Life swap game

201. Don’t do these three (third update/silver update)

In the morning, Xia Yu, who had slept until eight o'clock and got up, came to the kitchen to look for his breakfast, but there was nothing on the table or in the refrigerator.

After closing the refrigerator door, Xia Yu saw a note stuck on it.

"Bad brother has no breakfast!" (Look at the reverse side)』

Turning the note over, Xia Yu saw another line of words.

"The bread is below, take it out and heat it up before eating."

Xia Yu opened the door of the freezer compartment under the refrigerator and saw the bread.

The bread was very cold.

Taking the bread and going to the sofa in the living room, Xia Yu watched a movie and finished breakfast.

After two hours of delay, it was already ten o'clock in the morning when Xia Yu arrived at Yin Shulan's place.

Yin Shulan is preparing lunch.

Xia Yu threw away the green vegetables he was packing and said, "What to cook? I'll pick up Lingling and eat it outside at noon."

He was avoiding cooking.

From the rabbits in the kitchen, he picked two plump ones and came to the experimental table in the yard.

After tying up the rabbit, Xia Yu took out his mobile phone, which he bought when he went to town before.

For this reason, Yin Shulan felt distressed for a while, but Xia Yu got the money, so she didn't nag too much.

Xia Yu clicked on the web page and downloaded an e-book online.

It was an ancient prescription book.

Because ancient medicine prescriptions no longer have much effect, they can be easily found online.

It didn't matter to Xia Yu whether it was useful or not, as long as it could be used to increase proficiency.

Moreover, the records above are much more detailed than what Yin Shulan said. The amount in grams is clearly stated, so there is no need to guess how much it is.

Although the weight above is for humans, animals are man’s best friends, so it should be no problem to use it on rabbits.

The last experience card was only used a little. Xia Yu clicked Continue and started to gain proficiency.

At noon, when it was time to pick up Yin Ling, Xia Yu had already upgraded the medicine to LV2.

This time, simple pharmacological knowledge of how to mix them appeared in his mind.

After putting the rabbit away, Xia Yu got on the motorcycle and headed to the town.

When he arrived at the school gate, the school bell had already rang five minutes ago.

On the way, he thought about the next experimental prescription for a while, and started to write it a little slowly.

However, five minutes is not enough time for the girls to have some fun. There is no problem, and most of the students haven't come out yet.

Sitting on the motorcycle, Xia Yu continued to think about the next experimental prescription.

Maybe I should try a tonic? He thought of Yin Wan, who looked pale in the west wing.

However, those rabbits are all round and fleshy, and they can’t be seen even if they are patched.

I went back to find two rabbits and starved them for three days.

After making up his mind, Xia Yu relaxed and looked around.

The parents who came to pick up their children like Xia Yu looked away with some guilt.

While Xia Yu was meditating, these people kept staring at him.

An old lady wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle is the center of attention of passers-by wherever she goes.

Yin Shulan's appearance was a bit fierce to begin with, and Xia Yu couldn't help but have a strong demeanor because of his clothes, making him look even more difficult to mess with than those gangsters.

Everyone around them kept some distance from Yin Shuyu.

Xia Yu was so happy to save his precious granddaughter from finding him after school.

However, after the surrounding parents led their children away one after another, Xia Yu still didn't see Yin Ling come out.

After waiting for another three minutes, while Xia Yu was thinking about whether to go in and take a look, Yin Ling walked out.

"Why so late?" Xia Yu held the girl's hand.

The feeling transmitted through telepathy on Yin Ling's body was very comfortable. That's why Xia Yu liked girls so much.

The fact that the girl looks like An Siyao has nothing to do with it.

"I talked to my classmates for a while," Yin Ling said.

This reason was very normal. Xia Yu didn't care. He took Yin Ling to a restaurant.

\u003eThe sound of the motorcycle attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

After the white-haired rider came in, they were still stunned.

Are today’s old ladies so fashionable?

The waiter was the first to react. He came to Yin Shuyu and handed over a menu.

There are very few dishes on the menu, and if they were all served, they would probably only be able to fill one table.

"Just this order?" Xia Yu, who was used to eating in big hotels, was a little dissatisfied.

"Hey, that's all, a small business, a small business." The waiter agreed on his face, but he was thinking in his heart:

How many dishes can you eat and still think there are too few?

At this time, Xia Yu, who had browsed the menu, had already started ordering. He pointed to the dishes on the menu and said:

"This, this, this."

When he saw what Xia Yu was pointing at, which were fried leeks and fried rice with green vegetables, the waiter curled his lips inwardly. He just ordered these three items and it was too little.

"Okay, that's all, right?" He stretched his neck, about to tell the chef what to do.

At this time, Xia Yu shook his head: "I don't want these three things, but I'll take a portion of the others."

"Huh?" Not only the waiter, but also the guests eating around him looked at Xia Yu in surprise.

"I'll try them all to see what tastes good." Xia Yu took out a red note and said, "I'll give you the money first."

Seeing that Xia Yu actually paid, the eyes of the waiter and the guest turned to admiration. As expected of an old lady wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle, she spends all her money just eating.

Because Xia Yu was a big customer, the food started to arrive quickly. After two bites, Xia Yu lost interest. Food in remote areas is not interesting.

Yin Ling was very happy to eat. Even during the Chinese New Year, she could not eat so many dishes.

It took half an hour to finish the meal. Before leaving, Yin Ling reluctantly looked at the half-left dish.

Because she was too full, Yin Ling couldn't climb onto the motorcycle by herself, so Xia Yu carried her up.

When he arrived at school, Xia Yu stopped his motorcycle and watched Yin Ling walk towards the school.

They walked together without noticing it before, but now looking at Yin Ling's back, Xia Yu noticed something was wrong.

He got off the motorcycle, rushed forward and took Yin Ling's hand.

"What's wrong with your legs?" Xia Yu noticed that Yin Ling was limping a little.

"I hit the stool." Yin Ling's eyes were a little dodgey.

"How did you knock it up?" Xia Yu narrowed his eyes.

Under his questioning, Yin Ling will really tell.

She is a school bully in the class. I saw her eating candy yesterday and asked her to take candy today as a sign of respect, but she didn't take it, so there was a conflict.

"She didn't mean it. In order to beg me not to tell others, she gave me three pieces of candy." Yin Ling took out three pieces of candy from her pocket. There was anxiety on her face, fearing that Xia Yu would confiscate her candy.

"I'll buy you candy. This kind of bullying can't be tolerated." Taking Yin Ling's hand, Xia Yu followed her into the school.

The security guard wanted to come up and stop him, but Xia Yu gave him a threatening look and sat back on the bench, pretending as if he hadn't seen anything.

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