Life swap game

115. Penetrating the enemy's interior

Without immediately stepping forward, Xia Yu first observed from the side.

He looked at Zhong Yunxin. Zhong Yunxin was wearing a black jacket and tight jeans today. Her hair was still black and she looked no different from an ordinary girl.

But this was not because the girl wanted to be like ordinary people, but because An Siyao had taken away her clothes and she could only wear this.

Zhong Yunxin and Kong Hanyue were arguing about returning to their hometown.

"You're dreaming, I won't go back!" Zhong Yunxin didn't want to go to Kong Hanyue's hometown.

"You have to go!" Kong Hanyue said forcefully because Xia Yu's grandmother forced her to take Zhong Yunxin back.

Otherwise, Zhong Yunxin would leave her alone and she would be happy.

She threatened Zhong Yunxin: "That girl named An Siyao has already said hello to me. If you don't go, I will tell her!"

"It's useless for you to tell her. I didn't do anything bad!" Zhong Yunxin was not afraid. She knew that An Siyao was still a reasonable person.

This topic was not easy for Xia Yu to interrupt. He stood aside and watched. It would be better if Zhong Yunxin didn't go, so that he wouldn't have to watch for Kong Hanyue.

In the end, the dispute between the two ended with Kong Hanyue's statement, "You are a nuisance, I will take Yuyu and Zeze back and I won't let you be my daughter!"

"I don't want you yet!" Zhong Yunxin walked into her room.

"Yu Yu, she bullied me!" Kong Hanyue hugged Xia Yu.


You are obviously bullying each other.

"If you don't go to your hometown, where will Zhong Yunxin live?" Xia Yu asked.

"She said she was going back to school. There are people in school who don't go home. She will wait until the Chinese New Year before coming out." Kong Hanyue answered.

Xia Yu thought for a second and then understood Zhong Yunxin's plan. With his previous arrangement, Zhong Yunxin had to face Kong Hanyue's supervision at home, but if she returned to school, she could regain her freedom.

She believed that it was impossible for An Siyao to go to the academy during the winter vacation. In fact, it was indeed impossible for An Siyao to go before, but that was not necessarily the case now.

"Mom." Youxue, who held Xia Yu's hand, timidly greeted Kong Hanyue.

Kong Hanyue responded coldly and went to Zhong Yunze to tell Zhong Yunxin about his excess.

Three minutes later, Zhong Yunxin walked out of the room: "Where are my clothes? Where are the cabinets of clothes in my room?"

She looked at Kong Hanyue with disbelief on her face. She had guessed where her clothes were going, but she couldn't accept it.

Kong Hanyue hid behind Xia Yu with some fear: "It was An Siyao who asked you to throw away all the clothes and everything in your bedroom!"

Nonsense, I didn’t ask you to do that! Xia Yu retorted in his heart.

Overwhelmed by An Siyao's name, Zhong Yunxin could only hold back her anger. She came to Zhong Yunze and stretched out her hand: "Give me the money!"

Zhong Yunze handed over a bank card.

Taking the card, Zhong Yunxin strode out of the villa.

Needless to say, she took the card and went shopping for clothes.

But five minutes later, the girl returned home.

She asked Xiang Zhong Yunze: "Where is the shopping mall?"

"If you want to take a taxi, why don't you just ask the driver?" Zhong Yunze did not understand the meaning of Zhong Yunxin's words.

What Zhong Yunxin just said was a hint to Zhong Yunze to go to the mall with her.

Xia Yu heard this. When he asked the driver to threaten Zhong Yunxin before, Xia Yu discovered that the girl was actually just a silver wax gunhead who only dared to be cruel to the weak. When she met someone who was stronger than herself, she was very well-behaved.

"Take me there!" Zhong Yunxin made the request directly.

"No, I made an appointment with someone to go racing for a while." Zhong Yunze firmly refused.

"You ride a two-wheeled bicycle and you call it drag racing?" Zhong Yunxin looked disdainful.

"Hey, why can't bicycles be used for racing? Do you have any opinions about bicycles? Let me tell you..." Zhong Yunze became a little angry.

"Okay, if you don't want to pull me down with you, get out of here." Pushing Zhong Yunze aside, Zhong Yunxin hesitated.

She has been living in Yaoguang, Zilang is a relatively unfamiliar place to her, and she is a little afraid to go out alone.

What if, like before, a group of men in suits suddenly appeared, stuffed her into a car, and dragged her to the beach?

Just when she was gritting her teeth and about to force Zhong Yunze away, a voice rang out: "I know Zilang well, let me take you there."

Looking in the direction of the sound, Zhong Yunxin saw a handsome boy with a warm temperament.

She knew that it was the child of Kong Hanyue and her ex-husband, and he should be her brother.

No matter how you look at it, the other party is from Kong Hanyue's camp, that is, her enemy. Under normal circumstances, Zhong Yunxin would never agree, but now she needs someone she can trust to accompany her.

Although Kong Hanyue is annoying, he is not a bad person.

Nodding, Zhong Yunxin agreed.

After letting Youxue stay at the villa, Xia Yu and Zhong Yunxin went out together and got into a taxi.

"Wait a minute, just follow me and carry things. Don't give me any nagging. Just say a word and get out of here. If you're happy with me, I'll give you a tip. Isn't it because you're short of money when you approach Kong Hanyue? Well, she doesn’t have much money, I have more than her..."

Talking about many things arrogantly, Zhong Yunxin turned to look at Xia Yu's face.

Her body stiffened.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu smiled.

"No, it's nothing." Zhong Yunxin's heartbeat was beating violently, and cold sweat broke out on her head.

She felt like she had just seen an evil ghost in Xia Yu's smiling face.

It was the same evil ghost she saw from An Siyao, although the evil ghost only existed for a short moment.

"What did you just say?" Xia Yu asked with a smile.

"No, I didn't say anything just now." Zhong Yunxin became a little scared.

This guy seems to be as cruel as An Siyao!

Is it too late for me to go back now?

But by this time, the taxi had already arrived.

Dragging stiff steps, Zhong Yunxin followed Xia Yu into the mall.

What she wanted to buy was leather clothes, ripped pants, jackets and other clothes, but she was a little uneasy after seeing the evil ghost just now.

Entering a random store, she picked up a small white dress with lace to show her cuteness.

"Is this the case?" Xia Yu looked at her.

Holding the wrist of her left hand with her right hand and placing it in front of her, Zhong Yunxin nodded implicitly.

"I feel like this is more suitable for you." Xia Yu took a black short jacket.

Zhong Yunxin's eyes glanced back and forth between the jacket and Xia Yu's body several times. She grabbed Xia Yu's hand and said excitedly: "Right, these are normal clothes! Who would wear those lace skirts!" "

With a smile on Xia Yu's face, he took out another pair of ripped mesh pants: "These are not bad either."

"That's right, you know it very well!" Zhong Yunxin had completely let down her guard, and she patted Xia Yu's back intimately.

"Let's go to the next store!" Holding Xia Yu's hand, Zhong Yunxin continued shopping excitedly.

Xia Yu, who had collected all the clothes from Zhong Yunxin's school, knew the styles that Zhong Yunxin liked, which made Zhong Yunxin feel that it was too late to meet him.

By the end of the shopping trip, Zhong Yunxin had already regarded him as a close friend.

She packed most of the clothes and sent them to school.

"I won't go back to prevent that guy Kong Hanyue from teaming up with An Siyao to come up with some way to punish me." Zhong Yunxin said.

Taking out her mobile phone, she exchanged Penguin numbers with Xia Yu. Xia Yu watched her get into the car carrying some of her favorite clothes.

She rolled down the window and waved goodbye to Xia Yu with excitement on her face.

He also waved to her, and after the car left, the smile on Xia Yu's face disappeared.

Just be happy. If those clothes of yours survive the day after tomorrow, I will lose.

When I call An Siyao's account tomorrow, you will collect them all.

Glancing at Zhong Yunxin's Penguin, Xia Yu sneered.

Now that he has penetrated into the enemy and gained their trust, it will be much easier if Kong Hanyue wants him to deal with Zhong Yunxin in the future.

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