Life swap game

437. Ending 4 - Can’t be cured, hopeless

After saying goodbye to the doctor, Xia Yu came to Kong Hanyue's ward.

He straightened his expression first, showing a sad look, and then opened the door to the ward.

Kong Hanyue, who was on the hospital bed, was happily playing with her mobile phone, but when she saw Xia Yu's expression, she panicked.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

When he came to the bedside, Xia Yu held Kong Hanyue's hand and said with grief on his face: "The doctor said there is no need to continue treatment."

"What, haven't I been feeling much better recently!" Kong Hanyue looked at Xia Yu in surprise. She had told her that this was a minor surgery before, so why did it suddenly become an incurable disease?

Xia Yu didn't answer, but looked at Kong Hanyue seriously.

Kong Hanyue felt increasingly unsure. Apart from giving birth to Xia Yu and Youxue twice, this was her first time coming to the hospital for surgery, and she was already feeling a little uneasy.

She thought of the plot in the TV series where the protagonist deceives his parents who are terminally ill, saying that it is just a minor illness.

She looked at Xia Yu anxiously: "Did you lie to me? What disease do I have?"

Not sure what Kong Hanyue was thinking, Xia Yu continued to remain silent.

Kong Hanyue took this silence as acquiescence, loosened her grip, and slid down the phone.


The phone fell to the ground.

Looking at the mobile phone on the ground, Kong Hanyue's eyes were in a daze.

When she saw Xia Yu stood up.

"What are you doing?" Kong Hanyue took Xia Yu's hand.

"I'll go and handle the final procedures for you," Xia Yu said.

Kong Hanyue's mind flashed with words like coffin cemetery and crematorium, and she pulled Xia Yu hard: "I feel like I can save a little more!"

"The doctor said you can give up." Xia Yu replied.

"No, I haven't finished the Kong family genealogy yet!" Kong Hanyue had a strong will to survive.

While the two were pulling each other, the doctor knocked on the door and came in.

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of leaving, the doctor asked doubtfully, "Why haven't you left yet?"

After hearing the doctor's words to drive her away, Kong Hanyue gave up completely. She let go of Xia Yu's hand and lowered her head.

After two seconds, she asked in a hoarse voice: "Doctor, how long can I live?"

The doctor looked confused: "How do I know how long you can live? I am a doctor, not a fortune teller."

"What's the approximate date? How long can my illness last under normal circumstances?" Kong Hanyue asked.

The doctor frowned and touched his bald head: "Your illness is cured. The operation was successful."

There was silence in the ward. Kong Hanyue turned to look at Xia Yu, who had quietly come to the door.

Kong Hanyue lifted the quilt and chased after him.

Xia Yu ran a few steps and saw that Kong Hanyue would not stop until Kong Hanyue caught him. He was afraid that she would be injured, so he could only stop.

"You unfilial son, you actually lied to me!" Kong Hanyue grabbed Xia Yu's collar with her left hand and hammered him with her right hand.

"I didn't. What I said was that there is no need for treatment. Of course there is no need for treatment after it's over!" Xia Yu said confidently while protecting his face.

After hammering for more than a dozen times, Kong Hanyue's hand hurt and he let go of his hand angrily.

"Come on, go complete the formalities!" Kong Hanyue went back to her room, picked up her phone, and pulled Xia Yu toward the elevator.

After her anger subsided, Kong Hanyue became happy again at the thought that she no longer had to lie on the hospital bed.

Xia Yu was also in a good mood because he successfully teased Kong Hanyue.

The only person who was in a bad mood was the doctor who stayed aside.

The doctor asked three philosophical questions: Who am I? where am I? what happened?

Three seconds later, he figured out the cause and effect and touched his head.

The little nurse following the doctor looked enviously at the direction Xia Yu and Kong Hanyue left: "Young people today are really good at playing."

"Young man?" The doctor glanced at the little nurse beside him, "They are mother and son."

The little nurse looked at the doctor in shock: "Mother and child?"

"Can't you tell? I couldn't find it even if I read the information." The doctor marveled, "I don't know how to maintain it. It's a pity that my family is already a yellow-faced woman, otherwise I would have to ask."

"Doctor, you can ask me!" the little nurse complained that the doctor had missed the opportunity.

The doctor glanced at the little nurse: "I asked and then took advantage of your husband? I'm not stupid."

Turning around, the doctor returned to the office.

Downstairs, Xia Yu and Kong Hanyue, who were being talked about by the doctor, got into the car.

After the car drove out of the hospital, Xia Yu received a call from An Siyao.

"How is mom?" An Siyao asked.

"When I get home in an hour, she will immediately come to your place to chat."

Xia Yu glanced at Kong Hanyue, who snatched his phone away with her backhand.

"Hey, Yaoyao, I'll be home soon. Is Yin Yin at home?" Kong Hanyue asked.

"Grandma, grandma!" A little girl's voice came from the mobile phone.

Before Kong Hanyue could answer, the girl changed her words in a panic: "Ah, it's not grandma, it's sister. I know I was wrong!"

Xia Yu rubbed his forehead and asked his granddaughter to call him sister. Kong Hanyue should be the only one in the world.

"It's okay, just call grandma." Kong Hanyue looked sad.

The grandfather and grandson talked for a while, and Kong Hanyue told An Siyao about her second pregnancy experience before hanging up the phone.

Xia Yu took the phone over and took the temperature of Kong Hanyue's forehead.

"What are you doing!" Kong Hanyue slapped Xia Yu's hand away and asked fiercely.

"I don't have a fever either. How come I know I'm a grandma today?" Xia Yu looked at Kong Hanyue curiously.

Kong Hanyue didn't answer immediately. She looked out the window and sighed:

"I used to play happily by myself, and I felt like I was the same with and without you. Now that I have been sick for a few days, I feel that you are quite important."

Xia Yu looked at Kong Hanyue in shock. She didn't expect that she could gain some insights after a illness.

Kong Hanyue was focused on self-reflection at the moment and didn't notice Xia Yu's gaze. She continued: "I could act coquettishly if something happened before, but now I realize it's not so good."

Xia Yu touched his chin and felt that it was a good thing that Kong Hanyue had found his way back to normal and returned to normal, so he didn't say anything. The most important thing is that the chaotic generation has finally returned to normal.

"Shall I go back and take care of your children? I still have confidence in taking care of your children. You and Youxue, as well as Zeze and Xinxin are all good children." Kong Hanyue looked at Xia Yu expectantly.

Xia Yu didn't know how to respond. He was born in two generations, and Youxue had been raised by himself since he was a child. Zhong Yunze was taught well by Father Zhong, and Zhong Yunxin was completely a bad girl who relied on intimidation with an iron fist. I don't know where Kong Hanyue got her confidence.

Seeing that Xia Yu was silent, Kong Hanyue felt that he had acquiesced, so she arranged specific measures: "Yinyin sleep with me from today on. It will be more convenient for you to do what you want to do at night."

After hearing this, Xia Yu, who was originally indifferent, became sharp-eyed.

Yinyin sleeps with him at night, and Kong Hanyue wants to steal her daughter from him!

But having Yin Yin is not very convenient at night.

When Xia Yu's heart was shaking, Kong Hanyue talked about the next steps: "According to my experience with you, give Yin Yin a sum of money every day, and then let her do the laundry, cooking and housework. I will lie there and help Yin Yin." Yin creates difficulties in growing up. If you have nothing to do, you can be cruel to her and let her know how to be strong since she was young..."

Kong Hanyue talked excitedly for five minutes, recounting the environment in which Xia Yu grew up as a child, trying to copy Xia Yu's success.

"How is it?" Kong Hanyue looked at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu analyzed calmly, thought carefully, and came to the conclusion: "...How about you let Yinyin call you sister?"

"No, I have decided to be an adult who doesn't act like a spoiled brat!" Kong Hanyue said resolutely.

Adults wouldn’t think of lying down and letting their children work! And you are already a grandma at your actual age, are you mentally deciding to become an adult?

"You can call Yaoyao and the others mother, so that you have someone to act like a spoiled child." Xia Yu advised Kong Hanyue.

"I treat you as my son, but you actually want to be my father?" Kong Hanyue looked at Xia Yu in fear.

Bringing back the lost topic, Xia Yu continued to persuade.

When the car arrived at home, Xia Yu still failed to persuade Kong Hanyue.

As soon as she entered the house, Kong Hanyue couldn't wait to start implementing the plan. She gave her granddaughter Yinyin the password for her mobile phone and mobile payment, and started the practice.

Xia Yu looked worriedly, but soon realized that he was overthinking.

Kong Hanyue has a lot of money in her mobile phone, and the Yu family's mobile payment and takeout online shopping are already mature. Yinyin only needs to click on her mobile phone to support her useless grandma.

After being raised for two days, Kong Hanyue returned to her true nature, and the grandfather and grandson became sisters again and played games together.

Xia Yu turned off the computer monitoring and sighed.

This mother is hopeless.

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