Life swap game

136. Father’s majesty

"The door is unlocked!" Zhong Yunze's voice came from the room.

Opening the door, Xia Yu saw Zhong Yunze who was reading a bicycle magazine.

"What's wrong?" Zhong Yunze asked.

"I should be asking you this, right?" Xia Yu sat next to him. After getting closer to him, his telepathy had some effect.

There is a bad feeling.

"The car is no longer racing, what are you worried about?" he asked.

Zhong Yunze did not answer immediately. He was silent for a minute and shook his head: "Nothing."

"Emotional problems?" Xia Yu asked.

Zhong Yunze did not answer.

"Is the other party a little young?"

"I like older people!" Zhong Yunze couldn't help but retort.

"Does that mean the other party is about to die soon?"

"I like people who are older than me, but they can't be so old that they will die of old age soon!" Zhong Yunze added.

Provoking Zhong Yunze to say a few words, Xia Yu returned to the topic: "What is that?"

"You don't need to ask, I will take care of it." Zhong Yunze still didn't want to tell Xia Yu.

After talking to Zhong Yunze for a while, Xia Yu chose to give up when he saw that he had no intention of revealing anything.

After leaving his room, Xia Yu knocked on Kong Hanyue's door again.

It was Youxue who opened the door for him. Mother and daughter lived in the same room.

After experiencing Youxue's careful care, Kong Hanyue now regards her as his third friend.

"Where's mom?" Xia Yu looked at the bed and didn't see Kong Hanyue.


Just as Youxue finished speaking, Zhong Yunxin's voice came from downstairs:

"I will go back to school tomorrow and don't want you to worry about it!"

When she came to the corridor, she saw Zhong Yunxin walking into her room angrily without even saying hello to him.

It seems that Kong Hanyue talked about her again.

Coming downstairs, Xia Yu met Kong Hanyue.

"Yuyu, Zhong Yunxin bullied me!" Kong Hanyue hugged his neck.

Opening her hand, Xia Yu looked helpless. No matter how you look at it, Zhong Yunxin, who is going back to school just after the new year, is the one who is bullied the most.

Speaking of which, Zhong Yunxin actually didn't take action. Is An Siyao's name so useful?

He asked Kong Hanyue his doubts.

"Hmph, I fought with her several times. Although I didn't gain the upper hand, I never let her take advantage." Kong Hanyue said proudly.

In other words, she was slightly at a disadvantage in the fight with Zhong Yunxin.

"After being beaten a few times, that little bastard learned to be afraid." Kong Hanyue held her head high, waiting for Xia Yu's praise.

Xia Yu touched her head ordinary and expressed that he understood.

That girl Zhong Yunxin is indeed a silver wax gunhead.

After putting aside Zhong Yunxin's matter, Xia Yu got to the point: "I have something to ask you."

"I'm going to look in the room." Kong Hanyue replied.

"What are you looking for?" Xia Yu was confused.

"Xinxin's birth date!"

"I want to ask about Zhong Yunze." Xia Yu said after knocking Kong Hanyue on the head.

"Isn't this bad? I only have two sons like you." Kong Hanyue continued to be funny.

Not in the mood to play with her, Xia Yu asked directly: "Zhong Yunze seems to be worried about something big lately. Do you have any news?"

"No." Kong Hanyue shook her head, "But I can check."

"Then I leave it to you."

If this matter was Zhong Yunze's private matter, Xia Yu would not want to get involved, but judging from Zhong Yunze's attitude, it seemed that it was not just a private matter.

"Wait a minute, why do I need to investigate? Can't I just ask Zeze directly?" Kong Hanyue said again.

"I asked, but he didn't say anything. It will be the same if you ask again." After a pause, Xia Yu asked again: "Do you know anything about the company?"

"No, I don't know anything about the company." Kong Hanyue shook her head.

"Then ask the company first." Xia Yu had a bad guess.

After hearing what he said, Kong Hanyue became nervous: "Is there something wrong with the company?"

"It's just possible." Xia Yu comforted Kong Hanyue.

He didn't want it to be the Zhong family's company that had problems. He was busy helping An Siyao become a school idol and had no time to take care of the company's affairs for them. Moreover, even if he wanted to, he didn't know how to manage business administration. .

Returning to his room, Xia Yu waited for news about Kong Hanyue. However, Kong Hanyue's news channels were somewhat blocked and he could not find out for a long time.

Xia Yu, too lazy to wait any longer, entered An Siyao's body.

At this time, it is one o'clock in the afternoon.

An Tianfeng hasn't left yet. He is in the vestibule, playing football with An Feixiong.

Standing up, Xia Yu decided to go to school.

At the school, now that there are returning students, plans can begin to be implemented.

The level of mental healing was also raised to lv2 the day before yesterday.

Walking downstairs, Xia Yu walked towards the outside of the villa. An Tianfeng spotted her, asked her where she was going, and got into the car with her.

There was an old friend of his in Dongzhixiang, and he wanted to find out why his daughter had changed so much.

The driver didn't look sideways, didn't listen at all, didn't think at all. He just regarded himself as a driver and smoothly drove the two people to the door of Dongzhixiang.

After getting out of the car, Xia Yu showed his student ID card and entered the school. An Tianfeng also obtained the entry permit after showing his ID card and registering.

Although the Spring Festival had just passed a few days ago, there were already many students coming to the school. When they heard An Siyao coming to the school, half of the students who stayed in the school chose to come over and say hello to her.

An Tianfeng, who was following An Siyao, looked at his daughter in surprise as he was greeted warmly by the students.

Although he already knew from the Feng family that An Siyao was very popular, he didn't expect that he would be welcomed to this extent.

These people clearly came here specifically to meet their daughters!

Walking downstairs to the teaching building, An Tianfeng finally saw a girl who didn't show any excitement when she saw her daughter.

This girl looks a little familiar, as if she has seen her somewhere.

After thinking for a while, An Tianfeng remembered that this was Lao Zhong's daughter.

Lao Zhong was his good friend. When they started a business together, he was more successful than him for a time. Later, he took the name of Miss Yu and the situation was reversed.

Lao Zhong's daughter was also well-known in the circle. She often fought and caused troubles with other people's children.

She had always dressed "avant-garde", but this time she changed into ordinary clothes, and An Tianfeng didn't recognize her at all.

Seeing Zhong Yunxin walking towards An Siyao, An Tianfeng had a smile on his face, but he immediately suppressed it.

He thought:

Zhong Yunxin is a thorn in the side, and her daughter will definitely be embarrassed by her. When the time comes, she will step forward and use her status as an elder to make Zhong Yunxin honest and let her daughter know that as a father, she has a dignity that she does not have!

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