Life swap game

436. Epilogue 3 - You owe me!

"Okay, next it's our contestant Liu Manman's turn. She has to shoot ten rings to win this championship. What will happen to her?"

"Player Liu Manman looked a little nervous. She wiped the sweat from her palms and took aim. This aim took a bit long."

"The time is coming. Can contestant Liu Manman... shoot out? It's a tenth ring!"

Warm cheers rang out, and the venue was filled with joy.

The commentator continued: "Let's take a look at the replay. Player Liu Manman's hands were very steady. She didn't panic at all during the countdown. It's not obvious at all that she is a newcomer who has only participated in the archery competition for a year."

"Speaking of which, viewers who don't follow the music industry may not know that contestant Liu Manman is also a famous guzheng musician..."

Xia Yu looked away from the TV and looked at Liu Manman beside him.

Three years ago, Liu Manman lost her mind and stopped playing the guzheng. She came to the palace and pestered him to learn archery.

Xia Yu thought that it would be a good thing for Liu Manman to give up the guzheng, which she had no talent for, and devote herself to shooting, which she had talent for, so he agreed to teach her archery.

When she first started studying, Liu Manman was still absent-minded. After Xia Yu threatened her by asking her to go home, she immediately calmed down.

In three years, Liu Manman successfully won a world-class gold medal. Although she narrowly missed one link, it was still considered a success.

Master Xia Yu couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

"How about it, I'm awesome!" Liu Manman said proudly to Xia Yu, her eyes full of praise for me.

Xia Yu felt that for the sake of Liu Manman's psychological development, it was necessary to attack her arrogance.

"There was an arrow that only hit seven rings. It's so awesome!" Xia Yu hit her on the head. "How did I teach you? Be steady and adjust the angle when you shoot!"

Liu Manman hesitated, unable to defend herself.

But she soon gave up her defense and knocked down Xia Yu directly: "It was a tactic to confuse the other party, you know!"

"So what's your tactic for knocking me down?" Xia Yu asked, looking at Liu Manman sitting on top of him.

"Yes...yes..." Liu Manman's face slowly turned red. She stood up in a hurry and sat aside.

This made Xia Yu a little surprised. Liu Manman was... shy?

But hasn't she always been a carefree person who doesn't know how to keep her distance?

Xia Yu's mind flashed back to Liu Manman's reaction when he taught him how to bow and arrow in the past three years.

There were also several shy expressions, but Xia Yu didn't pay attention at the time.

What does this mean?

I used to be able to have close contact, but now I know how to avoid it. Is it alienation?

Thinking of this, Xia Yu was a little irritated.

It has been four years since he and An Siyao's wedding. Liu Manman has also graduated from college. It is normal for there to be estrangement.

Four years ago, he was mentally prepared and didn't feel like it was a big deal.

But now, after teaching Liu Manman bow and arrow for three years and getting along day and night for three years, Xia Yu's mental preparation has become fragile.

These three years gave him the illusion that the intimacy between the two could last forever.

Now he knew that was impossible, that things could not stay the same.

Wait, maybe it's not alienation, but a reaction of closeness.

Because I didn’t have that awareness before, I was casual, but the alienation now is because I have a special feeling.

Recalling Liu Manman's reaction, Xia Yu was not sure what it was, so he decided to test it out.

Glancing at Liu Manman, who had his back turned to him, Xia Yu stood up and said, "Go back quickly."

After hearing these cold words, Liu Manman could no longer pretend to be an ostrich. She turned around and asked cautiously: "What should I do when I go back?"

She was afraid that Xia Yu had noticed her little thoughts.

Xia Yu regards herself as a good senior sister, but she wants to have sex with Xia Yu. It's so sinful!

"This is the palace after all. It's not good for you, an unmarried woman, to stay here." Xia Yu observed Liu Manman's reaction. He knew that his behavior was a bit despicable, but in order to spy on Liu Manman's thoughts, being despicable didn't matter.

It's better than leaving it to the end and leaving regrets.

Tears welled up in Liu Manman's eyes. She felt that Xia Yu knew her intentions and was driving her away.

"I know." Lowering her head, Liu Manman stood up.

She walked towards the door.

This reaction was somewhat different from Xia Yu's imagined reaction. If it was alienation, Liu Manman would have looked at her sudden change of attitude with confusion. If it was closeness, Liu Manman would have asked herself why.

What does this aggrieved departure mean?

Xia Yu was very confused. He didn't know that Liu Manman felt guilty like a crime.

Liu Manman had already opened the door and walked out. Xia Yu stayed there, thinking about what to do.

If he wasn't sure of Liu Manman's thoughts, he might fail in pursuit. Thinking of the embarrassing scene at that time, Xia Yu hesitated.

He had always had smooth sailing and had never faced an embarrassing situation. He couldn't imagine what it would be like.

This test was too hasty!

Covering his head, Xia Yu thought about the remedy, but after a minute passed, he still didn't come up with a plan.

If Liu Manman hadn't taken her clothes, one minute would have been enough for her to walk out of the palace through the back door.

Once out of the palace, it would be difficult to find Liu Manman.

After hesitating for another ten seconds, Xia Yu stood up.

Embarrassment is a temporary thing, regret is a lifetime thing!

Xia Yu quickly came to the door. As soon as Xia Yu put his hand on the door handle, there was a force on the door.

Xia Yu hurriedly avoided it, and the door brushed against the tip of his nose. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been hit by the door.

It was Liu Manman who pushed the door open so hard.

Liu Manman's hair was messy and her breathing was rapid. She ran back.

"You..." Xia Yu was a little stuck. Liu Manman suddenly came back, disrupting his rhythm.

"You still owe me a song!" Liu Manman said loudly.

This is a piece of music that was owed four years ago. Xia Yu was about to finish it, but Liu Manman kept saying that there was no rush, so it was postponed until now.

Looking at Liu Manman's flushed face, Xia Yu naturally wouldn't say something like "I'm writing to you now."

"Yeah." He responded.

"A song that is not inferior to An Siyao's!" Liu Manman took a step forward and pressed her body against Xia Yu's chest.

"Yeah." Xia Yu looked down at her.

"There are still four years of interest!" Liu Manman grabbed Xia Yu's collar and said fiercely.

"Yeah." Xia Yu leaned over slightly to make it easier for Liu Manman to grab.

"So marry me!" Liu Manman felt her face burning. She knew her request was illogical, but she couldn't control that much anymore.

Looking at Xia Yu who was stunned, Liu Manman pulled his collar hard and tried to make a fierce threat: "You owe me!"

She looked into Xia Yu's eyes, and Xia Yu looked at her.

The bedroom was silent.

Three seconds later, she lowered her head in frustration and let go of Xia Yu.

"Sorry, I……"

Before Liu Manman finished speaking, Xia Yu interrupted her.

"Okay." Xia Yu held her face.



ps: The new book has been cut, but the transformation has failed. I will finish updating the extras in the next few days. I will return to the style after the year and start a new book.

ps2: The new book returns to relaxed daily life, because it involves ghosts, and to avoid cheating, the setting can only be set in Japan. (Preliminary plan, very likely to change)

ps3: Recommend this book - "The Martial Arts System of Distress", a new book by an excellent veteran author.

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