Life swap game

135. The return of An Tianfeng

Earlier than expected, on the 20th, An Tianfeng ended his trip and returned to Yaoguang City.

"Chairman, we're here." The driver stopped the car and opened the door.

Stepping out of the car and looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar villa, An Tianfeng sighed.

Ever since An Siyao's mother died and his relationship with the Yu family had problems, he hadn't been here for a long time.

In the past, An Siyao was invited to spend the New Year at his place.

He knew his daughter very well. With her indifferent and timid attitude, she didn't care about anything, not even her own affairs. She definitely didn't care about his company. In addition, he was happy to be alone and carefree, so he didn't care about anything for a year. I must have met my daughter several times.

But before that, he met An Siyao who was subduing the husky with his bare hands at Feng's house. He felt that something might have changed in his daughter, so he asked Luo Yali to come back with her son. If there was anything abnormal, Luo Yali would definitely report it to him.

As a result, Luo Yali made a phone call more than ten days ago and asked about the former head maid, and then there was no news.

Was what happened at the Feng family last time his imagination? Luo Yali's lack of movement proved that her daughter had not changed much.

An Tianfeng, confused in his heart, stepped into the villa.

The security guard at the gate saw him and hurriedly wanted to report to the villa, but he stopped him.

He always likes to see the truth without whitewashing it. When he is in the company, he always makes surprise inspections. Only in this way can he see the truth!

Entering the villa, An Tianfeng stopped a maid: "Where are the madam and young lady?"

"In the lady's room." the maid replied.

An Tianfeng was not surprised that An Siyao was in the room. He felt that his daughter was such a person.

He asked again: "Where's the wife?"

"In the lady's room," the maid repeated.

"I'm asking about the wife!" An Tianfeng frowned dissatisfied. Is this maid deaf?

"The lady is in the lady's room." The maid added the subject and wondered if the master was deaf.

An Tianfeng opened his mouth, a little surprised: "Madam is in the lady's room?"

"Yes, sir, my wife just came in." The maid was a little scared after he asked for a long time.

"You continue to do your work." An Tianfeng let go of the maid and walked towards An Siyao's room.

He wondered, hadn't Luo Yali never been close to An Siyao? Why did she go to An Siyao's room?

He became a little excited again.

This was the reason why he liked raids. If he hadn't come back from the raid, would he have known that Luo Yali would actually go to An Siyao's room?

Luo Yali is a contented person, and she can be happy just by giving her a little money, while An Siyao doesn't care about anything, and is also very weak. Why do these two people get together? What kind of secrets are they hiding? What kind of competition are they launching around themselves?

The truth is right in front of you!

Pressing the door handle, An Tianfeng looked into the room excitedly.

He saw his wife happily sleeping on his daughter's lap.


After closing the door, An Tianfeng calmed down and reopened the door.

What he saw was his smiling daughter in bed with his wife.

Taking a small step back, he looked at An Siyao in disbelief: Why is my wife in your bed?

He looked at Luo Yali in disbelief: Why did you run into my daughter's bed?

His spirit was shaken.

After taking two deep breaths, An Tianfeng told himself that generally speaking, it was very normal for a daughter to sleep with her mother, and there was nothing strange about it.

But the relationship between An Siyao and Luo Yali can't be this good!

"It's Tianfeng." Luo Yali yawned and closed her eyes again, "Wait a minute, I'll take a nap first."

After saying that, she fell asleep.

An Tianfeng took another step back. His wife, who would pounce on him whenever she saw him, flatter him and let him buy a bag, actually ignored him!

He looked at An Siyao again. His daughter, who had always been timid and indifferent, actually had an expression on her face? Still unhappy?

Doesn't she want her father to come back and disturb her?

An Tianfeng was overthinking. An Siyu was indeed a little unhappy, but that was because he came in without knocking.

"I'm back." An Tianfeng choked out a sentence.

"Oh." Xia Yu replied.

After hearing his answer, An Tianfeng felt relieved again. At least his daughter was still as taciturn as before.

"This is a gift for you." An Tianfeng put down the bag in his left hand.

After thinking about it, he put down the bag in his right hand again: "This is a gift for your mother."

After looking at the two of them with mixed emotions, An Tianfeng left the room and closed the door.

He stopped another maid and asked An Feixiong's whereabouts.

An Tianfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw An Feixiong playing with a water gun in the backyard.

At least the son is still the familiar son.

Instead of removing An Feixiong's feet, An Tianfeng came to his room, took out his notebook, and @everyone in the penguin colony.

"An Tianfeng: Are you all ready?" 』

"Manager HR Wang: Ready"

"Investment Group Leader: Okay"

"An Tianfeng: Then let's get started"

Clicking on a mysterious English icon on the computer desktop, An Tianfeng played a game with his subordinates.

After an afternoon of intense and exciting battles, An Tianfeng felt relaxed.

Although the sudden improvement in the relationship between An Siyao and Luo Yali made him puzzled, it was not a big deal.

In the evening, when he came to the restaurant, his son, daughter and wife were already there.

After sitting down, he thought about what happened at noon again, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

His wife and daughter have such a good relationship, who is he?

Fortunately, my son is still the same as before. This is the only relief.

At this time, Luo Yali's voice sounded: "Feixiong, don't just eat meat, eat some vegetables!"

"Leave me alone." An Feixiong did not cooperate.

An Tianfeng chuckled. Mothers have never been able to control their sons. At this time, he, the father, had to take action.

He looked at An Feixiong with a straight face: "Eat vegetables!"

An Feixiong reluctantly stretched out his chopsticks and picked up the smallest vegetable leaf.

A smile appeared on An Tianfeng's face. In his recent actions, he established his authority and demonstrated his status, which no one else could do!

When he was proud, he saw his daughter pick up a large piece of green vegetables with chopsticks and put it in An Feixiong's bowl.

He sneered: Even if he picked up so many dishes, An Feixiong would just drop his chopsticks and run away. My daughter is still too young. Do you think you can force An Feixiong to eat it by putting it in a bowl?

Alas, after his son ran away, he was the only one to step forward and catch him back, just in time to show them his majesty again!

He looked at An Feixiong, waiting for An Feixiong to run away.

An Feixiong's face showed anger,

An Feixiong raised his chopsticks.

An Feixiong ate the food!

An Tianfeng's hand shook and he almost missed the bowl in his hand.

What happened?

An Feixiong put all the dishes in his mouth in one breath. He didn't like eating these, but he was more afraid of the sister next to him.

He was not afraid that his sister would hit him. As a man, how could he give in because of physical pain?

What he was afraid of was that his sister would touch his head.

Because as long as his sister does this, he will fall into sleep. If he touches it once, he will be gone in half a day, and if he touches it twice, he will be gone in a day.

Just like yesterday, he didn't play for an hour. He was put to sleep again when he woke up, and he was put to sleep again when he woke up. He closed and opened his eyes for a whole day and was gone!


In order to prevent being picked up again, An Feixiong ate quickly.

As long as I eat quickly, the food can't catch up with me!

An Tianfeng next to him was numb. He felt that his identity as father and husband had been taken away by his daughter.

Where should he go?

After dinner in silence, An Tianfeng returned to the room to correct documents for a while, and then continued to play games to numb himself.

On the other side, Xia Yu returned to his body and knocked on Zhong Yunze's door.

In the past three days, Zhong Yunze has been thinking very hard, and he even stopped doing the habit of riding around the community twice every day.

What happened seemed a bit serious.

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