Life swap game

329. Medieval Princess Xu Youxiang

Previously, Xia Yu used the song "White Horse in the Rain" and exchanged the sapphire crown with Liu Manman, but during the performance, he played the song "White Horse in the Rain" again, so Liu Manman owed him a piece of jewelry.

Xia Yu was not surprised by Liu Manman's rejection. According to the calculation of one piece of music = one sapphire crown, this gorgeous scepter must be worth more than the sapphire crown. As for how much higher the price is than the sapphire crown, Xia Yu could not judge.

He first thought about whether he should change to other jewelry, but he was very sure that Xu Youxiang would like this scepter.

After giving a sapphire crown and seeing Xu Youxiang's unexpected surprise, Xia Yu conducted some testing and learned that Xu Youxiang did not like gorgeous jewelry, but liked middle-class jewelry.

The more classic it is, the more she likes it, and this scepter just fits the bill.

"Shall I add another song for you?" ” Xia Yu added chips.

"It's not a question of whether the song is good or not. What's important is that this is the first gift my grandma gave me. It's very memorable," Liu Manman said.

"Two Songs"

Liu Manman still expressed her refusal.

"Three songs?" 』

"I told you it's not about quantity, you choose something else."

After thinking for a while, Xia Yu called Liu Manman.

After the call was connected, he said directly: "How about I customize a song for you?"

"Customized?" Liu Manman was attracted for a moment, but still refused, "I already told you that this is the first gift grandma gave me, and I will keep it as a record..."

"Write your name in the title." Xia Yu added.

Liu Manman's voice stopped suddenly.

Her mind flashed back to more than ten years later. On various stages, all the players, male and female, old and young, all said the name of the guzheng piece named after her. scene, and the scene where countless audiences applauded after the performance.

Liu Manman could not resist this temptation.

She looked at the scepter in front of her, gritted her teeth and said to Xia Yu, "You devil."

"The devil values ​​transactions of equal value, and God calls for selfless dedication. You should be lucky that you met the devil like me." Knowing that Liu Manman had already agreed, Xia Yu said happily.

"Hmph, how could I be so stupid and selfless?" Liu Manman retorted.

The devil and God's words were meaningless, but Liu Manman couldn't help but wanted to find trouble.

"Hmm - like, let's make you fall in love with me and then offer yourself to me?" Xia Yu answered casually.

She didn't expect to receive such an answer. Liu Manman blushed. After she hurriedly covered her face, she remembered that Xia Yu couldn't see it.

"You have a beautiful idea!" Liu Manman said fiercely.

"Okay, okay, please deliver the things to the address below as soon as possible." Xia Yu reported the address where Xu Youxiang lived.

"Do you still have a house in Nanming?" Liu Manman asked doubtfully after writing down the address.

"Xu Youxiang lives there." Xia Yu replied.

Liu Manman was shocked. She was surprised that Xia Yu could tell her so openly that this was for Xu Youxiang.

Liu Manman immediately wanted to ask what kind of relationship Xia Yu and Xu Youxiang were, but she felt that asking would cause trouble. She felt itchy in her heart, and finally decided not to ask.

"What are you going to do with my music?" Liu Manman asked.

"You can think of it yourself, 'Liu Manman', 'To Liu Manman', 'Ode to Liu Manman', etc. are up to you, and the instruments are also up to you. You can have a symphony," Xia Yu said, "As for the style, you You can specify it and give a general direction."

"Let me think about it." Liu Manman hung up the phone, asked someone to come in and took away the scepter, and then began to think about what song she wanted.

She was so excited that she stayed up all night, but Xia Yu slept very comfortably.

The next morning, Xia Yu woke up from his sleep, washed up and had breakfast. At nine o'clock, Liu Manman told Xia Yu that the scepter had been signed for by Xu Youxiang, and she asked someone to give it to Xu Youxiang in person.

Xia Yu nodded with satisfaction, knowing that Xu Youxiang's awkwardness was no longer a problem.

He didn't go to Xu Youxiang's place immediately. Now that he had just received the scepter, Xu Youxiang must have been extremely excited and busy admiring the scepter.

Back in the bedroom, Xia Yu used his laptop to browse the Internet for information.

On the forum he gave to Tina, there was new hint of news. On the first floor there was a missing person notice for his cousin, and then on the second floor there was the words "November 11th, flight tickets have been booked".

The second floor means that Tina will come on November 11th and the ticket has been booked.

Under the post, there are still many boring people replying, wondering what this means.

Clicking on Tina's avatar, Xia Yu found that the account showed that it was still online. It seemed that Tina was still playing with her father's or mother's mobile phone.

Hiding his traces, Xia Yu quit the forum.

After reading some other posts in other forums, Xia Yu felt a little bored.

Netizens in this world are not enough to make fun jokes.

He randomly clicked on a forum and posted a post pretending to be from the south to complain about the northerners. He also posted a reply on the second floor pretending to be from the north and complaining about the southerners. He changed his account and continued to attract more than ten floors of people.

Then, he sat in front of the computer, kept clicking refresh, and watched the southerners and northerners in the forum begin to talk about regional superiority and regional discrimination.

What surprised him was that a third camp actually developed later and declared war on the southerners and northerners at the same time.

People from the north and the south stopped scolding each other. They worked together to kill the third party first. In the end, they felt sympathy for each other and shook hands to make peace.

This is the charm of reality, no one can predict what will happen next.

After eating melon all morning, Xia Yu was satisfied. He closed his notebook and logged into Xu Youxiang's body.

After a period of darkness, what appeared in front of Xia Yu was a golden scepter and a silver crown.

Sure enough, Xu Youxiang was admiring the scepter, and even took out the crown to play with it.

This is also the first time Xia Yu has really seen the scepter. The scepter is slightly shorter than the arm, about two fingers thick. There is a thin snake wrapped around the stick. The head of the thin snake is the top of the scepter, and the snake's mouth is open. , with a ruby ​​bitten inside.

The whole scepter looks very gorgeous.

"How is it? Do you like it?" Xia Yu asked, picking up the scepter.

"Humph." Xu Youxiang ignored Xia Yu.

Xia Yu didn't care and just looked at the scepter quietly.

After more than ten minutes, Xu Youxiang couldn't help but said: "I don't want this one, you can take it."

"Don't you like it very much?" Xia Yu was a little surprised. He felt that Xu Youxiang wouldn't be so angry that he wouldn't even accept an apology if something happened.

"I ignored you and you brought me a gift, making it seem like I was greedy for your gift." Xu Youxiang said angrily.

Xia Yu didn't expect that Xu Youxiang was worried about this.

"It doesn't matter, I'm happy to give it to you." He said.

Xu Youxiang was indeed very fond of the scepter and left without leaving it. She said in a reluctant tone: "I won't do this next time."

Xia Yu smiled a little.

"Take the crown and scepter, and then put on the clothes in my cabinet. I want to see what it looks like." Xu Youxiang became happy after solving the tangled gift-giving problem.

According to what she said, Xia Yu called the nanny, changed clothes, put on the crown and scepter, and came to the floor-length mirror.

He changed into a gothic dress, paired with a crown and scepter, giving him the feeling of a medieval princess.

Xu Youxiang kept sending happy emotions in Xia Yu's mind.

I spent the whole afternoon enjoying it with Xu Youxiang. Before Xia Yu left, Xu Youxiang asked, "Are you free next weekend?"

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