Life swap game

330. An, Xia, Hu (two in one)

Xu Youxiang stopped Xia Yu and wanted to say something about asking him to come over and accompany her next weekend.

As for what to do with her, Xu Youxiang did not reveal.

Xia Yu didn't ask. He calculated the days for next weekend and there were no appointments at this time, so he agreed.

Returning to his own body, Xia Yu glanced at the post he posted in the morning. A new round of quarrel started in the post.

However, in this quarrel between the New Northerners and the New Southerners, both intentionally and unintentionally sneered at the third party.

If a third-party force shows up, it will be grabbed by the excited two parties and they will have a party.

This post has become the most popular post on this forum. In Xia Yu's subsequent speech, he also saw many first-level trumpets. It seemed that someone had sent the link to other places, attracting a group of onlookers.

The administrator of the forum is probably very excited because the number of users has increased a lot.

Xia Yu closed the laptop and went out to have dinner with Youxue.

"Brother, where are we going during the winter vacation?" the girl asked.

"You've only been in school for two months and you're already thinking about winter vacation?" Xia Yu picked up a chopstick of beef. Recently, Youxue's cooking skills have improved a lot, and she has reached the level of a skilled housewife from a unfamiliar housewife.

If the father and daughter of an ordinary family were to be told this by the old father, the daughter would be a little scared. But the Xia family really couldn't be called an ordinary family, and Youxue knew that Xia Yu was just making fun of them.

She continued: "Shall we go on a trip?"

"Let's talk about it then." Xia Yu didn't take it to heart.

"We can't talk about it until then. We still have to apply for passports and visas." Youxue said the reason why she proposed traveling early.

"You still want to go abroad?" Xia Yu was surprised.

"I want to go." Youxue took Xia Yu's arm and said in a coquettish tone.

Xia Yu thought for a moment and realized that there was nothing wrong with traveling abroad. He told Youxue, "I'll give you a week to submit a plan. If it's done well and attracts me, I'll take you there."

"Okay!" Xia Yu hugged happily, Youxue finished the meal quickly, and then returned to the room to write a plan.

After Xia Yu finished eating, he sat on the sofa and waited for a while. When he saw that Youxue had no intention of coming over to lean on him, he returned to the bedroom.

It was the night of the 9th, and on the morning of the 10th, Xia Yu landed on An Siyao's body.

Hu Lianglu still slept next to An Siyao. This was not a bad thing. If there was any danger at night, she could always step in.

After An Siyu stood up, Hu Lianglu also stood up. As usual, Xia Yu washed up with her and then reviewed the teaching the day before yesterday.

Hu Lianglu basically had no resistance at all, although she was still unhappy with Xia Yu's departure.

If she was no longer unhappy, Xia Yu would be more vigilant. Unhappiness is a manifestation of dependence, and dependence is a manifestation of love, and only love can make Hu Lianglu consciously and proactively protect An Siyao.

In the afternoon, Xia Yu, who felt that the first stage was over, entered the second stage.

He took Hu Lianglu to An Siyao's room and called Yin Wan.

Next, Hu Lianglu needed to be told not to exclude An Siyao from being close to her.

Half of this stage went very well, but the other half had a little problem.

Hu Lianglu does not object to An Siyao getting close to Yin Wan, but only if she joins in.

Of course Xia Yu couldn't agree.

Hu Lianglu, who was rejected, sat aside, sulking.

Xia Yu had no solution. He could only make up for it by paying more attention to Hu Lianglu afterwards.

After a few days of this, by the 14th, Hu Lianglu had basically become a qualified bodyguard. Xia Yu tried to use his body to meet An Siyao once, but Hu Lianglu didn't have any special objections.

On the afternoon of the 14th, at the time Tina said she and her adoptive father were coming over, Xia Yu landed in her body.

At this time, it was the morning in the second area, and Tina was sitting on the bench in the terminal.

After moving around to get used to the girl's body, Xia Yu looked at his adoptive father next to him.

The adoptive father's eyes kept moving back and forth between the luggage and Xia Yu, looking a little nervous.

If someone who didn't know the situation looked at him, they would definitely think of him as a pervert who was planning to do evil things to Luggage and Ti Yu.

Guessing what his adoptive father's situation was, Xia Yu said, "Let me look at the suitcase."

"Is it okay?" The adoptive father was overjoyed, but also a little worried.

"Okay." Xia Yu replied.

"Then you stay here and don't move around. I'll be back soon." The adoptive father stood up in a hurry and went to the toilet.

Xia Yu sighed as he hooked the small suitcase under his feet.

He felt that this adoptive father was a bit unreliable.

How can a man who is holding back his urine be reliable?

He had some doubts about whether it was the right choice for Tina to follow her adoptive father.

Forget it, the best thing to do is keep an eye on Tina, Yaoguang is An Tianfeng's base camp, it will be easy to remedy anything, and nothing will happen.

Waiting for his adoptive father to come back, Xia Yu returned the suitcase to him. At this time, the boarding prompt also sounded.

Ordinary boarding the plane, ordinary sitting in his seat, ordinary fastening of seat belt, Xia Yu lay down comfortably.

His position was in the aisle, and a stewardess was standing aside. She was attracted by Ti Yu's skillful movements and couldn't help but look at him.

The adoptive father who was held down by Xia Yu was groping for his seat belt, but he couldn't find it for a long time.

Patting his back, Xia Yu asked her to stand up and pulled out the seat belt from under his butt.

After putting on the seat belt, the adoptive father encountered a new problem. His seat belt was a little tight.

Because it was tight on his stomach and difficult to remove, he adjusted it twice but failed to loosen it successfully.

Xia Yu could only extend his hand to help his adoptive father.

He has determined that Tina may have a bad fate this time.

But for Tina, who grew up in a slum, it shouldn't be a problem.

The adoptive father who took off the seat belt breathed a deep sigh of relief and said to Xia Yu, "Thank you, Tina."

"You're welcome." Xia Yu felt helpless.

The flight attendant next to her, who had a clear view of the incident, chuckled. The combination of the unreliable father and the helpless daughter had a very comedic effect.

"Pay attention to your image." Another flight attendant reminded her in a low voice.

After hearing this, Xia Yu, who had sharp ears, couldn't help but look at the two of them.

The two of them spoke Chinese.

After looking through the porthole and seeing the Chinese characters printed on the wings outside, Xia Yu determined that this was a Zone 1 aircraft.

He reached out and moved the skirt on his body, feeling that his legs were a little cold.

"Can you give me a blanket?" Xia Yu said in Chinese to the flight attendant next to him.

"Wait a moment." After the flight attendant agreed in English, she felt something was wrong.

What I just heard was Chinese? Chinese spoken by a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes?

After struggling for a while on whether to continue walking or go back and ask, she went to get the blanket first and gave it to Ti Yu.

"Thank you." Xia Yu spread the blanket on his legs.

"You speak Chinese very well." The flight attendant also responded in Chinese and left with a puzzled look on her face.

She is a strictly trained flight attendant. Although she is curious, it is not easy to ask when there are so many people around.

At this time, the adoptive father realized something was wrong. He turned to look at his daughter: "Can you speak Chinese?"

"I knew a little bit before." Xia Yu replied.

He hasn't been to Tina's place recently because of something, but before that, he had been coaching Tina for a long time.

With his direct teaching through Tina's body, the girl learned quickly, as if she had a superpower that she could experience firsthand.

Let the muscles memorize first, and then learn a little bit by yourself. This learning method has long been proven efficient by An Siyao.

However, Tina can only speak some simple words now and cannot write yet.

Xia Yu plans to teach her again in the next time.

Fortunately, Tina is not the adoptive father's biological daughter, otherwise it would be more difficult to make excuses.

Although the adoptive father was surprised, he had seen his daughter holding a tome on economics and reading it with gusto. He already had an expectation that his daughter was different from ordinary people, so he could accept it.

After he calmed down, the passenger sitting opposite spoke.

"Hey, do you live in District 1?" The speaker was a yellow man who looked like a college student. He also spoke Chinese, but it was Chinese with the characteristics of the Northeastern dialect.

Although Xia Yu could understand, he felt that it would be difficult for Tina to understand her in a short period of time. In order not to leave any flaws, he could only pretend not to understand and answer: "Can you please speak Mandarin?"

The college student felt strange. As a Chinese, he actually received a request from a white man to "please speak Mandarin."

What I speak is Mandarin! But it's not particularly standard.

He gave up using Chinese and chatted with Xia Yu in English.

Xia Yu was bored, so he casually chatted with him, got a handheld console from him, and started playing happily.

Tina was also attracted by the game and exclaimed from time to time.

This girl is also a candidate to play games with, Xia Yu made a judgment.

The battery of the handheld device was low, and when it was still 20%, Xia Yu returned it to the college student, pulled up the blanket, and fell asleep.

Eight hours later, he returned to his body. It was already the early morning of the next day in Area 1. Xia Yu played the game for more than an hour, logged into Tina's body again, and continued to sleep.

When he was shaken awake by his adoptive father, the plane was already taxiing.

After a while, the plane stopped and it was time to disembark.

After collecting their checked luggage, the two left the airport and took a taxi outside.

This is not the global English-speaking world of the previous life, and my adoptive father had a hard time communicating.

Looking at the confused driver, Xia Yu could only take action himself.

Xia Yu suspected that if he hadn't come here with the reputation of foresight, what Tina and her adoptive father would have experienced would have been an unbearable journey.

After getting in the car, Xia Yu asked his adoptive father, "Didn't the hospital send someone to pick you up?"

The adoptive father came to the first area for exchanges. Logically speaking, someone from the hospital should be waiting at the airport.

"The date they mentioned before was tomorrow. I planned to come today, so I refused." The adoptive father replied.

Xia Yu labeled him as a brainless person again.

When he came downstairs of the hotel, Xia Yu did not ask his adoptive father to book a room. Instead, he asked for his adoptive father's mobile phone and communicated with the staff at the hospital opposite. They had already arranged the dormitory and nanny aunt, and were waiting for his adoptive father to arrive.

After getting into the taxi again, the two arrived at the hospital's staff dormitory.

It was an exquisite room with two bedrooms and one living room, and a nanny would come over every day to clean up and do laundry.

The hospital staff gave a brief introduction in English and then left, allowing the two of them to rest.

The fourteen-hour flight, coupled with the jet lag, was not an easy trip.

My adoptive father soon fell asleep with me sleepily. Xia Yu, who had slept all the way on the plane, was not sleepy at all. He left a note, took the key, and walked around.

This is an apartment building behind the hospital, very close to the hospital. There are no big shopping malls around, but there are many canteens.

Unfortunately, Tina has no money.

After teaching Tina for a while, telling her where to go and not to go, and how to react when encountering danger, Xia Yu hurried back to the apartment.

The adoptive father did not wake up, and the note as insurance did not work. He destroyed the note, turned on the TV and tuned Tina to a foreign cartoon channel. Then eight hours later, he returned to his own body.

It was ten o'clock in the morning, and Tuo Yu was in class at school.

Normally waiting for the morning classes to pass and school to end at noon, Xia Yu waited in the classroom for a while until An Siyao arrived.

An Siyao happily came to Xia Yu and held his hand.

"This is for you, Aunt Ning." The girl took out a flash drive from her pocket.

Holding the flash drive, what An Siyao just said flashed through Xia Yu's mind.

Yu Ningmeng’s?

For a moment, words such as Yu Ningmeng's private photos flashed through Xia Yu's mind. After a moment, he realized that it was probably the investigation he had asked Yu Ningmeng to do before.

Yu Ningmeng probably didn't bother to sort it out, so she gave him all the information directly.

Holding the flash drive, Xia Yu suddenly wanted to tease An Siyao. He held the flash drive between his two fingers and said to the girl, "Aren't you curious about what's in this?"

"What is it?" An Siyao asked cooperatively.

"It's a short video I asked her to take secretly when you weren't paying attention." Xia Yu replied.

"You lied." Such a clumsy lie failed to fool An Siyao.

Xia Yu deeply reflected on his own complacency, thinking that it was An Siyao and he could just talk nonsense.

He continued to threaten An Siyao: "It's a lie now, but it won't be true soon. I'll lock you in the room and make a video when we get back!"

Before he finished speaking, he felt a gust of wind behind his head, and at the same time, his telepathy predicted danger.

Lowering his head, Xia Yu avoided Hu Lianglu's slap.

After one hit, Hu Lianglu was about to continue attacking, but An Siyao hurriedly stopped her.

Looking at An Siyao, Hu Lianglu looked confused.

"Sit down." An Siyao pointed to the stool and said.

Hu Lianglu sat down.

With hands on her hips, An Siyao imitated Xia Yu's expression and began to explain the rules to Hu Lianglu.

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