Life swap game

200. This is a matter of principle! (Second update)

Under the boos, Bai Sheshan could not concentrate on playing and made frequent mistakes. He only regained his mentality after a five-minute rest.

After the game, he came to Xia Yu again and hung around for a while. When he was about to speak, he was yelled at by the girls again.

"If you have the guts, come down here and we'll show off!" Bai Sheshan's face turned red with anger.

Originally, he just wanted to provoke Xia Yu a few times and see Xia Yu's unhappy expression, but Xia Yu was always happy and looked like a monkey.

Especially the girls around Xia Yu have been helping him talk.

As a class boy, Bai Sheshan was usually favored by girls, but today he was ridiculed by a group of girls because of Xia Yu, and he really couldn't hold his breath.

Xia Yu didn't say anything, and the girls around him answered for him: "Why don't you play the guzheng, violin and piano? You are shameless!"

"When a man talks, why does a woman get in the way?" Bai Sheshan was already dizzy with anger.

What he said angered the girls.

"It's none of your business whether we interrupt or not!"

"Who do you think you are?"

Seeing that the girls were a little out of control, the PE teacher hurried over to maintain order and pushed Bai Sheshan out of the gym.

His departure did not affect others. His team and Gui Zixiao's team started playing together again after a friendly handshake.

It's rare for people to gather together like this. I won't be sorry for this opportunity for a while.

The two teams from the previous game didn't leave either, and a group of people were playing together.

"Brother, why is that person always staring at you?" Youxue asked Xiang Xia Yu. She was not worried about Xia Yu's safety. Compared with those gangsters before, Bai Sheshan was not enough to watch.

Moreover, Bai Sheshan is just one person and has no helpers at all.

"Maybe it's because he's jealous of my face!" Xia Yu touched his face. This was the only good thing Xia Dongyang left him.

"Shameless." Youxue pretended to be disgusted.

"Let's go shopping." Xia Yu stood up and was about to leave with Youxue.

At this time, the basketball flew out of the court and towards the stands in front of him.

The stands over there are all girls, and they can only scream in surprise when facing the basketball flying over.

Xia Yu took two quick steps and held the basketball in his hand.

The force of the basketball was not small, but even if he subconsciously released the force, it still hurt his hand a little.

"Are you okay?" The boys on the field gathered around in fright.

The boy who threw the ball looked pale. He had just thrown the ball from the edge of the field beyond the three-point line. He used a little too much force because of his excitement.

"It's okay." Throwing the basketball to them, Xia Yu felt normal.

When playing basketball, who hasn’t been hit by a basketball several times?

Even fly balls hitting the face are common.

"Is your hand okay?" The girls were more delicate than the boys. The girl who was leaning against Xia Yu grabbed his hand and checked it. The girls behind him also joined in the fun, as if they were looking at some rare treasure.

After the girls made sure everything was okay, the boys resumed their actions.

Gui Zixiao took the opportunity to invite Xia Yu: "Come down and shoot two goals!"

Youxue's eyes lit up, and she encouraged Xia Yu: "I'll take a photo of you and send it to Lili for envy!"

Xia Yu agreed, held on to the railing in front of the stand, and jumped down.

The boys threw the ball to him and watched him throw it.

It can be said that Xia Yu brought so many spectators here, especially the girls who accounted for half of them. Being cool in front of so many girls is not an ordinary opportunity. I don’t know how many times I will have it in my life.

So boys have good senses about Xia Yu.

Because Xia Yu said before that he didn't know how to play, Gui Zixiao made a special trip to lead Xia Yu to the free throw circle.

A group of people gathered around, waiting for Xia Yutou.

Xia Yu had indeed never played basketball in this life. The physical education classes in this life were running, long jump, and swimming. Basketball was not included in the teaching scope. But in my previous life, basketball was a sport that was included in physical education classes in primary, secondary and tertiary schools.

Among them, he had passed the shooting test when he was in college in his previous life.

Standing in the penalty circle, he can score six out of ten goals.

But that was the last life. Xia Yu himself didn't know how much level he had left in this life.

He recalled his technique, spun the ball around for feel, and threw the ball toward the basket.

The ball hit the basket and flew out.

The boy next to him caught the ball and threw it to Xia Yu.

The boys comforted Xia Yu: "It's bad luck, bad luck, I almost got in."

However, this is what they were thinking: They were so lucky that they almost got in.

They thanked Xia Yu for attracting girls, so they didn't tell the cruel truth. They had already thought about it. If Xia Yu didn't score a goal, they would let it go when they went up to shoot later to give Xia Yu some face.

That's right, they planned to pitch in one by one after Xia Yu finished pitching.

In this way, when I brag in the future, I can say that I am the one who beat Xia Yu.

When I got old and watched TV with my granddaughter, I pointed at the old artist Xia Yu on the TV and said: "Xia Yu, although he is good at piano, violin and guzheng, he is really not very good at basketball. Your grandfather used to Fight him and beat him with this number!"

Then, the granddaughter would look at them with admiration and ask her grandfather to speak more.

Thinking of this, they looked at Xia Yu eagerly.

Xia Yu didn't notice this. He touched the ball and recalled the feeling just now.

He raised his hand, and the muscles in his arm started to move. LV4's dexterity directed the muscle army, causing them to coordinately exert force, from the upper arm to the forearm, from the fingers to the basketball.

The basketball flew out without touching the edge of the basket.

Because the basketball fell into the basket accurately.

The girls cheered for Xia Yu, while the boys were in a daze.

Actually got in?

They handed the ball to Xia Yu, feeling that Xia Yu's luck was unusually good. If a beginner scores one goal out of two, what is it but good luck?

For the third goal, Xia Yu completely understood the force he should use. The ball went in without any suspense and hit the net hollowly. The swishing sound of the ball rubbing against the net is very pleasant.

The boys looked at each other and gave the ball to Xia Yu.

After Xia Yu's fourth and fifth shots into the net, they couldn't stand any longer.

Gui Zixiao pulled Xia Yu outside the three-point line: "Try it here."

Xia Yu threw the ball out, and the ball hit the board, but still went into the basket.

There was a sound of breathing around.

On the sixth goal, Xia Yu regained his level and the basketball went hollow into the net.

By the 78th or 90th ball, the boys were numb.

At this time, Xia Yu was already enjoying himself. He handed the ball to the boys around him: "You guys play?"

"No, no." The boys refused hastily.

Who is willing to step forward and play in a losing situation?

The scene suddenly turned cold.

Gui Zixiao cautiously suggested: "How about we try 1V1?"

The boys immediately agreed:

"That's a good idea!"

"This is good, this is good!"

"That's right, what's the point of shooting? It's the fun of doing it directly."

"Xia Yu, come first. Don't worry, we will pay attention."

In their opinion, Xia Yu played the guzheng after all, and his hand skills were somewhat good, but when it came to actual combat that required full body movement, he would definitely not be able to do it.

Their thoughts are beautiful, but the reality is often cruel.

Angrily returning home, Bai Sheshan took out his mobile phone and was surprised to see a group of people in the basketball team re-reading crying expressions.

what's the situation?

He asked his close friends and got a video.

The video was shot by Xia Yu.

At the beginning, Xia Yu shook his head and said, "I can't play basketball."

Then, the scene switched to Xia Yu standing in the free throw circle. He shot the basketball in his hand and scored four goals.

The picture is continuous, but the part where picking up the ball is sped up, so it can be seen that the goals are continuous.

Bai Sheshan sat up straight: "This Xia Yu, does he still have some skills?"

Then, the speed doubled, and Xia Yu was guided to the three-point line, scoring five consecutive goals.

Bai Sheshan unzipped his clothes. He felt a little hot.

After that, the court started to play 1V1. Xia Yu was a little unskilled at the beginning and allowed the opponent to score two goals. But after that, except for the offensive team who could touch the ball for a few seconds at the beginning, Xia Yu had both hands empty at other times. A confused look on his face.

Bai Sheshan came to the window and felt the wind blowing. He was very hot.

On the mobile phone, after the 1V1, a group of people played a simulated game again, but Xia Yu didn't shoot any shots, he shuttled flexibly with the ball and kept making layups.

Five people together can only allow him to get to the layup slightly longer.

At the end, the scene from the opening appeared again, and Xia Yu shook his head helplessly:

"I can't play basketball."

If you can't play basketball, who the hell am I?

Turning off the phone, Bai Sheshan took out a cigarette and sighed.

He knew that he had no chance of winning against Xia Yu, but Xia Yu had no intention of responding to his provocation.

No wonder Yan Wei chose him. Apart from the differences in talent and appearance, was there also a gap in life between Xia Yu and herself?

After lighting up the cigarette, Bai Sheshan took a long puff.

The choking smoke irritated his internal organs, making his face look ferocious.

He frowned and looked at the sunset outside the window.

The sun sets slowly, the lanterns come on, and the whole city is shrouded in glittering lights.

He led Youxue and played on the street until ten o'clock. After returning home, Xia Yu was very pleased to see the girl rushing to do her homework.

He told Youxue to go to bed and asked her to work hard and remember to check her homework after finishing it so as not to miss any homework. Xia Yu finished washing and lay down on the bed.

He fell asleep quickly.

But on the other side, Yin Ling, lying next to Yin Shulan, tossed and turned, feeling a little uneasy.

She brought candies to school today and was discovered, not by the teacher, but by the school bully, who asked her to bring five with her tomorrow.

The candy was given to her by her grandmother who was in a weird state, and there were thirty-two more. Five was not a big number.


How can you give food to others!

Yin Ling frowned.

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