Han Zhao ran wildly all the way, standing on the hillside, looking at the wall of Heishi City not far away.


A palm-sized gorgeous bird circled down from the sky and landed on Han Zhao's shoulder.

Because of Ji Zhuling's existence, Han Zhao didn't want her to find the Bingyu Niao, so he asked Yuniang to follow him in the sky during this time.

"Yu Niang! Go home!" Han Zhao rubbed the head of Ice Whispering Bird with his fingers, and ran towards Black Rock City cheering.

After leaving Black Rock City for two months, he now only has an urgent urge to go home.

Han Zhao returned to his home in Xinqiaofang and opened the door. There was a layer of dust on the table, stove, and quilt, but everything else was normal.

If he was still in the state before time travel, it is estimated that the house would be stolen after three days away from home.

But now, the home of a Bone Practitioner is not something that small thieves dare to enter, even if there is no one in the house.

"It's so dirty! Sure enough, if there is no one in the house, it will be like this."

Han Zhao frowned slightly, and put Yuniang who was standing on his shoulders on the bed.

"Yu Niang, clean the room and boil some hot water. I'll come back and take a shower later."

After speaking, Han Zhao walked out of the room.

Soon, there was a rustling sound of dressing in the room.

After a while, Yuniang got dressed, opened the door and came out, "Brother Han, do you want dinner?"

"No need, I'm going to the martial arts school, and I will bring food when I come back. What do you want to eat?"

Han Zhao asked.

Yu Niang bit her finger lightly, thinking, "I want to eat roast duck and hazelnut cake."

If it was when she first came here, Yuniang would still be very reserved, but after getting along for a period of time, especially after experiencing the Taoyuan Village together this time, she already feels like a family member when getting along.

"Okay, I'll go first." Han Zhao nodded and walked outside.

It's really nice to have someone to accompany you back home, and it's so cool not to have to do housework.

"Well, go early and come back early." Yu Niang smiled slightly.

"I locked the outside door."

After Han Zhao walked out of the gate, he closed the outside gate.

"I made a lot of money this time, shouldn't it be time to change to a bigger house?" Looking at the slightly old hut, Han Zhao murmured.

"Forget it, there are too many places to spend money, and the house is second. Anyway, the security here is not a problem."

After thinking about it, he decided not to buy a house for the time being.

Although Xinqiaofang is only a civilian area, the living environment is not bad. As long as he has the current strength, no one will provoke him.

This time, he got five thousand taels of silver by selling the 'Hundred Poison Palm' cheat book, and more than three thousand taels worth of jerky, but he had already eaten more than half of it.

In addition to the follow-up 9,000 taels that Ji Zhuling gave him, now he has a total of 14,000 taels of silver in his hands.

Among them, 6,000 taels will be used to buy Wujin. After all, both the Rebirth Sword and the Extraction Knife have to be recast.

In particular, the extraction knife had a gap in the first night of the battle in Taoyuan Village, and it could no longer be used.

In the simulation, the reforged Sword of Rebirth had a psychic connection at the end, and its power was greatly increased. It was very similar to the magic weapon Ji Zhuling mentioned, and it could obviously greatly enhance his combat power.

Anyway, you have to buy weapons, and this kind of weapon that can grow through psychics is naturally an excellent choice.

"I'll go and avenge Zhu Kangsheng when I reach the second level of Qi and Blood." Han Zhao thought to himself, it's time to deal with Feilongzhai.

In fact, with his current strength, if he is one-on-one, even if he meets a master with three bloods, he will have a high probability of winning. It's just that he has a lot of cards, and others may not have a hand that beats the bottom of the box.

Even if there is one out of a hundred, he doesn't want to overturn because of this one percent chance.

When he reached the second qi and blood stage, his qi and blood would break through again, and his normal combat power was estimated to surpass that of a master with three qi and blood, so he didn't need to use the "sword drawing technique" at all.

"Turn money and yin energy into combat power first, and be safe."

Yijiang Fang.

Shaking Mountain Boxing Academy.

When Han Zhao arrived, some apprentices who were practicing boxing stopped immediately.

"Brother Han?"

"Han Zhao?!"

"Are you all right?"

Some apprentices came up to greet him and inquired about his health. After all, they had learned from Xu Ling that Han Zhao was seriously injured and had been recuperating outside for almost a month and a half.

"It's okay, I'm fine." Han Zhao greeted the apprentices who came forward, and then walked towards the inner courtyard.

He noticed that there were a lot fewer apprentices who greeted him this time, probably because he thought he was seriously injured and there was no possibility of going any further.

It's really real.

Noticing some apprentices whispering, Han Zhao couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and walked into the inner courtyard.

There are only three people practicing in the open space in the inner courtyard, a man and a woman are about fifteen or sixteen years old, with fresh faces, they seem to be newcomers.

And the other woman is Xu Ling.

"Raise your hands high, don't shake the hand holding the saber! Keep your steps steady! The so-called practice the saber instead of the steps, practice the steps to hit the master, that's it"

Holding an unsharpened long knife, Xu Ling demonstrated the movement of the knife, guiding the other two with a serious expression.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xu Ling subconsciously turned her head. When she saw Han Zhao who hadn't returned for a month and a half, her eyes widened suddenly.


Xu Ling threw the long knife in his hand to the ground and rushed to Han Zhao.

"Junior Brother Han, you're finally back." Xu Ling's eyes were full of joy, and her voice was full of reproach. Considering that there were still brothers and sisters present, she resisted the urge to hug Han Zhao.

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Xu, I'm late." Han Zhao smiled, because there were outsiders around, so he didn't call Xu Ling by his nickname.

"It's okay, just come back." Xu Ling showed a relieved expression.

Seeing that Lu Yi was not in the inner court, Han Zhao asked, "Is Master Lu there? I'll go and inform him."

"Master Lu is in the backyard." Xu Ling pointed to the corridor, then tiptoed to Han Zhao's ear, and whispered, "He's not in a good mood recently."

"Understood, I'll go see Master Lu first, and I'll find you later." Han Zhao smiled ambiguously.

"Go quickly." Xu Ling's cheeks became hot, and he patted Han Zhao lightly.

Han Zhao walked towards the backyard.

At this time, a gossiping voice came from behind, "Senior Sister Xu, is this the Senior Brother Han who hasn't shown up because of his injury? He looks too good-looking! Is she your sweetheart?"

"What are you looking at! Go practice your saber! If you don't practice well, I'll give you another practice alone!" Xu Ling's serious voice sounded.

Han Zhao couldn't help laughing, but he was wondering if he had to teach Xu Ling the 'Luanfeng Heming Gong' first.

He's not a eunuch, so he naturally likes women, but it's just that survival and becoming stronger are more important than desires in this regard.

Now you can become stronger through the 'Luanfeng Heming Gong', and do some things you love by the way, why not do it.

When Xu Ling completes the first level, it will probably be almost done, and both parties will benefit greatly by then.

Xu Ling's roots are above average, much better than him, but she didn't hang up.

Moreover, the second to third layers of the Duanyue Saber Technique are indeed a bit difficult to practice. The blood training itself is also the first big bottleneck for warriors, and it is not easy to break through, except for him.

When Han Zhao arrived at the backyard, Lu Yi was lying on the sunbed with his eyes closed, basking in the sun, but he rarely ate sunflower seeds.


Han Zhao stepped forward and bowed.

"Huh?" Hearing a familiar voice, Lu Yi suddenly opened his eyes, and seeing Han Zhao standing on the porch, he couldn't help but look happy.

Seeing Han Zhao approaching, his complexion suddenly collapsed, and he lay back on the recliner again, snorted coldly and said, "Aren't you dead?!"

Hearing that there seemed to be resentment in Lu Yi's words, Han Zhao quickly reacted. He walked up to Lu Yi and beat his shoulders, and said with a smile, "Master, where are you? If your disciple dies, wouldn't you be sad?" ? I just recovered from my injury, and I came to see you as soon as I returned to the city."

"You still have a little conscience." Lu Yi carefully looked at Han Zhao's face, and his expression relaxed, "Fortunately, judging by your complexion, it is obvious that you have fully recovered from your injuries, and you don't look like you're running out of energy and blood, but it won't affect your future breakthrough and blood training. Environment. Next, stay in the city and don’t run around, you know?”

"Yes." Feeling Lu Yi's concern, Han Zhao nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, master, is that martial arts fist fight?" Han Zhao asked in a low voice.

This time he came back a month later than originally scheduled, it is estimated that the boxing in the martial arts hall is over.

Lu Yihu glared at him with a straight face, "What are you talking about! You kid, you patted my chest to promise me, but you ate so much monster meat from me and didn't do anything, which made the old man fight against you in the martial arts hall. I lost a big face when I punched!"

Han Zhao smiled sarcastically.

Although there was a reason for this, it was true that he broke his promise.

He immediately patted his chest and said: "Master Lu, don't worry, wait for the next martial arts sparring."

"Don't make cakes for the old man!" Lu Yi interrupted Han Zhao angrily, and then changed the topic, "I will provide you with some monster meat in the next year, so that you can replenish your body. However, if you dare to lose to a bone refiner of the same level in the next martial arts duel, you are ready to stay in the martial arts hall to teach newcomers to pay off their debts until the old man goes up the mountain!"

"Master, don't worry, I guarantee that I won't lose to any martial artist of the same level, and I will help you earn back this face next time!" Han Zhao said seriously.

"By the way, it's actually me."

"All right, all right!" Lu Yi waved his hand, not wanting to hear Han Zhao's words of thanks, it's annoying!

"Master, I."

"Oh - let's go! I have been here many times on long journeys. You can go and see him and let him know that you are fine." Lu Yi urged impatiently, and let this shameless boy talk again. It will gain ground again.

"Yes" Han Zhao walked outside helplessly.

In fact, he was going to tell Lu Yi that he had already broken through once.

Forget it, since he doesn't want to hear it, let's give him another surprise when he reaches the second blood breakthrough in a few days.

Han Zhao quickly left the backyard, called Xu Ling and went to Zhao Yuantu's house together.

Afterwards, he said that he would have a treat some other day, and then he persuaded Zhao Yuantu to let him go home first.

Han Zhao went shopping with Xu Ling for a while, then bought roast duck, pork head meat, roast chicken and hazelnut cakes and returned home.

At night, Han Zhao sat cross-legged on the bed.

【Collect all 30 reminder fragments, is it possible to synthesize an entry? 】

[Synthesize once, consume 30 hint fragments, 10 taels of gold.]

"Yin Qi is enough for a short time, but we still have to find a way to get more Yin Qi."

"If the weirdness in Taoyuan Village is not a coincidence, then there may be other weirdnesses, and I can look for them in the simulation."

Thinking of this, Han Zhao kept chanting in his heart, "Look for the weird, find the weird, look for the weird!"

"Synthesis, start simulation."

[Nineteen years old, you completed Ji Zhuling's commission and returned to Black Rock City. 】

[Two months later, Zhang Tianwen broke through to the blood-training realm, revived the declining Zhang family. 】

[Twenty years old, you achieved the second breakthrough of qi and blood, sneaked into Feilong Village to kill Qi Xing, only to find that there was another blood-level martial artist in Feilong Village, the opponent was fierce in palms, graceful in movement, and extremely difficult to deal with . 】

【In the end, with one against two, you paid the price of minor injuries and killed Qi Xing and another blood-training practitioner. 】

[At the age of 21, you bought a sufficient amount of Ujin, and Zhu Kangsheng forged a sword for you, and you started looking for weirdness in the Black Rock City and Yufeng City. 】

[At the age of twenty-two, you stayed overnight in a villa three hundred miles away from Yufeng City, and encountered something strange. 】

[During the battle, a group of warriors with strange movements suddenly appeared in the villa. They claimed to be members of the Longevity Sect, and they besieged you together with the evil corpse. 】

[You killed most of the warriors, and eventually died of exhaustion. 】

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