After some inquiries, Han Zhao came to the door of the 'Datong Bank'.

This is a money bank opened by the imperial court, with strong funds, and basically every city has a semicolon.

Maybe it was because it was early, so there were no people there.

Han Zhao walked into the main entrance.

Seeing this, the servant who was cleaning the outer courtyard greeted him enthusiastically, and said respectfully, "Master, are you a foreigner? Or a deposit?"

Han Zhao didn't change his expression, nodded and said, "I'll exchange it for gold."

"Please follow me." The servant led the way, leading Han Zhao through the hanging flower gate, through the inner courtyard, and outside the main room.

Standing at the door of the main room were two short-haired muscular men in black outfits, full of fierceness.

The boy came to the door, bowed and said, "My lord, please, the shopkeeper is inside."

Han Zhao walked in, and the inside was quite similar to a bank counter, surrounded by a wooden fence, with two small 'U'-shaped windows exposed in the middle.

A thin old man was sitting behind the counter. He was wearing a black cap and a goatee, and he was fiddling with his abacus.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the old man raised his head, looked at Han Zhao's clothes and expression in front of him, and then got up to salute: "I have seen you, my son, Qian Yun, is the shopkeeper here."

"Treasurer Qian is very polite. I want to exchange some gold." Han Zhao returned the gift.

Saying that, Han Zhao took out the silver and bank notes from the cloth bag in his arms.

"Please wait a moment." Qian Yun took the bank note and the broken silver, first identified the authenticity of the bank note, and then picked up the small pen (deng) and put the silver on it for weighing.

While weighing, he looked at Han Zhao from the corner of his eye. Seeing that Han Zhao looked calm, he concentrated on the task at hand.

"It's 48 taels and 6 taels of silver." After Qian Yun finished weighing, he moved the scale to Han Zhao and gave him a look, then said:

"The exchange ratio between gold and silver this year is 1:10.6. However, Yunzhou is located in the west, where we produce more gemstones and less gold circulation, so our exchange ratio here is 1:11.2. Can you accept it?"

"Okay, let's exchange it for 4 taels of gold." Han Zhao nodded and said, among the places where gold can be exchanged, this is the safest place.

The remaining money should be enough for living expenses, and after practicing martial arts and becoming stronger, I will find a way to make money.

"Please wait a moment." Qian Yun left the counter, opened the back door with a key, and walked into the back room.

After a while, Qian Yun held a small tray with four thumb-sized gold ingots on it, and then weighed the gold in front of Han Zhao.

After that comes change.

He took out the scissors, cut off part of a piece of broken silver in front of him, weighed it, and cut it again if it was not enough.

Seeing the money being cut carefully with scissors and a scorpion, Han Zhao secretly slandered: 'Sure enough, the TV dramas are full of nonsense! The hero slapped ten taels of silver on the table when he was eating, so he didn't have to look for it. That's a stupid person with a lot of money. '

"I'll charge you 48 taels of 6 taels of silver, and I'll find you 3 taels of 8 taels of silver. Please keep it." Qian Yun wrapped the gold, broken silver, and some silver scraps in red cloth and handed them to Han Zhao.

"Thank you." Looking at Qian Yun's smiling face, Han Zhao put the money away and put it in his arms.

[Judging from his expression, he should have made some price difference, but doing business is difficult, and making some money should be done. If you work hard to recharge your money, you will become stronger and you will be able to earn more money in the future. Don’t worry about this small amount of money. 】

The prompt message appeared again, and even drew a big cake for him.

It's really capitalists who listened and called them experts.

Han Zhao cupped his fists and saluted, turned and left.

Qian Yun pinched the goatee under his chin, showed shrewd eyes, and said to the outside with a smile on his face: "Xiao Wu, send this son off."

It was a joy to earn a fortune as soon as the doors opened.

After getting gold, Han Zhao was not in a hurry. He sat down at a roadside stall and ordered a bowl of fried noodles.


Han Zhao ate the noodles with big mouthfuls, sweating profusely, and his lips were numb from the heat.

After eating the noodles, he drank a big mouthful of herbal tea, and he let out a long breath: "Ah~!"

Until this moment, he really felt that he was still alive.

After splashing a bowl of oily noodles, the chill in my heart seemed to be greatly weakened.

He took out copper coins to settle the bill, and ate 4 Wen for this meal.

Even the fried noodles in the inner city are more expensive than those in the outer city, but the taste is indeed better.

Han Zhao walked home briskly, and when he was about to leave the inner city, he couldn't hold back, and bought three bunches of candied haws for another penny.

Back home, Han Zhao closed the door tightly and held 4 taels of gold in his hand.


Han Zhao thought silently in his heart.


He hasn't said how much money to recharge, and the 4 taels of gold disappeared in an instant.

[Current balance: 4 taels of gold. 】

[If you want to become stronger, you have to earn krypton gold! 】

Han Zhao: "."


【Collect all 30 reminder fragments, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesis once, consume 10 hint fragments, 1 tael of gold. You must get the one-time basic entry 'Life Simulation'. 】


[Obtain the basic entry 'Life Simulation', do you want to start the simulation? 】


[At the age of sixteen, Ni's father died, and the Fuyuan Escort Bureau suffered heavy losses and moved out of Black Rock City. 】

[You go to the 'Bawang Boxing Academy' and use the 'Qiansiyin' technique as a tuition fee to become an apprentice in the martial arts gym. 】

[Your aptitude is too poor, it took eleven months to barely get started and reach the level of leather training. 】

[Twenty years old, you are only one step away from the Bone Training Realm, but you still can't break through. So, you started to practice zhenqigong, but it was a pity that your progress was slow. 】

[At the age of 21, you were invited by your fellow disciples to join the 'Ziyang Bodyguard Bureau' as a bodyguard master. At the same time, he was named in several small gangs and collected regular money. 】

[At the age of twenty-five, you broke through to the Bone Training Realm by chance, but your potential has been exhausted, and your True Qi Kung Fu has barely reached the entry-level level of the first level. You joined the big family in the inner city, became a nursing home of the Li family, married a wife and had children. 】

[At the age of twenty-six, the Chu State invaded, and most of Yunzhou fell. You moved with the Li family to Yuanchangfu City. 】

[Thirty-two years old, you were seriously injured in a battle, and it took you more than a year to recover. 】

[Forty-two years old, your son decided to join the army, but died on the front line. Your wife was overly sad and died of depression, and you were in pain and did not remarry. 】

[Forty-five years old, Yunzhou fell, Li family moved to Qingzhou, you go together. 】

[Forty-eight years old, your old injury relapsed, and your body was getting weaker and weaker. The Li family gave you some money and dismissed you. 】

[Fifty years old, the Ziyan army of the Wei State is as powerful as a broken bamboo, regaining Yunzhou, and counterattacking the mainland of Chu State. 】

[In the same year, Qi joined the war, and the Three Kingdoms fought. The people in Yunzhou are devastated, and there are ten rooms and nine empty spaces. 】

【Fifty-one years old, you felt that time was running out, and wanted to return to your homeland, but died of illness on the way back to Yunzhou. 】

"This..." Caretaker Han looked at the information in the simulation and fell silent.

Ten years later, Yunzhou will be in chaos, which is too dangerous!

"The aptitude is too poor, it's a big problem!"

Han Zhao frowned.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[1. Obtain entries (including but not limited to adding special effects) (not optional)]

[2. Obtaining attribute points (including but not limited to improving martial arts)]

【3. Obtain any part of life experience (including but not limited to obtaining memory)】

Looking at the options in front of him, Han Zhao was stunned for a moment, because option 1 showed that he could not choose.

"Let me see what is so great about Zhenqi martial arts." After thinking for a while, Han Zhao decided to learn the skills that Han Lin bought with his life first.

"Two." Han Zhao said silently.

[attribute point +1]

Han Zhao took out the booklet with the blue cover and flipped through it.

The whole formula has three layers, each layer has more than one hundred words, and a diagram of human body exercise. It took him some time to memorize the first layer by heart.

At this point, a change has occurred on the properties panel.

Name: Han Zhao

Attribute points: 1

Entry: none

Martial Arts: Anonymous Kungfu (Not started, can be improved)

"Improve the 'Unknown Cultivation Technique'."

Han Zhao muttered silently.

At this time, the attribute points returned to zero, and he felt a slight heat in his lower abdomen, and a hot current rushed to his whole body.

The nameless exercise has never been started, and has been promoted to the first level of small success.

"Since it can strengthen the body, let's call it 'health regimen'."

According to Han Zhao's thoughts, the text on the panel also changed.

Martial Arts: Health-preserving formula (minor success of the first level is 48%; special effect: level 1 for strengthening the body)

"Feeling increased strength."

Han Zhao didn't know whether the current level of zhenqi was equivalent to the level of skin training outside the training, but he did feel that his body had become stronger.

He closed his eyes and looked inside according to the method recorded in the "Health Preservation Formula".

I saw a cyan zhenqi the thickness of a thumb appearing in the dantian.

Han Zhao looked at his hands, concentrated his inner energy towards them, and suddenly felt a great increase in strength.

[This is a pair of hands that look good, but have no strength, and their qi is so weak that they can be ignored. 】

Han Zhao: "."

He reached out and squeezed the pillow next to him.

He broke off a piece of the solid wood pillow, like pinching foam.

"Improved so much?!" Han Zhao showed shock, he broke his fingers even if he was not really angry, and it was impossible to break off a piece of the solid wooden pillow.

It's just that just now, the cyan true energy in his body has been consumed by one-third, that is to say, he only has such explosive power three times.

He heard from Han Lin that even a warrior in the realm of leather training, wearing leather armor, can deal with three or four adults with weapons empty-handed.

If he doesn't use his true energy now, he can only run away when facing three or four adults with weapons.

But being able to crush a pillow means being able to crush the neck of a martial artist in the skin training realm.

For the time being, it seems that exercising externally can improve the strength of the body and increase the lower limit.

True Qi increases the upper limit, the active enhancement of body strength is obvious, and the passive enhancement is not obvious.

[The best practice time for the regimen is from 5:00 to 10:00, and the improvement of true qi can assist in the cultivation of external exercises. 】

A more serious prompt appears.

After the reminder appeared, Han Zhao found that the chill in his heart had weakened a lot.

"Could it be that Yin Qi is the energy source for getting the reminder?" He suddenly realized that the chill in his heart had been weakening since the reminder appeared in his sight.

It's just that when there was a serious reminder, the weakening was more obvious, so he noticed it.

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