Life swap game

114. Weird forum

When Xia Yu was about to ask what these three people had done, Zhong Yunxin was brought over.

He then asked the three of them to sit aside and wait for a while, and then looked at Zhong Yunxin.

"I haven't done anything recently!" Zhong Yunxin defended herself.

"I know, you've been performing very well recently." Xia Yu crossed his fingers on the table and expressed his approval of Zhong Yunxin's performance.

After hearing Xia Yu's words, Zhong Yunxin breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that today is the last day of this semester, she felt happy.

When she gets home, she can wear whatever clothes she wants and do whatever she wants. She no longer has to be controlled by An Siyao!

"I called you here this time to talk about your vacation. I will communicate with your mother and ask her to watch you. If you do anything out of the ordinary, you will know the consequences." Xia Yu said with a smile. .

"What, do you still have to worry about me when I go home on vacation?" Zhong Yunxin couldn't accept the fact that her sweet dream was broken.

The relationship between her and Kong Hanyue is not good, and I believe Kong Hanyue will be happy to find An Siyao to report her.

"I've already gone home!" Zhong Yunxin protested.


Xia Yu knocked on the table lightly. The sound was not loud, but it made Zhong Yunxin's heart twitch.

She looked at Xia Yu's face. The smile on it had disappeared, replaced by a terrifying expression like the legendary prajna.

"Do you have any objections?" Xia Yu asked Zhong Yunxin while threatening.

"No, no!" Zhong Yunxin stood up straight.

"Then go down."

Zhong Yunxin immediately turned around and almost ran away from the student union.

Xia Yu turned to look at the three girls on the sofa.

The three girls who were originally sitting were now standing there, looking scared.


Before Xia Yu could finish speaking, the three girls told them all their faults.

"We shouldn't be running in the corridors or shirk responsibility when being warned by the disciplinary committee. We already know we were wrong!"

After saying that, the three of them bowed ninety degrees.

"It doesn't matter. It's a holiday after all. I can understand why everyone is a little excited." Xia Yu looked at the discipline committee member next to him. "There will be holidays like this in the future, so you can relax a little."

"But it's too childish to get excited just because it's a holiday." The disciplinary committee member stood up, somewhat disapproving of it.

"Children are to adults, just like children are to old people. There is absolutely no shame." Xia Yu replied.

"But there has never been such a precedent." The discipline committee member is an old-fashioned girl.

"It's always been like this, right?"

Xia Yu's words made the discipline committee member fall into thinking.

"I understand." She sat back in her seat and looked at Xia Yu with reverence.

She felt that Xia Yu was a wise life mentor.

"That's it, you go back." Xia Yu said to the three girls.

After walking out of the student union, the three girls let out a long sigh of relief.

On the way here, including when they saw An Siyao for the first time, the three of them didn't panic at all.

Senior An Siyao looks so cute, how could she be scary!

They were sitting on the sofa and were even in the mood to talk about the layout of the student union room.

When Zhong Yunxin came in, they were even more excited to watch the show.

Until An Siyao knocked on the table.

The three of them felt that they had seen an evil ghost.

This made them suddenly stand up from the sofa, afraid to continue sitting down.

After calming down, they discussed:

"It's all your fault, it scared me to death!"

"It looks so cute, it's so scary."

"A senior sister told me before, but she only said it looked like a ferocious beast, but she didn't say it was so ferocious!"

This is because Xia Yu's intimidation has reached level 2.

In the past two months, he has not only used it for playing. Now his skill panel is:

[Music lv5, dexterity lv4, programming lv3, language lv3, intimidation lv2, night vision lv1, elegance lv1, comfort lv1, video games lv1, painting lv1, telepathy lv1, dexterity bonus lv1]

In addition, there are ten experience cards left.

Upgrading to Intimidate Level 2 is not very difficult, and Xia Yu still spends most of his time on programming.

Xu Youxiang's programming level is not high. She only started learning it in college and has only been learning it for more than two years now.

The teaching level is also poor, and An Siyao's guidance on the piano is completely lacking.

Now, Xia Yu's skills are not much worse than Xu Youxiang's.

If you want to make progress next, Xu Youxiang's teachings are no longer useful. You must either learn by yourself or ask other experts to teach you.

Programmers above level 3 are already at the level of regular employees of large companies. Although Xia Yu can't afford to hire them, the level of these programmers is still a bit inferior. Asking people at level 5 to teach them is what Xia Yu expects.

He couldn't get in touch with such a big boss, but An Siyao could.

His grandfather owned a famous game production company, and there must be experts in it.

How can I open my mouth to talk to An Siyao?

Xia Yu had a headache.

Forget it, we'll talk about it later.

After leaving the desk, Xia Yu entered the lounge. On the balcony of the lounge, Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo were drinking tea, and Xia Yu also joined them.

"Yao Yao, this is French black tea. Try it." Feng Yumo gave him a cup of tea and looked at him expectantly.

An Siyao likes black tea, so she wants to use it to please An Siyao.

But now An Siyao is Xia Yu.

After taking two ordinary sips, Xia Yu reached for the snacks.

After spending the last day of the semester in the academy, Xia Yu sat in the car going home after school and boarded the Dongzhixiang forum on a whim.

Ignoring the chat posts below, Xia Yu looked at the two posts at the top. One of them was about test results and the other was a quote from the president.

Xia Yu clicked on the score sheet first and took a look. An Siyao's score was the first in the class.

He looked at the school rankings again, and An Siyao was still number one.

Even though my body is often used for fishing, can I still dominate the whole school?

Apart from her personality, she is almost a perfect girl.

Exiting the post, Xia Yu clicked on the president's quotation again.

What the hell is this quotation, a quotation from Feng Yujia?

"Human temperament always likes to compromise. For example, if you say that this room is too dark and a window must be opened here, no one will allow it." But if you advocate removing the roof, they will mediate and open the windows."

"The brave are angry and draw their swords against the stronger; the timid are angry and draw their swords against the weaker"


He looked at the bottom of the post again and saw what he had just said today:

"Childishness is to the mature, just as children are to the old. There is absolutely no shame."

"It's always been like this, right?" 』

Next, there is a heated discussion among a group of girls, interpreting the words of their family president from multiple angles.

But this is not what I said, it was Zhou Shuren who said it. Also, I am not the president, the president is Feng Yujia!

Putting away his phone, Xia Yu sighed.

The forum in Dongzhixiang is even stranger than the forum in Zilang No. 1 Middle School.

The next morning, Xia Yu, who returned to his body, received a call from Kong Hanyue.

"Let's come to mom's house first. I'll introduce Xinxin to you first. We'll go to my hometown in the afternoon!"

Putting down his cell phone, Xia Yu took Youxue to Kong Hanyue's home.

It was Zhong Yunze who opened the door for them. Kong Hanyue and Zhong Yunxin were arguing about something.

Thanks to the following book friends for the reward (yesterday’s statistics): Qiancheng Xueyu +1200; Yan Yang Yu Song, The Cutest Cat in the Arms, Book Friends 20190724122151411, asaxi +1000; Fengyu Xingkong +600; Book Friends 151113224318125, Jinxian Ye Mo, Book Friends 20190724122151411, Xiyang psyho, Meng Xin Ye Meng, Please Stop Breastfeeding qaq, Consider the Name Abandoned, Fortune Yu, Heartcry, Hadlzx, Different Sky 1, Three Years Old Don’t Grow Up+ 500;xiyang psyho+233;爱俿luoli+200;nan_chen, I'm speechless, book friend 20190708111014515, worried but snoring j, Feng Lizijiang, Wei Xu, perfect, Jing Lengnan, Xinghai_mu, Xie Shadow e, lithium superoxide, wkjh, passing de years, nanyun slightly, w sunshine boy Yuan aetaure+100

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