Life swap game

28. I know too much

Among these three skills, apart from clothing design, being cute and playing video games are of no use at all.

However, the most unusual skill among the three skills is clothing design.

It’s understandable that it’s cute and video games, after all, the body is that of a female programmer, but the costume design has no origin at all.

As a programmer for a large company, this body was born in an orthodox school and should not have been exposed to fashion design.

The bonus in the game may not be based on all the skills of the original owner, but all the talents of the original owner.

As a screw in society, most people have no chance to develop their talents. Therefore, it is completely normal for programmers to have talents other than programming.

Because it was An Siyao's first time to switch bodies, the three bonuses were all skills she knew, which made Xia Yu misunderstand.

Xia Yu sighed and felt a headache.

In other words, if he wants to learn programming, he can only go to Xu Youxiang?

Or get another chance to retrieve the body and retrieve a girl who can program again.

Or look for top programmers. Those who can be the best among programmers must have talent.

It goes without saying that those people must be the treasures of the government or big companies. Coupled with the hidden nature of the Internet industry, Xia Yu doesn't even know who the top programmers are, let alone get close to them.

A minute later, the voice of the original owner of the body interrupted Xia Yu's thinking.

"Possessed by a ghost?" The woman likes to read horror stories.

"No, you're just dreaming." Xia Yu deceived like the previous programmer.

Women are doubtful.

Xia Yu, who had come but could not leave, entered the woman's room, picked up her computer, and played games.

Although the woman was confused, she still threw herself into the game and gave Xia Yu guidance.

This time, because the game was reaching a critical moment, Xia Yu didn't pay attention to the time. Eight hours passed. After returning to his original position, the woman looked at the game screen in front of her and lit a cigarette.

On the other side, Xia Yu, who returned to his body, received a letter.


[This game will start maintenance and updates at this time, and it is expected to be completed in five and a half hours]

There is actually an update?

However, the five-and-a-half-hour update time is quite conscientious. I couldn’t log in to the game during this time.

What will be updated? Xia Yu is looking forward to it.

At 7:40 in the morning, Xia Yu got a reminder that the maintenance was completed.

At the same time, he received an email from the manufacturer.

With one click, Xia Yu opened the email.

【Contents of this update:】

[A new game point function has been added, which can be used to exchange for double experience cards, and experience cards can be stacked]

[Modified the 24-hour system for game login and changed it to a date system]

In addition to these, here is a message from a developer:

[This product is a body swap game]

[Not a piano simulator]

[Not a backward video game emulator]

[This game supports players to explore diversified gameplay, but players are asked to take care of the developer's emotions and occasionally use serious gameplay]

【Wish you a happy game】

Touching his chin, Xia Yu compared the contents before and after and got the reason for this update.


Stop playing the piano every day, and please play body swapping normally! I have prepared experience cards for you. You can also gain skill experience by playing the game normally, so you don’t have to be so tired at all!

What made him a little confused was the change from the 24-hour clock to the date clock.

What does it mean?

After thinking for three seconds, Xia Yu came up with a guess.

He clicked to log in to An Siyao's body.

According to the previous settings, you need to rest for sixteen hours after the game before starting the next round of the game. If you log in during these sixteen hours, a pop-up box will pop up indicating that there is insufficient rest time.

But this time, he didn't see the bullet frame. After his vision went dark, he saw a clump of lush purple flowers.

This is the garden of An Siyao's home. He successfully logged into An Siyao's body.

The previous setting that required 16 hours of rest has become a setting that allows you to log in for eight hours a day.

This makes time more flexible, which is a good thing.

"Good morning." An Siyao greeted Xia Yu in her mind.

"Morning." Xia Yu replied.

After saying hello, the girl started to ask Xia Yu why he was so early today.

Xia Yu made a random excuse to have something to do at night, and walked along the road outside.

Outside the garden, a car was waiting for him.

This is the car that comes to pick him up from school.

After he got into the car, the driver drove in the direction of the academy.

Xia Yu clicked on the game points column, looked at the game points that slowly increased with the number of minutes, and observed that it was about one point a minute.

He clicked on the redemption option for the experience card. An eight-hour double experience card required 480 points.

That is to say, if he normally plays for eight hours, he can get an eight-hour double experience card to make up for the experience lost due to fun.

This function is completely to encourage him not to immerse himself in practicing skills, but to go out and have more fun.

It can be said that it is well-intentioned.

Speaking of which, he still had a five-time experience card that he had not used up, and he still had nine hours left.

While Xia Yu was calculating, An Siyao asked with concern: "Has the girl you talked about last time been solved?"

Xia Yu took out his mobile phone and typed on it:

"No, she has such a bad temper that I don't even dare to go there again."

An Siyao felt happy at first, but after a while she discovered something suspicious:

If he hadn't gone to that girl's place, where had he been in the past two days?

There is actually another woman!

Xia Yu knew that his words revealed some information, but he didn't care. As long as he kept the information about his body secret, everything else was a trivial matter.

Thinking of Xu Youxiang's incident, Xia Yu sighed again.

He typed on his phone:

"It would be nice if that woman was as cute as you"

Seeing these words, the grievance in An Siyao's heart disappeared, and a huge surprise enveloped her.

In order to live up to Xia Yu's evaluation, she made suggestions for Xia Yu:

"There is always a reason for her bad temper. As long as you know the reason, it can be solved."

A girl with very little experience doesn't know that some people are born with bad tempers.

However, Xu Youxiang's anger was mainly because of her legs.

"She couldn't move her legs and was in a state of rage. I got on top of her at that time, so she was treated with hostility."

Xia Yu wrote on his mobile phone.

An Siyao's wish came true. Being unable to move her legs meant that the woman was a disabled person. Although it was a bit bad to think this way, she did feel happy in her heart.

People generally don't like a disabled person.

The two continued chatting until they reached the gate of the academy, where Xia Yu got out of the car and then stopped.

After he left, the driver drove the car a little way ahead, got out and lit a cigarette.

His hands were shaking violently.

He just accidentally glanced at the lady's cell phone while adjusting the rearview mirror inside the car.

Miss, you actually did that to a person who couldn't move his legs!

The circle of the upper class is indeed terrifying!

Will I, who know too many secrets, be silenced?

He wanted to resign, but thinking about his beloved wife who had just passed away and the two-million-dollar mortgage, he had no choice but to give up.

Turning on his phone, he edited a suicide note with trembling hands.

Qingqing, if you find this letter and it proves that I am no longer here, don’t try to investigate the truth about my death. I can only tell you that I know too much...

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