"Forget it, let's continue the simulation first."

Han Zhao didn't go any further, because it would be clear if he tried again later.

"System, synthesize the term 'life simulation'."

[Synthesis once, consume 15 prompt fragments and 2 taels of gold. You must get the one-time basic entry 'Life Simulation'; the probability of obtaining a white entry increases by 1%]

"What's going on? Why did the price increase? And this is it"

Han Zhao noticed a few more lines behind the system panel.

[If you want to become stronger, you have to earn krypton gold! 】

[The synthesis price increases with the improvement of the realm. The more krypton gold, the higher the probability of obtaining high-level entries. 】

[Ten consecutive combinations have the opportunity to appear advanced entries. 】

"Hey guy, why don't you come with me to another world Xinyue member?!"

Looking at the reminder in front of him, Han Zhao couldn't hold back anymore.


[Obtain the one-time basic entry 'Life Simulation', do you want to start the simulation? 】

According to the situation of the last simulation, he has no system in the simulation and cannot get stuck.

Bawang Boxing Academy ranks first in strength among so many martial arts gyms in Black Rock City.

If his aptitude is so poor, he has to choose a less difficult martial art.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao started the simulation.

[At the age of sixteen, your father died, and the Fuyuan Escort Bureau suffered heavy losses and moved out of Black Rock City. Your health regimen has reached the first level of success. 】

[You go to the "Shaking Mountain Boxing Academy" and use the "Qiansiyin" technique as a tuition fee to become an apprentice in the martial arts gym. 】

[Five months later, you reached the level of leather training, which is at the lower level among all apprentices. 】

[At the age of twenty-three, you broke through to the bone training level by relying on the Shaking Mountain Fist, and reached the first level of perfection in the health-preserving formula. You choose to be named in the two small and medium-sized forces of 'Tianyue Gang' and 'Lianfeng Villa', and you get 15 taels of silver a year, and you make a move once. 】

[Twenty-four years old, you feel that the speed of cultivation is getting slower and slower, and the demand for resources has increased sharply. 】

[In order to earn more money, you helped the 'Tianyue Gang' grab the land and earned a lot of money. 】

[During a battle, you were blinded by a sneak attack by a warrior in the bone training realm who sprinkled lime, and you were shot by a poisoned sleeve arrow, and finally you were stabbed to death. 】

Good guy, Lime, Hidden Arrow, Poison, Sneak Attack.

Do not talk about martial arts.

My role model!

Looking at the information in the simulation, Han Zhao felt a little eager for quick success this time.

However, in the last simulation, he barely broke through to the bone training level at the age of twenty-five, his potential was exhausted, and he barely started the regimen of health.

This time it was simulated that he had broken through to the bone training level at the age of twenty-three, directly two years earlier.

Obviously, in addition to the lower difficulty of the Shaking Mountain Fist, the true energy of the Yangsheng Jue also played a big role.

From this point of view, if you have attribute points, you can give priority to adding some health-preserving formulas, which can improve the progress of external exercises faster.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[1. Obtain entry (optional)]

[2. Obtain attribute points]

[3. Obtain any part of life experience]

[Current balance: Gold 1 tael]

"Huh? Can I choose entries?"

At this time, Han Zhao found that [Option 1], which could not be selected before, was no longer grayed out and displayed as optional.

How to choose this?

In the long run, improving his aptitude root bone can fundamentally speed up his cultivation speed.

When he bought it in his previous life, the entries in it were abnormal, even if it was a white entry, there were many good ones, he didn't believe that he was so wrong.

Take a gamble!

Han Zhao decided to choose the entry.

"Hoo~!" He took a deep breath, clasped his hands together, looked at the sky devoutly, and said silently: "Baby Daddy bless me! I'll set up a memorial tablet for you right away and burn paper money for you. I will lend you a lifetime in the next life." Once you use a hundred years of life, I can get good entries in exchange, thank you! If I have a chance, I will give you back ten times your life!"

After praying, Han Zhao looked at the system panel and said silently: "I will choose one."

[Obtain the entry "Sword and Sword\

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