Life swap game

281. I am a bear

After getting Xia Yu's consent, Duan Yi excitedly told Xia Yu that with Xia Yu's face and her preparation, the milk tea shop would definitely be a hit as soon as it opened.

The way she described it made Xia Yu feel that in addition to milk tea, the milk tea shop she opened also provided special services.

Duan Yi did not start the business of a milk tea shop right away because her funds were not yet in place.

In the next few days, Xia Yu went to class every morning, spent the afternoon with An Siyao, and occasionally accompanied Zhong Yunxin. In the evening, he wrote music and played games in his room.

When it’s almost time to go to bed, the real game begins.

He went less to An Siyao's place. After all, they would meet during the day, mostly to Xu Youxiang's place and Black Cat's place. Because both parties were night owls, they could move around freely at night.

So, it's September 25th.

Kong Hanyue had already completed the transfer procedures for Zhong Yunxin, and relied on An Tianfeng's relationship to get her a top-notch school.

Tomorrow, Zhong Yunxin will go to a new school.

In the morning, Zhong Yunxin knocked on Xia Yu's door: "Brother, come with me to buy clothes!"

Getting up from the bed, Xia Yu thought that Zhong Yunxin finally couldn't help but go shopping for clothes.

Following the girl to the mall, Xia Yu looked around the clothing store. When he saw something that seemed suitable for An Siyao, he would encourage Zhong Yunxin to buy it.

Finally, he tricked Zhong Yunxin into buying a denim skirt, and their shopping trip ended.

Zhong Yunxin was very happy. She had also gone out to buy clothes with others. Others had expressions that were hard to explain. Only Xia Yu not only had no objection, but also worked very hard to recommend clothes to her.

Holding the clothes bag, Zhong Yunxin was happy.

Little did she know that her clothes would no longer belong to her.

After returning home, Xia Yu nodded when he saw Zhong Yunxin hiding the clothes at the bottom of the cabinet.

Now, An Siyao's body can be used to collect clothes.

Xia Yu liked that denim skirt very much and couldn't wait to see what An Siyao looked like in it.

Punk-style clothes looked a bit slutty, so Xia Yu was embarrassed to take An Siyao to buy them. Now getting them from Zhong Yunxin was a perfect channel.

After leaving Zhong Yunxin's door and returning to the room, Xia Yu clicked on the stall and thought about how to use An Siyao's body to pretend that he accidentally discovered Zhong Yunxin's clothes.

If it could be discovered accurately every time, it would arouse Zhong Yunxin's suspicion.

After thinking for a minute, Xia Yu had an idea.

This time I won't find clothes in front of Zhong Yunxin. I just want to make sure Zhong Yunxin doesn't have any clothes on her hands before she leaves for school.

Pretending to wait for her to leave, he searched the room and found the clothes.

After all the planning was completed, he clicked on An Siyao's column.


[Matching completed]

[Before playing, please confirm the following terms:]


After clicking OK, Xia Yu's face went dark.

After a moment, the light returned to his eyes.

What caught his eye was a small stream.

The first thought that came to Xia Yu's mind was how the artificial river at An Siyao's house had become so lifelike.

Two seconds later, looking at the endless trees behind the creek, Xia Yu understood the situation.

BUG appears again, he should be in the body of another creature now.

Lowering his head, Xia Yu wanted to see what he had become this time.

What he saw was a brown belly and brown paws.

After staring at the strong paws for a while, Xia Yu had to accept the fact that he had turned into a bear.

Xia Yu leaned over the stream and confirmed.

The bear is pretty cool, but what's with the bandages on his head and legs?

Xia Yu felt a little pain after moving the bandaged leg.

However, the pain is not severe, it is either just a minor injury, or it is almost good.

He touched the bandage on his head again, and the wound on his head no longer hurt much.

Compared to the injuries on his body, what puzzled Xia Yu even more was what was going on with this bandage.

He stood up with his intact hind leg, hugged the tree trunk next to him, and looked around.

There are trees all around. It seems that this is a forest with no trace of human activity.

But the bandages on his body clearly told him that there were people here.

How did this bear get injured?

Based on the abilities brought by pharmaceuticals, Xia Yu made an estimate of the injury and concluded that it was a gunshot wound.


Are there any poachers here?

Or is it that this bear attacked some village and was counterattacked?

Xia Yu couldn't come up with an answer, and a bear couldn't communicate.

Anyway, let's find a way to get this bear out first.

As long as he knew where he was now, Xia Yu could ask An Siyao to pick up the bear.

Although bears are protected animals, I believe that with the ability of Anjia and Yujia, they can find a way to obtain the adoption documents.

Even if you can't keep them privately, you can still get them in zoos.

He touched the bandage on his head again. The person who tied the bandage on this bear must be a good person who can get in touch. From the other person's body, he must know where this place is.

By the way, the bonus of this bear has not yet been determined. If it is an unimportant bonus, it doesn't matter.

After sitting by the stream and waiting for a while, Xia Yu saw the prompt text:

[Body exchange has been achieved]

[Based on the opponent's body, a bonus is being generated...]

[Bonus generation completed]

[Bonus obtained: endurance bonus lv1, strength bonus lv1, upright walking bonus lv1]

【Wish you a happy game】

Endurance, like dexterity, is one of the basic attributes and is very important. Endurance is required in all physical activities, the most famous of which is marathon.

Strength, like endurance and dexterity, is a basic attribute. Although power is basically useless in modern society, it is still an attractive bonus.

As for the remaining upright walking, it is really useless at all.

Animals with bugs will have good bonuses.

Xia Yu couldn't wait to practice his skills, but the bear was still injured, so he had better think about how to get the bear away first.

Find the person who treats the bear first.

There were no human signs nearby, so the bear must have run out on its own. The bear had injuries on its legs and couldn't walk far, so it must be nearby.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu closed his eyes and sniffed around with his bear's nose.

Bears are also famous for their sensitive noses.

Following the smell, Xia Yu walked in the direction he came from.

Soon, he saw a small cave. Outside the cave, a figure was walking back and forth anxiously.

Seeing Xiong Yu, the figure was overjoyed and immediately walked towards him.

As he got closer, Xia Yu could see the figure clearly.

It was a girl wearing a black coat.

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