Life swap game

96. Distinguish

From a rational analysis, it is not a big deal to temporarily delete An Siyao's column, learn a foreign language and then come back.

Ask him to leave Youxue and go out to learn a foreign language for two weeks. Not only him, but also Youxue will not have any special reaction. Youxue can do it without reason, but An Siyao can't.

Unless An Siyao does not participate in the three competitions ten days later and the finals on the 1st of next month, transfers from Dongzhixiang to another city, it will be difficult for Xia Yu to restore her position.

And even if the above situation occurs, there are still ways to remedy it.

An Siyao's column was gone, but Xu Youxiang's was still there. Let Xu Youxiang lead An Siyao to a place and then mark it.

Therefore, it is impossible that An Siyao's position cannot be restored. He will be away for ten to fifteen days.

Now, he can temporarily delete An Siyao and add him in the third round or finals, but he may not have such a good opportunity in the future.

Foreign language skills are definitely needed. Helping Tina is actually just optional. In modern society, girls will not encounter any dangers.

But why is it so hard to make up your mind?

If there is nothing wrong with rational thinking, then the problem does not necessarily arise with reason.

Is it the uneasiness of being suddenly cut off from contact?

Sitting on the chair in the studio, Xia Yu rubbed his forehead.

What he told Yan Wei before that he didn't want to fall in love in high school was not a lie. In fact, it wasn't just in high school. Because he had seen so much in his previous life, Xia Yu was not prepared to think about love in this life.

Just like a song sung by an old man, it's not that easy to find a companion you can talk to, especially now that you've seen so many betrayals.

How does he feel about An Siyao?

At first, it was obvious that he only fell in love with the girl because she was valuable and easy to deceive.

If girls are really targeted, it's not just about making a little money.

Just to maintain life in the villa, An Siyao spent a month on an amount that Xia Yu couldn't get even with all his strength.

Interfering with someone in your life plan also requires some mental adjustments.

Maybe it should be distinguished carefully.

After pondering for a while, he stood up, came to a floor-to-ceiling mirror, and stretched out his hand to touch the mirror: "I have something to worry about for half a month, and I can't contact you for half a month."

An Siyao's voice didn't ring immediately. After a minute, she said in frustration:

"I see."

"If something happens, you can post a missing person notice in the Arctic Daily looking for Akarin." Xia Yu added.

"What word?" An Siyao asked cautiously.

Picking up a paintbrush, Xia Yu wrote the word Akarin on the paper.

"Then, it's settled." Xia Yu said.

"Okay." An Siyao was in a low mood.

"In ten days, at most, I will be back when you are in the finals. I will also watch your performance on TV. Don't lose." In order to comfort An Siyao, Xia Yu said.

"I won't lose!" An Siyao's tone was indeed cheerful.

In the remaining time, Xia Yu walked around An Siyao's studio. When the time was up, he returned to his body.

Lying on the bed, he brought up the panel, deleted An Siyao's column, then got up and went to the newsstand downstairs to buy a copy of Polar Star Daily.

The advertising section of the daily newspaper is an advertisement for a toothbrush factory and a novel.

Xia Yu's eyes stayed on the novel advertisement for a while.

Is "White Bird" going to be adapted into a film and TV show?

"White Bird" is a novel, and Xia Yu still has this book on his bookshelf.

The person who wrote this book was one of his schoolmates.

The other party must have skills in novel writing, but unfortunately he does not need this skill.

A hundred years ago, literati were a profession with a great say, but now, speaking out is far less stylish than a pianist, and has no social influence at all.

There is no money in writing novels unless you manage copyrights. But if you have time to manage copyrights, it is better to make a few apps to make money.

It is almost impossible for a Huo book to earn 100 million even if the time, place and people are right. However, Huo's mobile games can only make more than 100 million in revenue in a month.

For example, a well-known mobile game played by Xia Yu in his previous life was said to have a monthly turnover of 3 billion.

And writing a book also requires practice slowly to climb up the level.

Xia Yu put the newspaper in the drawer and rubbed his forehead again.

With a monthly turnover of three billion, he can almost support An Siyao, right?

You can even raise Xu Youxiang and Tina together.

Wait, why are you thinking of An Siyao again?

Shaking his head, Xia Yu sat at the desk and spread out his notebook.

The two weeks of separation from An Siyao were not only to free up space to learn a foreign language, but more importantly, to allow Xia Yu to think about himself.

If he decided not to get too involved with An Siyao, he could just take it easy. If he decided to get close to An Siyao, he would have to work harder.

An Tianfeng's Anjia Group and Yu Liang's Daliang Capital are not ordinary companies.

Let’s think about foreign languages ​​first.

In the notebook, the plan has been written before. The question now is how to meet the translators.

He quickly had an idea.

After confirming that there was no oversight, Xia Yu closed the notebook.

The clock on the wall ticked.

After one lap, the hour hand pointed to eight o'clock in the morning, and he came to Xu Youxiang's body.

Opening his eyes, he saw a sink.

Fortunately, I came a little late.

After washing his hands, Xia Yu returned to bed with a cane and said:

"I need a favor from you."

"What?" Xu Youxiang asked, "Are you going to learn programming again?"

"No, I want information on some people."

"Who?" Xu Youxiang didn't ask why.

"Some people in the publishing industry." Xia Yu deliberately said it broadly.

With Xu Youxiang's help, Xia Yu successfully collected this information online.

Xia Yu put the information in a form and posted it on a small forum.

When the work was done, he played the game until the game time was over.

After Xia Yu returned, Xu Youxiang dug out the web page with the form and pondered for a while.

Since it's hanging here, it means that guy is coming to get it.

So, I can just sit back and wait?

If it were a big forum, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, but a small forum like this...hey.

The girl had been staring at this forum all night. Five people clicked on the post, and only one of them downloaded the form.

After tracking him, Xu Youxiang smiled.

It turned out to be someone from Fangzhang City.

Go into that computer and look through it, there may be other information.

Five minutes later, she left with satisfaction.

He was a guy who had no respect for the Internet and left a lot of information on his computer.

Next time that guy comes over, scare her.

In Zilang City, at home, Xia Yu smiled. He knew that with Xu Youxiang's character, she would definitely stare at the form, wondering what kind of misunderstanding she would have.

In his previous life, Xia Yu already knew how unreliable the Internet was. He had no intention of downloading the form. He had already memorized the four translated information he needed in his mind.

I put up the form just to tease Xu Youxiang.

Based on his memory, he wrote down the information of the four people.

He chose the one with the highest level of online communication and the youngest one, and decided to try these two people first.


An Siyao's matter will not be troublesome, it is a necessary process. In the setting, Xia Yu is a character who is far more rational than emotional. His emotions cannot be as sudden as An Siyao's.

After the two weeks in the book have passed, it’s time to give out the candy.

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