Life is a Game

Chapter 792: Fierce Competition

It got dark very late in Beiping. It turned out that when Jiang Feng was in City Z, if it was mid-October, it would have been almost dark before seven o'clock. In Beiping, it is still bright at seven o'clock, but the temperature has completely dropped to the night temperature, which is a very suitable time for shopping and going out.

It is also the time when the air conditioner is the least attractive.

Although the takeaway order picked up at the beginning of the evening peak, it was only at a normal level. After all, Liu Qian's live broadcast has ended and she is not an excellent delivery anchor. If Liu Qian is not a food broadcaster but a delivery anchor, it is estimated that Taifeng Building has been judged to be cheating and disqualified from the competition at this time.

Then Jiang Feng and the others will complain, and then the two parties will start an investigation, tearing up, investigating again, tearing up again, and the show will explode.

Wait, thinking about the plot this way is a bit tingly.

Liu Qian worked hard in the back kitchen as a working girl.

At this time, the diners in the porridge shop had already changed a batch. The customers in the afternoon could be said to come for afternoon tea, and basically they mainly ate snacks and drank iced drinks. In the evening, these guests came to have dinner seriously, the sales of porridge began to increase, and Sun Jikai's dry fried beef finally had a place to play.

Jiang Feng, Wu Minqi, and Sun Jikai all switched back and forth between making porridge and stir-frying. Only Sun Mao sat in the kitchen making dim sum all the time, working tirelessly and hardworking, like a ruthless dim sum making machine.

Liu Qian has worked in the self-media for a year, and her words and social skills have improved a lot. Although the live broadcast style is still as suffocating as ever, she has a bit of an anchor look, no matter where she is, she can chat with anyone. Especially those who cook delicious food.

No, after working in the kitchen for two hours, Sun Maocai was called Uncle Sun instead of Master Sun.

"Uncle Sun, it's no wonder that your dim sum is so delicious. It turns out that you used to work in Guangdong Province. Then your dim sum must be very authentic. I didn't expect authentic Cantonese dim sum to be so delicious. It seems that there will be a next time." If I have a chance, I will go to Guangdong Province to have an authentic morning tea. I always thought that these dim sums are delicious, but they are just like that. They are ordinary and delicious. Only after I ate what you made today did I know what is real It's delicious, and it's even better than Uncle Jiang's elbow." Liu Qian kept moving her mouth, and her tongue kept moving.

Jiang Feng paused while stirring the porridge, glanced at Liu Qian, and thought about it before telling her that not everyone in Guangdong Province made dim sum as delicious as Sun Maocai.

To be precise, no one in Guangdong Province can make dim sum as delicious as Sun Maocai's.

Forget it, let Liu Qian leave some beautiful imagination of Guangdong Province.

Sun Maocai is also very interested in Liu Qian, mainly because he has never had contact with anyone who works as an anchor before, especially dry food and broadcasting. Today, I was surprised by Liu Qian's appetite, and then felt that Liu Qian was eloquent, so I chatted a few more words, and portrayed myself as a middle-aged North drifter.

May I ask who's middle-aged Bei Piao is wearing Silvano Lattanz shoes? In this kitchen, only Liu Qian, who doesn't know the brand, will believe it. Of course, Jiang Feng doesn't recognize the brand, but he knows that Sun Maocai's shoes must be very expensive.

After all, the tea that people drink is not bought in shopping malls, but at auctions.

"By the way, President, today I'm helping out in the store to pack dinner for the evening?" Liu Qian, a working girl who has been working hard for several hours, finally revealed her true intentions.

Jiang Feng: ...

He knew how Liu Qian would leave such a long snack street instead of eating, and come here to work for capitalists for free.

"Bao, but I guess it will be ten o'clock in the evening. What do you want to eat?" Jiang Feng felt that Liu Qian should be able to digest part of what he ate in the afternoon by ten o'clock in the evening, and it shouldn't matter if he had a normal dinner.

"Anything is fine." Liu Qian said happily.

Liu Qian's question reminded Jiang Feng that she actually ate all the way here today, so Liu Qian must have seen shops run by other restaurants, and she might have eaten there.

"Liu Qian, let me ask you, when did you come to the snack street today?" Jiang Feng asked.

"I came here in the morning, and the live broadcast started at ten o'clock. Since I have to go to work tomorrow, I thought that the live broadcast will be longer today, and I will also come to the snack street to eat some delicious food." Liu Qian said.

"Then what did you eat? Have you seen any popular shops here?" Jiang Feng asked calmly, and the other three immediately looked at Liu Qian in unison, but Liu Qian was lowering her head and wearing a The packing box didn't pay attention.

Liu Qian thought that Jiang Feng was asking how much he had eaten before, and quickly explained: "Actually, I didn't eat a lot, mainly because it was too hot today. It was better when I came after ten o'clock, and it was already very hot by eleven o'clock. I drank two cups of milk tea at the beginning. There was a very popular milk tea shop on the street. I queued for more than ten minutes to buy two cups of milk tea. "

Jiang Feng nodded. The milk tea shop that Huaiyang Building chose was on the street. Liu Qian should be talking about that one. It seemed that the business was good.

But no matter how good the business of milk tea shops is, it will not be good or much better, and the upper limit is very limited.

"Actually, I originally wanted to go to the famous internet celebrity pastry shop here to buy snacks, but the queue at their house was too long, and it was really a bit exaggerated. It took nearly an hour to queue, and then I didn't queue because it was too hot."

It is not surprising that the pastry shop chosen by Yongheju will have such a good business. The shop has a good foundation and is an online celebrity shop. With the addition of the top white chefs in Yongheju, it is difficult to think about the business.

"I remember that there should be a famous dessert shop in the snack street. Have you tried it?" Jiang Feng began to inquire about the business of the restaurant on the top floor.

Liu Qian shook her head: "No, I was planning to go, but didn't I see the porridge shop in your house, the president? Then I came in and never went out again."

"Did you just drink two cups of milk tea?" Jiang Feng expressed his disbelief.

"No, I ate two rice rolls at noon, a box of cold cakes and a small portion of fried cakes. In fact, the rice rolls in that rice roll shop are quite delicious, but I don't know why the business is not very good. "Liu Qian began to complain about the sausage noodle shop. Jiang Feng estimated that the sausage noodle shop Liu Qian mentioned should be the one chosen by Chengji Restaurant. It seems that Chengji Restaurant was not as lucky as their Taifeng Tower, and the business did not pick up.

One roasted whole lamb is missing.

"By the way, I also saw that a store's business is particularly good. President, do you know what it is? It's actually a fried skewer shop!"

Jiang Feng:?

That's okay too?

What kind of shit luck did Babaozhai have? Did Ling Guangzhao really not cheat?

"Wow, you don't know that when I passed by, there was a queue at the door of the fried skewer shop. I'm going to wait and see if there are many people in the queue. It smells really good, and their house is not only It sells fried skewers, and it seems to sell other snacks, all of which look super delicious." Liu Qian is obviously obsessed with Babaozhai's fried skewers shop.

Hearing Liu Qian's words, Jiang Feng suddenly realized that the business of other stores was also good, which caused Jiang Feng to quickly look at the takeaway statistics and calculate the points in his heart before he heaved a sigh of relief.

Thanks to the takeaway orders that suddenly exploded in the afternoon, otherwise Taifeng Building would be a bit overhanging.

"By the way, President, what time does your store open every day? I don't see the opening hours written on the door. In fact, I live quite close to here, and I go to work. I want to come over for breakfast tomorrow morning. You are open Is it early?" Liu Qian has already started planning for tomorrow's breakfast.

Jiang Feng thought for a while: "It's not early, and I guess you're not on the way."

Taifeng Building is a little far from the snack street.

Liu Qian:?

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