On Monday, the 16th, Xia Yu came to an office building after taking leave from work and Kong Hanyue after school.

He waited for the first target to appear.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, three people in suits walked out of the office building. One of them was the translator with the highest level in Zilang that Xia Yu was looking for.

She was a middle-aged woman. Translating novels was just a small hobby of hers. She was also a famous translator.

Xia Yu clicked on the game.

[Please select the exchange partner]

[Random selection/Free selection]

Free choice of course.

[Please look at the other person’s body and click to confirm]

Looking directly at the other party's body, Xia Yu clicked to confirm again.

【Single player mode/Double player mode】

Single player mode.


[Matching completed]

[Before playing, please confirm the following terms:]


[Body exchange has been achieved]

After a brief period of darkness, Xia Yu found that he was already in the body of a middle-aged woman.

Standing on both sides of her seemed to be the management of the company, inviting Xia Yu to go out for dinner at night.

"Sorry, I'm a little uncomfortable." Xia Yu refused.

The two men said nothing, and one of them drove Xia Yu downstairs.

Xia Yu, who knew which floor the woman's house was on, took out the key from his bag and opened the room.

He looked at the panel.

[Based on the opponent's body, a bonus is being generated...]

[Bonus generation completed]

[Get bonuses: Go bonus lv1, chess bonus lv1, backgammon bonus lv1]

【Wish you a happy game】


What the hell is this bonus!

Although Xia Yu was prepared that the bonus might have nothing to do with translation, he didn't expect that it didn't matter at all.

At this time, the middle-aged woman who was squeezed out of Xia Yu's body control also came to her senses.

"Who are you?" she asked in six languages.

"I am an alien. My spaceship passed by the edge of the galaxy. I put my consciousness into your body and prepared to visit your civilization." Xia Yu joked.

"Not a ghost?" the woman asked.

"Ghosts are not allowed to exist." Xia Yu replied.

"So, if I use my body for you, what kind of reward are you prepared to pay?"


The woman continued: "I don't want more, just give me technology that is more than ten years advanced, preferably civilian technology for daily life."

You think beautifully!

"Not ten years? Then it will be enough if it is more than five years in advance. Or if the Universe Federation does not allow the disclosure of technology, you can suggest a feasible scientific research direction and I will recruit people to research it myself."

After pondering for a moment, Xia Yu opened the woman's phone and found the Qidian Reading app in the app.

This is an article I read online so many times that I really thought aliens would come to human bodies.

Don't say that Xia Yu is not an alien. Even if he is, he generally has a conspiracy and is not here to give technology to women.

"Okay, after I have experienced enough of your planet's customs and customs, I will give you a scientific research direction. Well, let's give you a feasible idea in artificial intelligence."

Xia Yu originally just wanted to make a joke, but he didn't expect that the woman actually believed it, so he just went ahead with what she had in mind.

Not interested in developing skills in chess, Go, and backgammon, Xia Yu picked up the woman's notebook.

"By the way, do you know the alien language translator?"

"There is no such profession on Earth." The woman became more convinced of Xia Yu's alien identity.

"Maybe there are, but you don't know." After some nonsense, Xia Yu asked about his purpose, "Do you know where the homes of those simultaneous translators are? If there are young ones with high translation skills, it may be yes."

He wanted to get truly high-level translated information through women.

The woman thought for a moment and said, "I know a simultaneous translator. He goes to Kaiyang every month to visit one of his girlfriends."

Xia Yu was happy when he heard the woman said he knew her. After hearing about his girlfriend, the joy disappeared again. Having a girlfriend proves that you are a man, and men are useless.

Opening the woman's notebook, Xia Yu told the woman that he would first experience the game culture of the earth, and then started playing the game.

Looking at the time under the notebook, Xia Yu tensed up his muscles when he saw that it was almost eight hours.

"What's wrong?" The woman was a little panicked.

Stiffening his body, Xia Yu replied in a broken voice: "No, the network is stuck, damn China Unicom, I..."

The woman only felt her eyes flash, and her body regained control.

She sat in front of the computer and held her head.

There was once an alien who wanted to give me a golden finger, but because of the cosmic network card, he crashed.

What website is he talking about? China Unicom? Do aliens also use China Unicom?

At this time, the screen in front of the woman changed, and a line of words appeared in front of her.

"Don't think about pie in the sky, just work hard!" 』

This was a gift given to her by Xia Yu using programming.

Not knowing how messy the woman was, Xia Yu returned to his body and crossed out the woman's name on the notebook.

The next day, Xia Yu went to another youngest woman. This time the bonus was slightly better, but there was still no translation and foreign language, but rap, dance and basketball.

Returning to his body again and crossing out the name, Xia Yu looked at the notebook with two names left, feeling a little worried.

He felt that the remaining two people probably wouldn't either.

The highest-level translators should be in Afang or Yaoguang. Do you want to go to these two cities?

It would be great if there was a chance to search the body, search directly.

However, if there is a search opportunity, he will definitely not waste precious search time on foreign languages, but will choose business or medical skills.

With programming and business, you can make money quickly. Money is one of the most important things in modern society.

As for medical skills, low levels have no effect, but high levels will definitely surprise people. Compared with money, life is the most important thing.

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore.

Lying on the bed, he fell into sleep.

Early the next morning, Xia Yu came to school as usual. Xia Yu was not in high spirits.

"Xia Yu!" Yan Wei came to him at noon and handed him a book.

Faced with Xia Yu's doubts, she said: "This is the English version of Wen Ziying's "White Bird", sent by the president."

Wen Ziying is a sophomore in high school. She made her debut in high school and is now a well-known best-selling author.

After taking the book, Xia Yu looked at the title, "white bird", a very straightforward translation.

"This was translated by Wen Ziying herself, but it's a pity that I can't understand it." Yan Wei regretted while flipping through her copy of "White Bird".

"Wen Ziying translated it herself?" Xia Yu raised his head.

"Yeah." Looking at Xia Yu who suddenly became interested, Yan Wei thought she had succeeded in changing the topic.

She knew that Xia Yu liked the book "White Bird" very much, so she spent some time researching it. As long as the topic started, she could definitely continue the conversation!

However, Xia Yu did not get into the topic of the book, but asked: "Which class is Wen Ziying in?"

Yan Wei felt a strong sense of crisis in her heart.

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