Jade Wind City.

After Han Zhao took Ji Baiwei around the outer city, he walked towards the inner city.

Taiyefang in the inner city is the most prosperous wealthy area in Yufeng City. There is a bustling commercial street in the center of Taiyefang, and Wanbao Pavilion is located in the very center of the commercial street.

As long as you get close to the inner city, you can see the seven-story pagoda-shaped building, which is the property of the Fang family in Yufeng City.

This Fang family has as many as three martial arts masters, and ten blood-training masters. It is the strongest family in Yufeng City.

Although Black Rock City is not a small mountain town in a corner, it is still a lot worse than Yufeng City.

At least Han Zhao had never seen a shop where he could buy pills in the inner city of Black Rock City.

In this Wanbao Pavilion, you can not only buy medicinal materials, elixir, weapons, exercises and other things commonly used by warriors, but also all kinds of gorgeous clothes and precious jewelry, and Wanbao Pavilion also supports delivery services, similar to a shopping mall .

Due to its good reputation and high-quality service, although the products of Wanbao Pavilion are expensive, there are an endless stream of customers who come to buy products.

At this moment, Ji Baiwei and Han Zhao walked into the Wanbao Pavilion step by step.

There were two young attendants standing at the door of the hall on the first floor. Seeing the beautiful young girl who walked in with an immature face and luxurious clothes, but with an innocent appearance who had not experienced much in the world, she knew that this was another rich lady who came out to play.

It's just that when they saw the young man behind the girl, they all trembled in their hearts.

I saw the young man was tall and tall, with a stern face, a neat high ponytail, and four weapons tied behind his back, crossed two by two. He looked extraordinary, but he looked like a girl at the head. It was clearly a guard.

As the attendants of Wanbao Pavilion, they naturally have good eyesight. Even if one of them went up to greet them, with a smile on his face, he said enthusiastically: "You two guests, I don't know what you two need?"

Ji Baiwei was going to answer at first, but when he remembered Han Zhao's instructions before, he tightened his face and showed a cold look.

At this time, Han Zhao, who was disguised as a "Jiaqian Layman", took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "We want to sell a skill."

"For sale?" The attendant was stunned for a moment, and then said with an undiminished smile: "The exercises below the level of blood training can be sold in the hall on the first floor, but we only buy them at cost price here, if you want to sell them at a higher price If the price is higher, you can go to the Wei Family Auction House for auction."

Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment, it was the first time he saw someone delivering business to someone else's house, and seeing the attendant's natural expression, it was obviously not his own initiative.

This Wanbao Pavilion is a bit particular!

"No need, the difference is only a thousand taels of silver. There is no need to be so troublesome. Call your supervisor." Han Zhao waved his hand.

Of course he knew that putting it up for auction would sell the 'Hundred Poison Palm' at a higher price, but in the simulation, after Wei's firm auctioned the cheat book, he was attacked when he left the city, so it would be best if he could avoid it.

This Wanbao Pavilion has a very good reputation, and the probability of committing murder and stealing goods is much lower than that of Wei's Commercial Firm.

In addition, remembering Ji Baiwei's identity, he deliberately pretended to be her follower, and directly forced her to be full, which was safer than covering up.

Ji Baiwei may not have good acting skills, but she is indeed an inexperienced young lady, acting in her true colors, just being a vase tool person is fine.

The waiter twitched the forehead muscle with a gap of two silver. He had seen many arrogant guests, but he had never seen such a loud one, but he still said respectfully: "Two guests, please come with me. Wait a moment on the fourth floor."

On the fourth floor, the two were led into an elegantly decorated box.

"Two guests, please wait a moment, I'll go get Supervisor Fang right away!"

The young man said respectfully and walked out of the box.

After a while, a maid with a pretty face brought over fragrant tea, and then bowed and retreated.

"Wait." Ji Baiwei walked around the street all morning, and he was already a little thirsty. He was about to drink some tea when Han Zhao stopped him.

"What's wrong? Han Xiaoding."

Ji Bai looked at Han Zhao suspiciously.

Han Zhao said seriously: "Do you know what is the most important thing in walking the rivers and lakes?"




"No!" Han Zhao said helplessly: "It's prudence! It's a dog! When you go out, don't eat or drink indiscriminately, don't look at people indiscriminately, and don't trust anyone easily. Don't have the intention of harming others. The human heart is indispensable!"

"Well, I see!" Ji Bai withdrew his hand slightly.

"Drink it."


Ji Bai picked up the tea slightly and took a big sip.

"Don't you ask why?" Han Zhao's mouth twitched.

"Why?" Ji Baiwei looked puzzled.

"I let you drink it and you drink it?"

"You are a good person."

"I tm" Han Zhao couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Tired, destroy it, hurry up!

How can a person be so innocent?

"It's almost impossible to have a problem with the tea here, but you have to be aware of crisis prevention."

"Yeah." Ji Bai nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.

"In this way, if you go to a small village in the deep mountains and old forests, you go to lodge, and someone gives you food, will you just open your mouth to eat it? This is not acceptable! Do you know?"


"Also, you said that I am a good person, so if you are in danger, I will not only not save you, but stand idly by, or turn around and leave, what will you do? Do you think I am a bad person, and then hold a grudge against me?! "

"I..." Ji Bai's eyes widened slightly, as if his small brain was running fast.

"Look!" Han Zhao continued, "Maybe the truth is that I was threatened. If I save you, you will die, and I will die too! You seem to be in danger, but in fact, there is no danger at all. It’s just that you think you’re in danger, and I’m not going to save you. You can’t just look at the appearance of anything, otherwise you will easily regard good people as bad people and bad people as good people!”

"I see."

"For example, because of your cousin, you misunderstood me as Han Cheng. If I was weak, would you have stabbed me to death with a sword, so that there would be one less good person in the world! Isn't it?! "Han Zhao looked extremely serious.

"I'm sorry." Ji Bai was slightly ashamed and lowered his head.

"It's okay, I never hold grudges." Han Zhao lightly patted the back of Ji Baiwei's head.

He generally doesn't hold grudges, because he basically avenges revenge on the spot, and if he can't avenge it on the spot, he keeps a notebook and reports it later.

"You are a good person!" Ji Baiwei nodded emphatically.

"Well, as long as you know that."

Han Zhao is certain in his heart that simplicity has its benefits.

"Adjust your mentality now, it will depend on you to perform later."


After Ji Baiwei finished his second cup of tea, a middle-aged man with a white face and elegant appearance walked into the box.

Han Zhao heard the other party's footsteps ahead of time, and now he was standing behind Ji Baiwei, his body as straight as a javelin.

[A well-trained martial artist, judging by his body shape and movements, seems to be good at kicks and boxing. 】

A prompt appears in the system panel.

Han Zhao found that since he recharged more money, the prompt information became more and more powerful.

"You two distinguished guests have been waiting for a long time. I am Fang Ling, the enshrined of the Fang family, and the supervisor of this Wanbao Pavilion. I don't know how to call you." Fang Ling cupped his hands at the two of them.

Ji Bai nodded expressionlessly.

Han Zhao took a step forward, clasped his fists and said, "I've met Supervisor Fang, I'm Ding Xiu, this is Miss Thirteen from my Ji family."

Fang Ling was not displeased to see Ji Baiwei being so arrogant. His current status is not a martial arts practitioner, but a supervisor, and the two people in front of him are not juniors, but customers.

It's just that there seems to be no big family with the surname Ji nearby.

"I don't know what kind of exercises Ding Gongzi wants to sell?"

Fang Ling asked.

"This is the 'Hundred Poison Palm', which can be cultivated up to the stage of great strength." Han Zhao took out the cheat book from his pocket.

"Practice to great success?" Fang Ling's face turned serious, and he took over the cheat book and began to check it.

He simply went through the previous content, and then began to examine the Qi and blood flow diagram and the energy fundamental diagram in detail.

After a long time, Fang Ling nodded secretly, and then said: "The cheat book is true, but the restrictions are not small."

"Director Fang will just give you a fair price."

Han Zhao said lightly.

"We can get five thousand taels of silver." Fang Ling said in a deep voice, "If this cheat book is auctioned, it may sell for an extra one or two thousand taels.

For some martial artists who practice poison kung fu, they can even get a higher price.

However, our Wanbao Pavilion has the best reputation, and we can keep the customer's information completely confidential, so that the two of you won't have any worries. "

"Five thousand taels is still a bit low." Han Zhao frowned slightly.

This is more than three thousand taels less than the auction, but he can accept it if he is safe. After all, the money he has now has exceeded the number of simulations Yin Qi can provide, and when the Yin Qi is used up, he will still have money left. At that time, the strength will improve, and the money will be easy to earn.

Fang Ling heard the words, but did not rush to speak.

You have to be calm when doing business. He bids lower, which is to give the other party room to raise the price.

"How about six thousand taels?" Han Zhao tentatively asked.

"If it's six thousand taels, it's still."

"It's only one thousand taels, there's nothing to worry about, it's a waste of time." Ji Baiwei said suddenly, with an 'impatient' look.

"Miss Thirteen, you don't care about the thousand taels. You just throw the money on the gambling table, and the money will be heard, but you lost all the money I brought this time. I have to make some money." Isn't it?"

"Hmph!" Ji Bai snorted slightly.

"By the way, when Master Ji comes, don't tell her that I took you to gamble, or she will take my skin off."

"I know, I know, it's really long-winded."

Seeing this, Fang Ling couldn't help asking, "I don't know who this Miss Ji is?"

"Da Liang, the Ji family, it's useless to talk too much." Han Zhao said flatly, "Director Fang, since Miss Thirteen is in a hurry, let's go for five thousand taels."

"Okay, please wait a moment, both of you." Fang Ling nodded, walked out of the box, and when he went upstairs to withdraw money, he was still muttering: "Daliang, Ji's family?"

"Ji's family!" Fang Ling suddenly lost his voice, his face showing shock, "Could it be a child of an aristocratic family?!"

Ordinary people may think that a family with money and power is called an aristocratic family, but only martial arts masters like them can come into contact with the level of an aristocratic family.

He once stayed in Yuanchang Fucheng for a while, and met the children of the aristocratic family, which was beyond the boundaries of mortals.

It is very difficult for warriors of the same level to defeat the children of aristocratic families of the same level.

In this aristocratic family, almost no one dares to pretend to be a child of the aristocratic family, especially a behemoth like the Ji family

'However, we still have to try it out. ’ Fang Ling pondered for a moment, and then called an attendant, "Go to the pharmacy and get eight catties of dried snake meat, which should be of a higher age! Then follow me to the door of the box, and don't come in unless I call you."

"Yes, Director Fang."

After a while, Fang Ling returned to the box.

He took out fifty silver bills of one hundred taels from his pocket, and offered them with both hands.

Han Zhao reached out to pick it up.

But Fang Ling grabbed his hand, and a wave of strength surged out.

Han Zhao raised his brows, his qi and blood surged, his true qi accelerated, he pushed his right hand, and used Duanyue Jin.

When the two forces touched, Fang Ling's eyes were startled. Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Ding Xiu was already close to the strength of the second energy and blood, and he had also developed strength.

At this moment, Fang Ling pushed Han Zhao away with all his strength.

"Director Fang, what do you mean?"

Han Zhao frowned slightly, pretending to be displeased.

"Sure enough, a hero born a boy!" Fang Ling smiled apologetically.

Han Zhao knew that he was probing just now, and now he has apologized, so he took the bank note.

At this time, Fang Ling suddenly looked out of the box with displeasure: "What's the matter with these people? It's so slow to do something?"

With that said, Fang Ling opened the door of the box.

An attendant stood not far from the door, holding a tray covered with a red cloth in his hand.

Fang Ling just glanced at him, and the attendant hurried over.

"It's so slow for such a small matter! What's the matter with you?"

Fang Ling scolded.

The attendant lowered his head, although he felt aggrieved, he did not dare to show his dissatisfaction.

"Not coming in yet!" Fang Ling waved his hand.

The attendant lowered his head and followed him into the box.

"Just now a guest came to our Wanbao Pavilion, asking for palm and boxing secrets related to the way of poison. He bid a lot. Considering that the two distinguished guests came to our Wanbao Pavilion for the first time, we can't let them suffer, so I used this black ink demon snake jerky to make up the difference, please accept it."

Fang Ling lifted the red cloth on the tray, and inside was long black strips of jerky.

When he spoke, he kept looking at the two of them.

The corners of Ji Bai's mouth curled up slightly, he didn't even look at it, obviously disdainful, he didn't like it at all.

On the contrary, Han Zhao seemed to have a happy look in his eyes.

"Black ink monster snake meat jerky, this is a good thing, Director Fang is really a fastidious person! I will cooperate with you again in the future." Han Zhao gave a thumbs up.

Although he didn't know what a Black Black Snake was, he knew that the meat of monsters was extremely expensive.

In the simulation, he bought ten catties of dried snake demon meat with an unknown name in Wanbao Pavilion, and it cost three thousand taels of silver.

He had eaten braised tiger demon meat in black stone city before, and for a small plate, a few slices of meat cost twenty taels of silver.

One can imagine how valuable this plate of snake jerky is!

As for what Fang Ling said about making up the price difference, it was completely nonsense.

Sure enough, the tiger skin of the aristocratic family is really majestic!

"The dried black black demon snake meat is a great tonic for blood-level warriors. It can shorten the blood coagulation time. The market price is about 400 taels of silver per catty, which is a little bit of our heart."

Fang Ling put the tray in front of Han Zhao.

This Miss Ji was obviously from a noble family. The power system of the noble family is obviously different from that of warriors. She definitely doesn't like this, but his entourage is a real warrior.

This Ding Xiu looks like he is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and he is already close to the level of second blood. Maybe he is nothing in a family like the Ji family and can only be a follower, but to their Fang family, he is already a monster. Level of genius.

Such a person will have no difficulty in practicing energy in the future. If he has achieved great success in practicing energy, or even stepped into the realm of a master, the three thousand taels of silver he earned today will not be worth the return of thirty thousand taels in the future.

In short, it is right to use this little money to form a good relationship.

Han Zhao was overjoyed, and immediately looked at Ji Baiwei.

Ji Bai glanced slightly, then waved his hands indifferently.

"Thank you, Miss Thirteen." Han Zhao showed joy, "I also thank Supervisor Fang, I will remember the Fang family's kindness."

Fang Ling smiled all over his face, and achieved his goal.

What an old fox. Han Zhao took the jerky snake meat with a smile, but cursed secretly in his heart.

If the other party had thought this way from the beginning, he would definitely have brought the jerky along with him, probably after probing him for a while, that's why he became friendly.

It's a pity that the layman who adds money will only add money today, and will not appear here in a short time.

After that, warriors such as Tiandao, Liujue, Jianzhi, and Daokuang appeared in turn.

"Let's go." Ji Baiwei noticed Han Zhao's eyes, stood up immediately, nodded at Fang Ling, and walked outside.

"Yes." Han Zhao cupped his hands at Fang Ling, and quickly chased after him. He said as he walked, "Miss Thirteen, why don't you gamble? Let us use this money."

"Whispering!" Ji Bai snorted coldly.

Go back to the inn room.

Ji Bai looked at Han Zhao expectantly, "How is it? Han Zhao! Did I pass the test?!"

As a tool person, Han Zhao gave a thumbs up: "Excellent!"

Ji Bai smiled slightly, and then asked with some doubts: "By the way, why do you call me Miss Thirteen?"

Of course, because of your performance, I decided to stab you less. Han Zhao said casually, "I just thought of it. Are you hungry? Let's go eat."


five days later.

Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the bed.

In just five days, he ate more than half of the eight catties of jerky demon snake meat.

Martial Arts: Duanyue Saber Technique (34% of the entry level on the third level, can be improved), health preservation formula (18% of the small success of the third level, can be improved)

Looking at the system panel, Han Zhao sighed inwardly.

"In just five days, the progress of Duanyue Dao Technique has increased by 15%, and the progress of the health formula has also increased by 7%. It is worthy of monster meat! If I can really eat it as a snack, my blood growth rate can take off .”

Although it is not as good as the bonus of attribute points, the amount of Yin Qi is limited.

He has been in this world for nearly three years, and before he went to Taoyuan Village, he had only performed about ten simulations. At the beginning, he didn't have enough money, and later, he didn't have enough Yin Qi.

This time, the Soul Orb absorbed enough Yin Qi, which was enough for him to perform seven or eight simulations. The main reason was that the number of reminder fragments needed would increase after the realm was improved.

Otherwise, these yin qi can be simulated at least a dozen times.

However, the increase in Yin Qi consumption is not necessarily a bad thing, otherwise he would not be able to obtain various high-quality entries.

The upper limit of [Unarmed Martial Saint] is the purple quality, and if this continues, he may have a chance to get an entry of orange or even red quality upper limit.

"It seems that you have to upgrade to the third-blood level first, so that you can completely get along in the Black Rock City area, and then practice the Vajra Art to improve your roots, and then learn other martial arts."

"Wring out Ji Baiwei's wallet and go home immediately!"

Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

PS: Barbie Q! The author hadn't gone out for half a month. He went out to get a haircut the day before yesterday. He received a phone call at night and got a close call. He probably needs to be quarantined at home. The anti-epidemic personnel will come to register at home tomorrow, write more in this chapter, hope I'm okay.

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