Life swap game

344. Entering danger

The door is a thin wooden door. Closing it does not block bullets, but it can block the opponent's view and allow the soldiers to pull up Ah Wei who has fallen to the ground.

Xiong Yu frowned. He didn't feel the danger, or the danger was very weak, because the telepathy in the body of the brown bear was slower, so it was not noticed by him.

It could also be that telepathy knew that neither he nor Meimei would be fine, so the alarm was not triggered.

No matter what, you should still be concerned about Ah Wei being shot.

Coming to Ah Wei's side, Xia Yu looked at his body. There was no blood flowing out of Ah Wei's body. His eyes were open and he was unscathed.

When Xia Yu was confused, Ah Wei took out a coin from his breast pocket.


Xia Yu's mind suddenly flashed through the classic scene in gunfight movies, where a coin blocks a bullet.

The captain of the Guards thought the same thing. He hugged Ah Wei and said, "Come on, this is really a lucky coin!"

"Yes," Ah Wei held the coin tightly in his hand, "This is the talisman my mother gave me. It was when I saw it in the morning that I remembered what my mother told me about wearing a bulletproof vest. "

The captain of the Guards frowned: "So it was the bulletproof vest that blocked the bullet for you?"

"Otherwise?" Ah Wei looked at the captain of the Guards in confusion.


The captain relaxed and let him fall to the ground. Ah Wei's head hit the floor, making a painful sound, but none of the soldiers watching sympathized with him.

"Head, there are only three people on the other side!" the soldier observing by the window reported.

"Only three people?" The captain wondered. He came to the window and saw the three people slowly approaching. The captain tried to shoot at the three people, but was unable to succeed because of the obstruction of the trees.

The wooden house has never considered the need for gunfights, so the layout has huge problems.

The three enemies arrived in front of the wooden house smoothly. They climbed up the house lightly, jumped into the house through the skylight, and were pointed at by eleven guns.

"Oh, my God." In the confused eyes of Xia Yu and his group, the three enemies dropped their guns.

"Those villagers told us that there are only two of you, a man and a woman!" The leader said the reason why they delivered the goods to their door.

The Guards came here but did not alert the villagers, so the intelligence of the three people was very wrong.

"Now you know." While rubbing his chest where he had been shot, Ah Wei tied up the three of them.

The Guardsmen began to laugh again. They joked with each other and laughed at each other's frightened appearance.

After they all relaxed, Xia Yu felt a bad feeling in his heart. He looked around, trying to find the source of the feeling.

Suddenly, an inspiration flashed in his mind, and he immediately looked towards the skylight.

On the skylight, a figure fell again. Amidst the soldiers' relaxation, the figure successfully broke in.

After seeing the change in the shadow, the soldiers had already reacted. They watched in horror as the falling figure rolled on the ground and came behind their princess.

The figure stood up with a proud smile on his face and raised his gun to point at Meimei.

The eyes of the thirteen soldiers, including Awei and Ahua, widened. They didn't expect that there was an enemy.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, the attacker was about to laugh out loud, but he could only do so.

Xia Yu stood up and greeted him with a bear claw.

The attacker flew two meters, hit the wall of the wooden house, and fell motionless.

The three companions of the attacker looked at the Guards soldiers in disbelief. After seeing their companions coming down, they thought the outcome would be reversed, but they didn't expect that the damn Guards actually trained bears as bodyguards!

Is this something humans do? What cruel torture that bear suffered! Have you ever asked the bear for his opinion?

The thirteen soldiers did not notice the attitude of the three prisoners. They looked at the attacker lying on the ground, looked at the miserable state of the attacker, swallowed, and remembered the incident of teasing Xiong Yu before.

If Xiong Yu also came towards them like this...

The thirteen people immediately stayed away from Xiong Yu.

With a proud look on his face, Ah Wei looked at the three soldiers who laughed at him before: "I told you, it is a wild bear, and it is a wild bear that can challenge three tigers!"

Ignoring Ah Wei's boastful remarks, Xia Yu comforted Meimei, who was in his arms.

He was thankful that he was here today.

No, maybe it’s okay not to anymore.

Judging from the decisive figure jumping down at the end, they were not planning to harm Meimei's life, because if they harmed Meimei, it would be impossible for them to come back alive.

No wonder telepathy doesn't show up.

Xia Yu felt relieved.

At this time, a line of subtitles floated in front of him:

[The brown bear’s bonus has been increased to lv3]


Probably because of using its body for a long time, this brown bear's IQ has increased so much that it can actually understand that he has just saved its little master.

When the bonus reaches level 3, there is no limit on game time. Xia Yu can lick honey all day long.

After putting aside the matter of choosing rewards first, Xia Yu looked at the guards and Liang'a to see what they planned next.

Awei interrogated the three people and learned that they were the advance team of the Provisional Government, with a large force behind them.

"We're leaving right away!" Ah Wei pulled out a map from his bag and asked the three of them which way they came.

The three of them pointed east.

Xia Yu curiously went up to take a look. He squeezed into a soldier in front. The soldier turned his head dissatisfied. When he saw it was him, he immediately put on a smile and gave up his seat.

Walking to the table like this, Xia Yu could see the map clearly.

The east side of the forest is the nearest way out, leading to a main road. There is a river not far away from the west side of the forest. There are more mountains to the north and plains to the south.

"Let's go from the west!" said the captain of the Guards.

"No, I feel we should go south!" Ah Wei disagreed with the captain of the Guards.

"If we go west and cross the river, we will be free!" said the captain of the Guards.

"There are too many uncertainties in crossing the river. Compared with the boat, I only trust my feet!" Ah Wei also said his reasons.

The two had a dispute.

Xia Yu slammed the table, and the loud sound made the two people who were arguing stop.

He stretched out his paw and pointed at the road to the south.

"Look, even bears know how to go south!" Ah Wei said happily.

"What does it know?" The captain of the Guards was unconvinced.

Xia Yu then scratched a deep mark on the table with his bear claw.

The captain of the Guards stopped talking, and the soldiers silently accepted the fact that they had to go south.

However, Xia Yu was not making a decision. He was a complete layman. He didn't know how to choose a path. He was just testing his telepathy.

After choosing the south, a telepathic warning of danger appeared.

At this time, Ah Wei was excitedly talking about how to go south.

"There is another village here. After leaving the forest, we can get food supplies from here immediately, and then..."

Just as he was getting excited, a bear claw slapped him on the back of the head.

Xiong Yu pressed the bear's claw on the map again, this time he pointed to the road to the west.

Now, it was the captain of the Guards' turn to be proud.

Everyone's future was reversed, and Xia Yu gained new telepathy.

Induction is also dangerous, and it is even more powerful than before.

The west side is more dangerous.

He pointed north again.

"The north is a dead end." Ah Wei said.

This time, he didn't gain new telepathy, proving that the soldiers weren't going north anyway.

He could only choose the south again.

The danger in the south was also great, and he was worried about Meimei's future.

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