“Can you tell me what magic you’re using?”

Roger looked down at the unassuming man in front of him.

“How can I repair, but I want to surpass the man of Ulu, how can I… Lying on the ground in this posture, abominable! ”

Leon on the side was constantly roaring in his heart, but his body was as if it were not his own, completely disobeying the call, and could only send out an impotent roar in his heart.

And Sarudi, who was lying next to Leon, was bitter inside, secretly regretting mixing this matter, and at this time, his transformation magic was about to fail.

That is to say, his true identity will soon be exposed to Roger, and her plan has not yet been completed, and many things may be directly disrupted at that time.

“Lord Roger… Can… Can you put away your strength… This power, let’s… Stand up and talk, I promise… You want to know… What I… All tell… You! ”

“Sarudi” lay on the ground and said intermittently, spitting out words with great difficulty.

“Oh, in case you run!” Roger spoke in a flirtatious tone, suddenly increasing the spiritual pressure.

This startled Roger, who had just wanted to frighten a wave of this strange man.

But this man actually turned into a long, black and straight beauty biting his lip in front of him!

And this beautiful woman he also knew, was a member of the Council of Magic not long ago, Urutia!

At this moment, Roger instantly understood what magic he had used to change the floor.

Lost magic, arc of time!

“Yo, this is not a member of the Council of Magic, Urutia,” Roger crouched down and held out a hand to lift her delicate face.

At this moment, Urrutia clenched her teeth and looked at Roger with a look of deep hatred.

“Urutia?” Leon, who was lying on his stomach, was shocked when he heard this name, because Master Ade was called Ulu!

He couldn’t help but think about it a lot, and the other party actually approached him in a woman’s disguise.

“Can you tell me what you’re here for, Urutia!”

Roger looked at the beautiful woman in front of him with a smile, which made him have a feeling of flirting with beautiful women, really red!

“Well, this is my personal private affair, can I not say it?”

Although Urutia was eager to unload Roger in eight pieces, she was stronger than others, and now she was just a fish on the cutting board, and she had to wear a mask of fake smiles.

“No, if you don’t say it, I’ll report it to the Magic Council!”

Although the beautiful woman in front of her put on a pitiful look, Roger was determined, unmoved, and refused without hesitation.

Urutia looked at the hateful man in front of him, moved his lips, and made a look of mourning

He said, “I’m just helping my mother’s apprentice fulfill his dream and avenging my mother. ”

Roger listened to Urutia’s reasons for a slight pause.

He suddenly remembered that she and Leon did have such a relationship, and she was indeed the daughter of Ulu, and there was nothing wrong with this reason.

At least Roger had no reason to refute it.

Leon, on the other side, is like a sea in his heart.

“He’s Ulu’s daughter, and Ulu doesn’t mean her daughter is dead, what’s going on?”

Leon suddenly flashed countless questions in his heart, and asked in a difficult tone.

“You said you were Ulu’s daughter, but doesn’t Ulu’s daughter mean that her daughter is dead?”

Urutia listened to Leon’s words, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, but soon relented.

“It’s not my cruel mother who abandoned me, but no matter how much she hates, she is still my mother, and I want to avenge him.” 」

Leon was stunned for a moment as he listened to Urutia’s words, although he didn’t care about Ulu on the surface, but in his heart he still cared a lot.

And Ulu was definitely not the kind of person in Urutia’s mouth who would abandon his daughter, and he would never believe it.

“How could Ulu abandon his daughter, this is absolutely impossible, you are definitely not Ulu’s daughter.”

Gray’s voice was cold, and Roger believed that if it weren’t for the fact that both of them were crushed to the ground by him, Leon would have done it a long time ago.

“Believe it or not, I’m indeed Ulu’s daughter.”

“I can testify to this, but this is exactly what is recorded in the Council of Magic!”

Roger listened to the conversation between the two, and said with a smile.

Then, turning around and collecting their own spiritual pressure, Leon and Urutia, who were lying on the ground, felt the pressure on their bodies disappear and immediately stood up.

Leon turned his head to look at Urutia beside him, examining it carefully.

But Leon had to admit that Urutia was indeed very similar to Ulu.

Just then, Roger’s voice came over.

“Don’t think about running away, and don’t think about sneaking up on something!”

The two listened to Roger’s unconcerned tone, both gritted their teeth in hatred, but they both had to admit that the man in front of them was indeed a monster.

They were not opponents at all, and in his hands they were like lambs without resistance.

“Follow me!” Roger said there was it right in front.

Although Leon and Urutia behind him were very reluctant, they thought about the embarrassed look they had been lying on the ground before, and they still honestly followed Roger.

Even, our big-breasted sister Urutia, is now somewhere somewhere in some pain.

“Where are you going to take us?” Leon, who was behind Roger, did not dare to resist Roger’s words, but not to the point of not daring to speak.

“Just come with me, don’t talk so much nonsense!” Roger skimmed his lips, and an oppressive force once again forced the two to lie on the ground, in an extremely indecent posture.

“Abominable!” Leon felt his dignity pressed against the ground and his teeth about to be crushed.

“Why did he mess with you, even me?” Urutia was a little tearless and at the same time a little sad about her pride as a woman.

All are quickly flattened and deformed!!!!

Soon Roger retracted the spirit pressure again, allowing the two to stand up.

This time, Leon learned to be smart, and although he was very unhappy, he still obediently followed Roger.

Urutia, on the other hand, was enduring the pain coming from somewhere in her body while cursing Roger the stinky man in her heart.

Although Urrutia had greeted Roger’s group for eighteen generations in her heart, she could not see it on her face at all, and still had a charming smile.

I have to admit that girls are like this, natural masters of disguise!

“Wait for me, Roger!” A voice came from behind Roger.

“It’s you guy!!” Leon looked at Naz who ran over, his eyes filled with anger.

Easily crushed by Roger, he rightly blamed Naz for all the humiliation he had suffered.

“Ah, it’s you guy, eat me a fire dragon iron fist!”

Leon saw Naz move, and without hesitation, he also moved “ICEMAKE…”

“Ah”, “ah”, “ah”

Suddenly, the three men fell to the ground again in an extremely indecent posture.

“Nothing I’ve been affected every time, these two damn stinky men, if it weren’t for them I wouldn’t have done that!”

Urutia couldn’t help but cry as she thought about what had happened to her.

“Quick… Get me up, Roger! Naz pressed half of his face to the ground and said incoherently.

“It’s okay to get you up, but don’t do it!”

“I promise not to do it!” Naz assures Roger.

Soon, the three stood up again!!

“Roger, why take them with you?” Naz looked at Roger and asked doubtfully.

“Give an account to the villagers, and then hand them over to the mission guild!”

Roger said without looking back!

The reason for the whole thing he had already remembered was that the names of those villages were actually confused because of the side effects of the moon drop.

They were originally demons, as long as they broke the membrane in the sky formed by the drops of the moon, they could do it!

“Really, then my first S-level mission will be completed, great!”

Naz listened to Roger’s words, and the whole person jumped up with excitement.

End of this chapter!

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