After a month and a half.

Jiulian Mountain, in the dense forest at the foot of the mountain.

Ji Bai looked at Han Zhao reluctantly, "Brother Han, can't you stay with me for a while longer?"

Han Zhao smiled, shook his head and said, "No, I've been out for too long, and if I don't go back, my master will worry about me."

"Alright then." Ji Bai forced a smile, "Will you come to Ji's house to see me?"

"This world is too chaotic, and it's very dangerous outside! You should practice hard. If you become a military envoy one day, you can go wherever you want. I'm too weak! You should work hard too."

Han Zhao didn't answer directly, but the meaning was already obvious.

Just kidding, let him go to Ji's house, it's not for him to die!

Although now the soul bead has turned into an ordinary glazed bead on the surface, without any yin energy leaking out, but if it encounters a military envoy, who knows whether the other party will see it or not.

"I will work hard to cultivate!" Ji Baiwei clenched his fists, it was the first time he was so eager for strength.

Seeing this, Han Zhao stretched out his hand and patted her on the shoulder.

"Listen to me, return to the family with your aunt Ji now, and don't go out casually until you are in charge of the military envoy."

Ji Baiwei is also a poor person, but there are many poor people in this world.

It is the best choice for him to avoid the trouble of Ji's family.

He deliberately spared a circle, and then avoided many troubles, and returned to the Black Rock City area without incident.

Now that she is returned to Ji Zhuling safe and sound, anything that happens after that has nothing to do with him.

"En!" Ji Bai nodded slightly, and then shouted loudly, "Aunt Ji~!"

Ji Zhuling's figure flashed and appeared in front of the two of them.

"Come with me." Ji Zhuling glanced at Han Zhao and led him deep into the dense forest.

After avoiding Ji Baiwei, Ji Zhuling opened the mouth and said: "You are very good, you are young, you are well-founded, and you are a smart person. Maybe you will have a chance to be worthy of Bai Wei in the future."

She looked at Han Zhao casually, but not as contemptuously as before.

She didn't expect that Han Zhao could make Bai Wei's mood changes last for so long!

Although Bai Wei's cousin Bai Qing failed, if Bai Wei's emotional state continues to deepen, it is very hopeful that she will be recognized by the Qixie Overwhelming Fragment, and then defeat several other competitors.

In this way, the fragments of the seven evils will be fused, and the Ji family will have one more top-level military envoy who can master the third-tier magic weapon.

If one day in the future, Qixie is overthrown and reappears the "Ten Kings Nuo Mian" thousands of years ago, then she is the biggest contributor to the Ji family standing at the apex of the family.

Even obtaining a high-level pseudo-divine weapon as a reward is not possible.

The military envoys of the pseudo-soldiers are not as good as the orthodox ones, but they are still a bit stronger than those of the small and medium-sized families, and the increase in lifespan and strength is real.

'As the source of Bai Wei's emotions, this kid can be reaped in no hurry. Compared with hatred, the hazy love gradually formed by longing and longing can also be very profound. Bai Qing's hatred was too strong, but she failed at a critical moment. Now for Baiwei, there is another way to experiment. '

Ji Zhuling thought to herself, and felt more and more that it was her family and her eagerness for quick success that caused Bai Qing to fail.

Bai Wei is only fourteen years old now, at least he can practice slowly for another ten years, so there is no need to worry.

The more Ji Zhuling thought about it, the more she felt that her thoughts made sense.

Then she touched her waist, and took out ninety one-hundred taels of silver bills, as well as a booklet with a golden cover.

"This is the promised reward, nine thousand taels of silver and the Vajra Art."

Han Zhao took the silver ticket and the cheat book.

This trip has been full of ups and downs, but it has finally come to a successful conclusion.

Next, he will go back to his 'Ten Mile Slope' upgrade.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that this vajra formula can elevate the root bones and strengthen the body, but the cultivation process is very painful. Moreover, when breaking through the bottleneck, it is easy to be attacked by demons, so you need to prepare a kind of medicine called 'Fire Essence Pill' The elixir assists the breakthrough, so as to reduce the chance of becoming obsessed."

Ji Zhuling reminded.

If Bai Wei was made to hate Han Zhao according to the original plan, she would not care about Han Zhao's life or death.

After all, hatred that cannot be vented can be very long-lasting, just like love that cannot be expressed.

But going the other way now is different.

However, she had promised to give this Vajra Secret Manual, so it's hard to go back on it now.

As long as the most critical and dangerous third layer is not given.

Just practicing the first two levels, even if Han Zhao went mad, at most he was just insane.

Besides love and hate, all kinds of desires are also useful to Bai Wei.

The child is pure in nature and willing to sacrifice for others.

Maybe after Han Zhao is abolished, Bai Wei will work harder for him.

"Thank you Senior Ji for reminding me." Han Zhao cupped his fists and said, he didn't expect Ji Zhuling to tell him the pitfalls of the Vajra Art, and also reminded him to prevent him from going crazy, something is wrong!

"The Heavenly Sacred Sect has three scriptures, four merits, and five holy scriptures, and a total of twelve sects of the sect, among which the basic skills of the three sects of the sect are all the 'Vajra Jue'.

Today's Great Wei, the warriors who can break through to the Condensation Realm, the cultivation methods are more or less influenced by these twelve unique skills.

And if you want to achieve supernatural powers, you must practice one of the twelve exercises. What is the value of this Vajra Technique, I don't need to say it?

The Ji family has collected one of the "Four Kung Fu", if you can practice the Vajra Art to the second level of perfection, I can recommend you to join the Ji family! "

Ji Zhuling explained, and began to draw cakes for Han Zhao.

She didn't tell a lie, but there was only the second half of Ji's magic work.

"This junior will definitely work hard!" Han Zhao pretended to be excited and said, regardless of whether what Ji Zhuling said was true or not, these information are very useful.

If Xu Ling hadn't happened to die in Taoyuan Village in the simulation, then he would probably have stayed in Black Rock City to survive and develop, but this would have missed Taoyuan Village, an excellent place to accumulate yin energy.

If I hadn't met Ji Baiwei and Ji Zhuling, I wouldn't have gotten such a large sum of money, and this Vajra Technique.

The key is that with the information, he in the simulation has a direction, and he doesn't have to bump around like a headless chicken.

He will definitely not try something that is too dangerous in reality, but he can do it in simulation.

In the simulation, he doesn't have a simulator, and if he wants to continue to break through the bottleneck, he will definitely do everything possible.

As long as he gets the unique knowledge of Tianshengzong in the simulation, he can get part of the exercises corresponding to the realm through [Option 3]. This is something that may not be able to be done in ten lifetimes in reality.

The Vajra Jue can improve the root bone, so he will definitely practice it, and when the root bone is improved, life in the simulation will be much easier.

"Go, there is no need to say goodbye to Bai Wei."

Ji Zhuling waved her hand, indicating that Han Zhao could leave.

"Farewell, junior." Han Zhao clasped his fists in a salute, turned around and strode away.

Looking at Han Zhao's leaving back, Ji Zhuling's stiff face revealed a trace of mockery.

Although this kid is a fine individual, as long as he is a warrior, it is impossible to withstand the temptation of Tianshengzong's unique knowledge.

Even if one day he is really lucky to rise up, the upper limit of warriors is there now, and Wusheng Ningsha is the apex.

Although Wu Sheng can be considered as an upper class in a top family like the Ji family, he will be easily manipulated by the commander in the end.

Since the collapse of the Great Qin Empire, the Martial God has become a legend for thousands of years.

If Han Zhao steps into the realm of supernatural powers and becomes a peerless martial god, even if he is as strong as the Ji family, he will tremble in front of him.

Just. Is this possible?

PS: Make up the settings, it is written like this by default, if you explain it, no one will have any doubts. If the Korean photo with the emulator plug-in is A, the Korean photo in the simulation is B. A is aware of the existence of B in the simulation, and B is unaware that there is an A. Before the simulation, A's strong thoughts will affect B's behavior in the simulation (wave or dog). But as time goes by, B will act according to his own emotions and logic of thinking, and Gou and Lang will change according to the situation in the simulation (equivalent to an on-hook game, it is difficult for A outside to influence B), for example, B is in a The realm has been stuck for decades, and they either give up breaking through, or they can only take risks, or even go to some places that are regarded as dead places to find opportunities.

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