Life swap game

343. Picked up a queen

Xia Yu was surprised when he heard the three people calling Meimei. He thought that Meimei was just an ordinary noble child, but turned out to be a member of the royal family in District 232?

Wait, I saw the news before, saying that all the royal members in District 232 have died due to the rebellion.

In other words, Mei Mei is now the only member of the royal family? The future queen?

Am I the Queen's bear? Xia Yu fell into deep thought.

After hearing that the three people had come to pick her up, Meimei did not leave with the three people at ease, but hid behind Xiong Yu nervously.

Lowering his head, Xia Yu looked at Meimei, who was standing in front of him when facing a gun, but hiding behind him when there was no gun, and sighed in his heart about the complexity of courage.

At this time, a rush of footsteps came from a distance, and it was Ah Wei who was catching up.

Ah Wei was not surprised to see three people in camouflage uniforms. The three of them and ten companions had already arrived in the village.

"Your Highness, they are members of the Royal Guards." With the Guards, Ah Wei no longer needs to pretend.

Hearing this name, the tension on Meimei's face relaxed a little. The Royal Guards have always been a force directly under the royal family.

"Let's talk about it when we go back," said the leader, Camouflage Uniform, and Meimei.

"I want to take Xiongxiong with me." The girl hugged Xia Yu's waist tightly.

Looking at the two-meter-tall brown bear, the three men in camouflage uniforms swallowed and looked at Ah Wei.

"Ah, this is His Highness's pet, very well-behaved." Ah Wei said against his will.

The three of them felt relieved. They had heard about Meimei having a bear and thought Xia Yu was a pet bear.

The three of them turned to look at Xiong Yu and saw that Xiong Yu quickly finished the fruits in the basket on his chest and then let His Highness sit in.

"This bear is so good." The three camouflage uniforms sighed.

good? Ah Wei glanced at them and chuckled in his heart. His mind flashed back to what happened a few weeks ago, when Xiong Yu fought against three tigers without getting hurt.

Moreover, this brown bear can also fight!

Are you afraid of the brown bear that can sweep your vaginal legs? Are you afraid of the brown bear that can guillotine?

Thinking in his mind, Ah Wei couldn't help but speed up his pace and move farther away from Xiong Yu.

The group of people soon arrived at the edge of the village. They did not enter the village. There was a wooden house on the edge of the village, which was enough to accommodate a dozen people.

"Xiong just stay outside." Ah Wei looked at Xiong Yu.

Meimei's eyes hesitated.

"It's not a big deal to bring them in." The camouflage man led by the leader said nonchalantly. Wild bears are very scary, but pet bears are not scary at all.

Bears are canines and omnivorous animals. Many upper-class people keep bears in their homes. Compared with cats such as tigers and lions, which are prone to killing their owners, canids and bears are much docile.

Of course, this all assumes that the bear is a pet bear and not a wild bear.

The three people in camouflage uniforms had misunderstandings, but Ah Wei knew very well that Xiong Yu was a wild bear, and a wild bear with extremely strong fighting power. If it was willing, no one, including the ten people in the house, could survive.

After weighing it, Ah Wei decided that it would be better to tell the three of them.

"Actually, this is just a wild bear that originally lived here." Ah Wei said.

The three people in camouflage uniforms were stunned, looked at each other, and burst out laughing. They glanced at the cute brown bear who was licking honey from Mei Mei's hand, and felt that Awei had a great sense of humor.

"This bear fought three tigers before without getting hurt!" Ah Wei emphasized Xiong Yu's ferocity.

"Hahahaha." The three of them laughed even harder.

The leading man in camouflage accepted Ah Wei's joke: "That's right, the bear was using Jeet Kune Do at that time. It knocked down all three tigers while shouting, right?"

Ah Wei chose to remain silent.

After giving up the struggle, he led Xiong Yu into the wooden house.

When they saw Xiong Yu, the people in the house were not surprised. They had someone standing guard at the window and had already seen Xiong Yu.

Their original wariness disappeared after they heard that this was His Highness's pet bear. Some soldiers even tempted Xiong Yu with food.

"Come on, dear bear, do you want to eat this?" The soldiers were unwilling to let go of this opportunity to have fun. They held up their own dry food. It was a kind of cake that Xia Yu had never seen before, and it looked pretty good.

Xia Yu thought they were sincerely offering food, so he reluctantly stretched out his paws to try it, but the soldiers stuffed the dry food into his mouth and laughed heartily.

Ah Wei sweated for them, opened the window, and was ready to jump out of the window and escape.

Xia Yu didn't get angry. He sighed in his heart, took out the honey pot in his backpack, took Mei Mei's palm and put it inside. He dipped it in the golden honey and licked it happily.

Looking at the brown bear licking the beautiful princess and delicious honey, and then looking at themselves eating dry pie, the soldiers suddenly felt sad.

They are worse than a bear!

A group of soldiers entered the salty time and leaned against the wall without wanting to move.

When Ah Hua came over and saw this scene, she was shocked and thought that most of the Guards were ambushed and sacrificed on the road, so their momentum was so low.

Ah Hua felt relieved knowing that they were just attacked by a bear.

Everyone has arrived, and the group began to discuss things.

There was a long table in the wooden house. Meimei sat at the head seat, Awei and Ahua sat on the left and right, and the rest of the people also sat down. Those who couldn't sit stood at the back.

Xiong Yu moved a small wooden pillar, sat behind Meimei, and listened to the government behind the curtain.

At the table, the leaders of the Guards and Ah Wei and Ah Hua were mainly discussing. The rest of the people basically didn't speak. Meimei was in a state of wandering and drowsy.

Looking at the other soldiers, they basically showed no interest at all.

Only Xia Yu listened completely.

He summarized the information in the three people's words.

Ah Wei wants the Guards to send someone to escort Meimei to the seat of the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government has announced that it will reestablish the royal family.

The leader of the Guards disagreed with Awei's words. He told Awei that three months ago they found a prince and handed it over to the Provisional Government. As a result, in less than a month, he was rebelled at the headquarters of the Provisional Government, in the room next to the Prime Minister. The army assassinated him, but the Prime Minister was safe.

The Guards believe that the provisional government is also a rebel party, and want Meimei to go to the cities controlled by the Guards to establish their own governments, and then start a war with the puppet government and the rebels.

If it is as the captain of the Guards said, independence is the best choice, but is what he said really true? Maybe it was so that the Guards could grasp the lies told by the future empress.

It is precisely because of this that Ah Wei cannot make a judgment.

He decided to go out on his own first and go to the Provisional Government to do some research.

"There is no time. The puppet government may find out here soon!" said the captain of the Guards.

"That's your business, I must go there." Ah Wei said firmly, he stood up, "I'm leaving now!"

Arriving straight to the door, Ah Wei opened the door and fell to the ground with the sound of a gunshot.

"Close the door!" The Guards captain immediately drew his gun.

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