Life swap game

282. Area 232

It was a girl about sixteen years old. Because of the mask on her face, Xia Yu couldn't see the girl's appearance clearly, but judging from those smart eyes, she should be a beautiful girl.

So, is this the plot of Beauty and the Beast now?

Where is the tallest building in the world? Is the plane in place?

After dispersing his thoughts, Xia Yu looked at the girl again.

When the girl came within two meters of him, she slowed down and was a little cautious. After all, Xia Yu was now a bear. Only people with abnormal brains would not be afraid at all.

Seeing the girl's cautious eyes, Xia Yu suddenly raised his palm in a mischievous manner.

The girl immediately retreated back.

However, Xia Yu's raised palm did not pounce on her. Instead, he placed it on the bear's head and scratched it.

Seeing that it was a false alarm, the girl approached again

This time, when she was less than half a meter away from him, Xia Yu opened his mouth wide.

The girl closed her eyes in horror, preparing to accept her end.

After waiting for a while, the girl who felt no pain opened her eyes. What she saw was Xiong Yu who was yawning.

In her heart, the girl complained about her carelessness. She didn't know that the bear in front of her was teasing her.

Arriving in front of Xiong Yu, the girl began to take off Xiong Yu's bandage. It was said to be a bandage, but in fact it was mostly gauze.

Under the gauze, Xiong Yu's hideous wound was exposed.

The girl took out herbs from the medicine box beside her and bandaged Xiong Yu.

Xia Yu smelled the herbal medicine. It was just an ordinary wound medicine and was of little use to bears.

However, it was the girl's wish after all, and the medicine had an analgesic effect.

Xia Yu could vaguely feel the happy mood coming from the brown bear.

The bonus between him and the brown bear currently doesn't even reach true LV1, so he can only feel more obvious or strong emotions.

In other words, the brown bear really likes the girl in front of him.

Stretching out his bear paw, Xia Yu patted the girl's head to express encouragement.

After a brief moment of worry, the girl smiled brightly.

In her mouth, she said a sentence. The language she spoke was close to Chinese, but the pronunciation was somewhat different from Chinese.

Some are like local dialects.

Xia Yu, who has language level 3, quickly learned the origin of this language.

This is the language of District 232, a very small district.

Xia Yu didn't know any extra information about this area.

Since the girl speaks the language of District 232, Xia Yu should be in District 232 now.

This gave Xia Yu a bit of a headache. Although Area 232 was small, it was a sovereign area after all. The An family and Yu family might not be able to intervene, and the recovery of brown bears would be more difficult.

Forget it, just wait and see what happens.

Xia Yu looked at the girl in front of him again.

What the girl just said was "so pitiful".

The bear who was shot can indeed be said to be pitiful.

After finishing speaking, the girl lost her voice. After wrapping the gauze, she carefully reached out and touched Xiong Yu's ear.

Xia Yu was curious as to where the girl got the courage to come and touch the bear's ears.

Even as a fighting nation, if they encounter a bear in the wild, they will not approach it unpreparedly.

After staying with Xiong Yu for about half an hour, the girl stood up and waved to Xiong Yu: "You are in the cave here, don't run around!"

Xia Yu waved his paw to show that he knew.

After letting the girl walk for five minutes, Xia Yu chased after her based on the smell in the air.

An hour later, he finally walked out of the woods and suddenly saw the light in front of him.

He stood on a hillside, and at the foot of the hillside was a small village.

The girl was walking on the road in front of the village.

Bears were not allowed to enter the village, and Xia Yu was not planning to enter the village. He carefully walked around the village and found a wooden sign with the name of the village.

The name of this village is Zhongjia Village.

After knowing the name, Xia Yu walked forward towards the path trodden by the villagers, trying to find a way out of the forest, but after walking for an hour, he found that the path was a bit far.

He was still injured on his leg and could not move forward. He rested for a while and then returned to the original route.

Sitting in the cave, Xia Yu first put aside the problem of how to recover the bear, and instead thought about how to practice the bear's skills.

Strength is very simple, just lift weights or something, but endurance is a bit difficult.

As a bear, run a marathon?

Maybe do push-ups with a bear?

My legs are still injured, so I can't run a marathon or lift weights. The only option left is push-ups.

Xiong Yu lay down and started practicing.

Eight hours later, Xia Yu returned to his body.

It was already late at night. Xia Yu opened the skill bar and took a look. None of the skills on the brown bear appeared. He spent too much time talking about it and not enough time to practice.

Putting this matter aside, Xia Yu opened his laptop and searched for information about Area 232 on the Internet.

District 232 has a total population of less than two million. The area is mostly covered with mountains and forests, and the government is a constitutional monarchy.

Although it is a constitutional monarchy, affairs are basically managed by the monarch, which means it is still a monarchy, but the monarch's power is not as great as before.

These are not the most important. After Xia Yu glanced at it, he began to check the most important things.

He searched for Zhongjia Village in District 232, wanting to know where Zhongjia Village was, but no information about this place could be found on maps or forums.

After searching for an hour and posting questions to no avail, Xia Yu went back to look at the information in Area 232.

District 232 has just experienced a rebellion that was like a terrorist attack. The royal family was completely dead. Now a new government is managing the country. However, the people of District 232 have become accustomed to the existence and leadership of the monarch during their long history. They do not recognize it. The new government has no royal blood, and the country is currently in great disorder.

There is no way to maintain order, and there is no way to update the map.

There is no way of knowing where Zhongjia Village is.

Xia Yu had to find more obvious landmarks, such as the name of a mountain or the name of a major road, in order to know where the brown bear was and recover it.

But this will have to wait until the day after tomorrow.

Today's game opportunity has been used up. Tomorrow will be the time when Zhong Yunxin goes to class. He must log in to An Siyao tomorrow and cut off Zhong Yunxin's clothes.

After a good sleep, at six o'clock in the morning, Xia Yu arrived at An Siyao's body.

At seven o'clock, in front of Xia Yu's house, Zhong Yunxin was happily preparing to get in the car. At this time, An Siyao's car stopped in front of her.

Seeing An Siyu getting out of the car, Zhong Yunxin consciously put down the suitcase in her hand and went back to the house to get the suitcase with normal clothes.

In the car, she said goodbye to her clothes sadly.

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