Life swap game

29. I became an urban legend

The two sisters Feng Yumo and Feng Yujia have been a little dull recently.

In the morning, they came to school. Normally, they would greet all the classmates whose names they knew on the way, but today they did not.

The two sisters were both thinking of one person, and that person was An Siyao.

The two people who were handsome by An Siyao a few days ago have been surrounding An Siyao recently, wanting more happiness, but they have not been satisfied.

As if that day was just an exception, An Siyao became the same as before in the past few days.

However, the two sisters' closeness over the past few days has also successfully solved some misunderstandings, and they have learned that An Siyao's usual soft and cute attitude is not just a show, but really the case.

This surprised them. They had never thought that such people existed in modern society.

However, being soft and cute is not the happiness they want. What they pursue is the same feeling as that day, and An Siyao cannot bring it to them.

Was that day just an illusion?

The two sisters were very disappointed.

Entering the atrium, they met An Siyao normally. At this moment, they had no expectations in their hearts, so they just said good morning to her.

"Morning." Xia Yu replied vigorously.

The two sisters paused. Normally, what An Siyao would say would be "good morning", and her tone would be very soft.

They looked at each other, confirmed each other's feelings, and then stared at Xia Yu together.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu was a little confused.

An Siyao should take a step back at this moment and wonder if there is something weird in her body, instead of asking in a spirited manner.

The An Siyao from that day is back again?

Sister Feng Yumo reacted first and took Xia Yu's hand.

She has also held the hands of many girls. Girls' hands are very soft. Holding other people's hands is like holding your own hand.

But the hand she was holding now was different. This hand was strong and warm, making her face feel a little hot.

That's what it feels like!

Although Xia Yu was confused, he still held Feng Yumo's hand with his backhand. He often saw girls holding hands, so it seemed to be a very normal behavior.

He strode forward, and Feng Yumo could only keep up with him by speeding up his pace, which made the girl even more sensitive.

Feng Yujia gritted his teeth and looked at the hands held by the two. Although Xia Yu had two hands, the other hand still held a schoolbag, so he couldn't hold it. Moreover, it was too shameful for three people to hold hands.

Damn little girl, she doesn’t even know how to give way to her older sister!

After giving his sister a dissatisfied look, Feng Yujia gave up on this battlefield and tried to launch a new operation.

She asked Xia Yu, "Do you want to have lunch together?"

"Okay." Xia Yu agreed.

"Then I'll find you after class." Feng Yujia became happy.

"I'll go too!" Feng Yumo said.

"Yumo, you have just entered high school. It would be better to strengthen your relationship with your classmates." In order to prevent the hand-holding incident from happening again, Feng Yujia tried to get rid of his sister.

"Sister, you are the one, your best friends are waiting for you every day!" Feng Yumo replied not to be outdone.

Xia Yu was not a dull person. He felt the contention in the words of the two sisters.

He sighed: An Siyao is so popular.

On the third floor, Xia Yu separated from the two of them and entered the classroom.

The curriculum of the aristocratic school is no different, except that the teaching materials used are more logical and simpler.

After class, the girls also chatted and gossiped together. What was popular today was an urban legend that had just appeared.

A girl said vividly: "If you hear a voice calling you downstairs in the evening, don't respond. It's a lonely ghost. If you answer it, it will come to you! But don't panic if you do. Those ghosts just have lingering grievances, and they usually leave after being allowed to play for a long time."

Xia Yu: "???"

It seems a bit visual?

At noon, Xia Yu was taken away by the two Feng sisters.

The three of them came to the restaurant, took their dishes, and sat at an empty table.

"This is delicious." Feng Yujia gave Xia Yu a portion of the carved tofu on the plate.

"This kind of little squid is also delicious." Feng Yumo also gave Xia Yu a portion of the dish.

Xia Yu felt inexplicably like being fed.

But he is using An Siyao's body now. If they feed An Siyao, what does it have to do with me, Xia Yu?

Xia Yu felt extremely satisfied as he ate the dishes with peace of mind.

Appetite is one of the most primitive desires, and the pursuit of delicious food is human nature.

Xia Yu was eating happily, and the two sisters Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo were equally happy eating. The three of them were enjoying themselves.

But at this time, an uninvited guest came over.

That was a young man in his twenties or thirties.

"Yu Mo, I was just trying to talk to you about the cultural festival!" The young man was the teacher of Feng Yumo's class.

Although this school is an aristocratic girls' school, there are still men among the teachers.

The young man carrying the tray naturally sat with the three of them.

What Xia Yu and the other three were doing was a table for four, with Feng Yujia sitting next to Xia Yu and Feng Yumo sitting opposite Xia Yu.

Kongxia's seat was next to Feng Yumo.

After sitting down, the young man seemed to have just seen Xia Yu: "I didn't expect you to be here, Siyao."

Xia Yu frowned. A male beast was very obvious among a group of girls, so he just noticed the young man. The young man wandered around and observed before coming over. It was not a chance encounter at all.

Moreover, Xia Yu didn't like his method of omitting his last name and calling him by his first name.

At the same time, he could also notice that the two sisters Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo were equally unhappy.

"Who is he?" Xia Yu asked.

Feng Yumo thought Xia Yu was asking her, so she explained, "This is our music teacher."

"We met at your mother's birthday party last year. I didn't expect that you didn't remember me, Siyao." The young man began to introduce himself.

However, Xia Yu didn't listen. He was not asking Feng Yumo just now, but An Siyao.

"A music teacher, I heard he came back from District 2." An Siyao tried his best to recall more information, "His father seems to be my father's subordinate."

It turns out that he is just the son of a high-end wage earner.

Contempt arose in Xia Yu's heart. Although he was not even a high-level wage earner, he was currently using An Siyao's body. As An Siyao, there was no problem in looking down on the young man.

"Auntie's birthday is coming soon this year. I hope to see your beautiful figure Siyao again at the banquet." The young man said with a smile.

Xia Yu didn't respond, and didn't even look at the young man. He quietly peeled a pigeon egg. This was a pigeon egg that Xia Yu had never heard of. The egg shell would retain heat, so only freshly shelled ones were good. eat.

The young man smiled and waited for Xia Yu's answer. Unexpectedly, Xia Yu acted as if he had not seen him. This made the young man more and more embarrassed, and the table suddenly became quiet.

The three of them looked at Xia Yu.

Even facing the gazes of the three people, Xia Yu's hands were still steady, and he finished peeling the eggshell slowly.

After stuffing the egg into Feng Yumo's mouth, Xia Yu glanced at the young man: "Siyao is not something you can say."

Feng Yumo's brain suddenly shut down, and the joy of being fed outweighed the unhappiness caused by the young man.

However, the young man who came towards her did not give up.

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