Life swap game

202. Real and fake villains (fourth update/silver update)

After entering the school, Xia Yu realized that he was walking too fast and the helmet was still in his hand. He didn't bother to put it back and continued to carry it.

Following Yin Ling, Xia Yu came to her class.

"Who is the guy who blackmailed you?" Xia Yu asked Xiang Yin Ling.

Yin Ling pointed to a person in the back row.

It was a short-haired girl who was chatting with a boy. At first glance, she was not a good girl.

Xia Yu was not polite to her, went straight into the classroom and grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing? Who are you!" The short-haired girl struggled.

"I am Yin Ling's grandma."

After hearing Xia Yu's answer, the short-haired girl immediately lost her voice and stopped struggling.

Dragging her out of the class, Xia Yu turned around and glared at the boys who followed him to watch the fun. The boys immediately ran back and closed the curtains, fearing that Xia Yu would come to them.

The way Yin Shuyu is dressed now would scare even adults, let alone these children.

The short-haired girl was already trembling after seeing Xia Yu's appearance clearly.

Leather jacket, leather pants, \u003emotorcycle helmet, and a head of white hair, this is the perfect example of a bad guy on TV!

"You, you, you, what do you want to do? Let me tell you, I have a lot of brothers in school!" The short-haired girl threatened Xia Yu tremblingly.

When Xia Yu heard this, he frowned.

Is there a school bully group in this school?

"Okay, I'll give you a chance. Go call them now and see if they can save you." Xia Yu was ready to kill all of this group.

In order to prevent the short-haired girl from running away, Xia Yu said to her again: "Don't think about running away. If you run away today, I won't be as polite to you next time as I was today, unless you stop coming to school in the future."

Nodding in panic, the short-haired girl ran to the first floor, knocked on the doors of the third and third grade classes, and called out three people. Then, the four of them ran to the high school next door to call for help.

Ten minutes later, a team of twelve people led by a little fat man came to Xia Yu.

The little fat man walked up to Xia Yu and said, "Is it you, an old guy who bullies our sister?"

Xia Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed the little fat man's ear: "How are you talking? Didn't your mother teach you to respect the elderly?"

"Let go of my brother!" The eleven people behind him started to take action immediately.

His heart was full of anger, and their fists were hungry and thirsty.

This old guy actually dares to challenge the majesty of their family, he must let her know how powerful he is!

When they got closer, they saw Xia Yu's eyes, which reminded them of the poisonous snakes they encountered when they were playing by the river.

They shuddered, the blood receded, and fear emerged.

Xia Yu snorted coldly, pulled the little fat man's ears hard, let him go, and then hit the brains of each of the remaining eleven people.

Only the shivering girl with short hair escaped.

Xia Yu looked at them with a cold face: "You've failed in school. Why do you want to return your brother to his sister? Who do you think you are?"

Xia Yu had encountered this kind of fraternal middle school student group in his previous life. They were just a bunch of gangsters who didn't go to school. The most famous among them is the Shamat family.

No one in the group responded.

Xia Yu grabbed the lead fat man's ear again: "You are not allowed to call yourself brothers in school, did you hear that?"

"Kekekeke..." The little fat man stuttered a little, "But if we don't call us brothers like that, how else can we call them?"

Xia Yu frowned, thinking that the little fat man was dissatisfied, but an idea flashed in his mind, and a question came to his mind.

He pointed at the short-haired girl and asked the fat man: "Who is she?"

"My cousin." The little fat man replied with an aggrieved look.

"Where's him?" Xia Yu pointed to a boy behind him.

"My cousin is from my uncle's family." After adjusting his mood, the little fat man put away his grievances and acted well-behaved.

"What about him?"

"My cousin, from my uncle's family."

"What about him?"

"My uncle, he is older than me, but actually younger than me."

Under Xia Yu's question, the little fat man sorted out the family relationships of everyone present.


Are they actually real brothers?

The students in the school are all from the small town, so it is not surprising that they are related to each other.

"Even if you are true brothers, you can't use your power to bully others!" Xia Yu slapped the little fat man on the head again.

"I understand, we understand." The twelve people assured them hurriedly.

Seeing that they didn't refute at all and recognized him happily, Xia Yu knew that they had indeed done a lot to bully others. The trace of guilt caused by the misunderstanding disappeared in his heart.

"There are many of you, so you should protect your classmates in school, do you understand?" Xia Yu said again.

"I know, I know." The twelve people followed suit.

"If I hear that someone bullies my granddaughter in school in the future, I will settle the score with you!" Xia Yu revealed his true purpose.

"We'll take care of it!" the twelve people promised.

"Okay, you can go." Xia Yu waved his hand and asked them to leave.

Ignoring the short-haired girl's look for help, her twelve brothers gave her a look of help and hurriedly ran back to their class.

They were frightened by Xia Yu. People can actually be like poisonous snakes. This is something they have never realized before.

The only girl with short hair left at the scene.

Leaning against the wall, Xia Yu folded his hands: "Tell me, what's going on with you?"

The short-haired girl was so frightened that she shed tears. She choked and said, "I just saw Yin Ling eating chocolate candies in class and it tasted delicious. Then I threatened her that if she didn't give me hush money, I would tell the teacher."

Xia Yu looked at Yin Ling, and Yin Ling looked away. It seemed that what the short-haired girl said was true.

"Yesterday she said well that she would give me five yuan as hush money, but today she went back on her word and refused to give it. I accidentally pushed her and she hit the stool, so she threatened me with this and asked me to give her five yuan. If I don’t give you a piece of candy, tell my mother that I will beat her.” Talking about her sadness, the short-haired girl cried even harder, “That candy is so expensive, I even borrowed money from my brother.”

Xia Yu looked at Yin Ling again. Yin Ling not only looked away this time, but also tried to move away.

Grabbing her hand, Xia Yu sighed, what the hell is this.

He was nervous and thought it was something big.

Leaving Yin Ling to stay aside, Xia Yu used comfort to comfort the short-haired girl.

It was the short-haired girl who started the incident, and Yin Ling did knock her leg because of her, but she didn't mean it. She felt too guilty afterwards, and was easily tricked into getting candy by Yin Ling.

It's normal for children to bump into each other. As long as it's not intentional, it's not a big deal.

Just by provoking trouble first, he has already scared the short-haired girl, and it can even be said to be a bit much.

When the short-haired girl calmed down and was about to fall asleep, Xia Yu stopped comforting her.

He took the short-haired girl's hand and said, "It's just candy, it's nothing. Come on, I'll wait for you to buy it."

Picking up Yin Ling again, Xia Yu took the two of them to the school canteen and bought a bunch of candies.

The two girls held hands and returned to the classroom happily.

Breaking open the candy wrapper, Xia Yu put a stick of wave candy in his mouth and left the school.

He got on the motorcycle and drove back.

As soon as he left the town, he was blocked by ten men.

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