

"Brother Liu, I'll lend you your place for a while." Wan Zhao didn't care whether Liu Yitian answered or not, put his arm around Li Qingxian's shoulders, walked into the main room together, and sat down with Li Qingxian on the left and right sides.

A group of Qingshan Gang members wearing black shorts and wearing green scarves stood on both sides, stretching from the entrance of the hall to the outside of the courtyard.

The rest of the people were standing in the main room, wondering whether they should sit down.

Xiong Baotou and others stood in the yard, not daring to move. Others don't know it, but Xiong Baotou knows the origin of Wan Zhao very well. He has followed Sun Qishan, the deputy leader of the Northern Green Forest League, in the Changbai Mountains for many years. The Qingtian they talk about must be Sun Qingtian, Sun Qishan's only son.

Leader Lin of the North Green Forest League thinks highly of Sun Qishan the most. Not surprisingly, Sun Qishan is the next leader of the North Green Forest League, and Sun Qingtian is the future young leader.

This kind of power, let alone a head catcher, let alone the county magistrate of Qiyuan City, even a higher-level prefect, is far incomparable.

Thinking of this, Mr. Xiong scratched his head through his hat, feeling helpless.

After Li Qingxian exchanged greetings with Wan Zhao, he said what he had made up before and said, "I owe the Shen Gong Sect a big favor. I came to Qiyuan City to help the Shen Gong Sect."

Wan Zhao glanced at Liu Yitian who was standing, and said with a smile: "Brother Liu, no matter what you do standing up, we are all friends, sit down. Jingqiu, this Qiyuan City is not like other places, the river is deep and the water is muddy. If you are a little bit Brother Sun has to peel off my skin. Why don't you just bring the Divine Bow Sect to East District City, and you can mess with me as much as you like."

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "One code is another code. If I come to Qiyuan City by myself, I will join you directly. I still want to help the Shen Gong Sect go on safely. This time I am looking for you. I just want to find a church. The Lord came to speak, but I didn’t know you had come in person.”

Wan Zhao waved his hand and said: "We are all family members, so you are welcome. Since you don't want to come to East District City, I won't force you. However, we can agree that in other places, your Uncle Wan may not be able to get involved, but in Qi Yuancheng, if anything happens to you, just come and find me. If I say 'no', ten thousand words will be written backwards."

"Uncle Wan is so generous. Don't worry, I won't trouble Uncle Wan for small things. If something big happens, I will come to you shamelessly." Li Qingxian said.

Wan Zhao smiled and said: "I won't say any polite words..."

Wan Zhao said, put the IOU on the table, and continued: "This matter is over. If anyone uses this to cause trouble for the Shen Gong Sect again, our Qingshan Gang will take care of it. By the way, you first came to Qiyuan City. , I am not familiar with this place, so today I will gather all the heroes from the four cities to help you."

Li Qingxian said hurriedly: "It's not convenient for me to make a big fuss when I come here. Please forgive me, Uncle Wan."

"Otherwise, you can come to my house for a simple dinner in the evening. There will be no outsiders, just a few old brothers from the gang and the hall master. If I go out of the city, there will always be someone to greet you if something happens to you."

"Okay, then I'll trouble Uncle Wan."

Wan Zhao stood up and smiled: "What's the trouble? I'm leaving first. I'll send someone to invite you tonight. We'll see you tonight."

Everyone walked out of the courtyard together and saw Wan Zhao off. They watched the Qingshan Gang riding away, holding high the flag with green characters on a black background, leaving behind a trail of smoke and dust.

Xiong Baotou coughed lightly, cupped his fists towards Liu Yitian and said, "Thank you, Brother Liu, for helping me, otherwise the misunderstanding would have been huge. I have to go back to get my life back, and I will treat you to a drink some other day."

After sending Xiong Tratou away, everyone returned to the house.

The three disciples of the Shen Gong Sect stared at Li Qingxian in surprise.

Liu Yitian smiled and said: "Thanks to Li Keqing, what are you three doing standing around, why don't you thank me quickly."

The three of them immediately stood up to express their thanks. Li Qingxian said, "Don't worry about me, my family. Then just follow what Uncle Liu said. Starting tomorrow, everyone in the Shen Gong Sect will revise new techniques."

The three disciples were stunned and looked at Liu Yitian.

Liu Yitian patted the table lightly and said: "Yes, starting from tomorrow, the disciples of the Shen Gong Sect will have to practice new techniques! To tell you the truth, Li Keqing came here this time to actually help our sect find our "Yu Feng" The source book of "Jue" is called "Yuqing Bow Technique"."

"Master, Shoude is still young. It's okay to modify the exercises. We have already reached the first level..." Yu Xiaoshan looked at Liu Yitian.

"From now on, only those who practice "Yu Qing Bow Technique" can be considered as members of the Divine Gong Sect! This technique covers all bow techniques in the world. It may affect your cultivation in the short term, but given time, it will definitely be far better than you are now! This matter , it’s settled!” Liu Yitian sat up straight and looked at the three disciples.

"Disciple, obey the order!" The three of them had no choice but to lower their heads and obey the order.

"Very good, Shoude is the least important, let's start with Shoude." Liu Yitian said.

"Yes, Master." The thin Wang Shoude looked helpless and looked at Yu Xiaoshan and Xu Fang for help.

The pair of senior brothers and sisters looked up at the rafters.

"Xiaofang, my teacher has given you a task, and you must do it well."

"You say."

"From today on, in addition to practicing, you can go to the tooth shop more often and buy some tall children with long arms."

"This..." Xu Fang was confused.

Li Qingxian asked: "Do it openly or secretly?"

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