In the village, all the villagers were gathered by the village chief, looking at Roger with a puzzled look on his face, and a large number of people behind him.

“Luo… Roger, what are they doing! Lucy looked embarrassed and whispered to Roger, afraid of attracting the attention of the group behind him.

Although Lucy’s voice was very small, the people behind Roger could still hear it, all with a stubborn look.

Hearing Lucy’s question, Naz said happily, “Lucy, these people are Roger’s captives, and Roger seems to have figured out this task.” ”

“Capture… Captive?? Lucy looked at a large number of people behind Roger, his head was in a state of crash, and the people who were seen by Lucy also turned their heads to maintain their last stubbornness.

Thinking of their voter, I don’t know how many times I have been lying down to get to this village, and Urrutia feels that his chest has been deformed.

“Lucy, Gray is awake!” Roger looked at Lucy and asked.

Lucy heard Roger’s words, looked back, and replied, “Gray is still resting in the house and hasn’t woken up.” ”

“Oh, so, that’s all right!” Roger nodded.

At this time, the village chief came to Roger and said respectfully

“Dear Lord Sorcerer, you are planning to fulfill our commission and destroy the moon.”

“Destroy the moon?” Roger’s captives Leon and Urutia behind him, as well as one of Leon’s men, were shocked to hear this.

“How is it possible to destroy the moon, even Roger the monster can’t do it!”

“How could the moon be destroyed by the magicians, the people in this village are so ignorant!”

Roger’s captives heard the village chief’s words and could not help but discuss privately.

“Quiet!” Roger glanced back at the captives, who were as silent as chickens that had seen tigers.

After all, they were well aware of the horrific and unreasonable pressure that emanated from Roger.

Roger, after quieting his group of captives, turned to look at the village chief and said.

“Rest assured, village chief, the moon will be handed over to me to destroy it!”

Roger said, a confident smile on his face.

When the people of the village heard Roger’s words, they were immediately happy and began to dance, looking at Roger expectantly.

Want to know how Roger destroyed the moon in the sky.

The group of captives behind Roger were incredulous, after all, they knew very well how the moon could be destroyed, this kind of thing, even the strongest magician could not do it.

“Yosie, I knew Roger was going to be on it, so let me help you too!” Naz looked at Roger with excitement on his face and was already ready to follow Roger.

There was no thought at all about whether destroying the moon would work.

Lucy, who was next to Roger, looked at Roger with a worried face

He said, “Roger, you’re not kidding, you’re really going to destroy the moon.” ”

“You will know it when you look at it!” Roger glanced at Lucy with a mysterious smile on his face.

It is impossible to destroy the moon, it is impossible to destroy in this lifetime, and it is possible to break the membrane and eat.

“Harpy!” Roger turned to look at Harpy and shouted.

“Oh, Roger, you’re not going to let me take you flying, that’s impossible!”

Harby was a little confused, and then two paws waved in front of him.

“Rest assured, if you don’t let you take me to the moon, you will fly as much as you can, and I’ll do the rest.”

Roger looked at the kitten Harpy and smiled.

“Well, then leave it to me!” Harpy touched his cat’s face and patted his chest!

“Hey, you said they weren’t really going to destroy the moon!”

Urutia looked at a man and a cat in the middle of the crowd and said a word!

Leon, who was next to him, looked around and made sure that Urutia was really talking to him, and replied:

“How could the moon be destroyed, it is better to have time than to think about how to get out of his palm.”

“Hmm, you’re saying it’s simple, unless you don’t want to fulfill your dreams anymore!”

Urutia snorted coldly and looked at Leon with a hint of regret in his eyes.

I already knew that he would not come here to mix this matter.

If Leoncan gave up defeating Deliola, it was still possible to escape, such as the next time Roger ascended to heaven, of course, Urrutia estimated that Leon could not give up.

As for herself, she cannot run away unless she is willing to give up her status as a member of the council.

Of course, she doesn’t really care about her status in the jury, but there is still one thing she has not done and cannot give up at present.

Urutia couldn’t help but sigh in her heart.


“Harby, get ready!”


Roger heard Harbie’s answer, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said:

“Well, let’s go up, Harpy, target, destroy the moon!”

“Whoops,” Harpy replied, and a pair of white wings appeared behind him.

Then Harpy flew into the sky with Roger.

The people in the village looked at Roger who flew high in the air, and all of them reported expectation.

Hopefully, Roger will help them lift the curse and get them back to their original state.

High in the air, Harpy endured the fierce wind, stabilizing his body while climbing to a high height.

“Roger, my magic is running out!”

Roger heard Harpy’s voice and looked down at his height, which was already thousands of meters.

“Harby, I’ll take the rest, go down first!”

“Oh ~ then I’m going to let go!” Harby heard Roger’s voice speak.

“Loose!” As soon as Roger’s voice fell, he felt his body begin to fall in the countryside.

Then Roger began to make a foothold in the air, and his legs were instantly powered.

The whole person climbed tens of meters high again, and then Roger began to climb towards the sky at a very high speed.

“That’s a high enough height!” Roger could already see the transparent membrane by this time.

Then Roger put his hand on the knife around his waist.

“Everything in Vientiane is ashes, and the blade is like fire!!!”

The man on the ground looked up at Roger’s figure, and the moment he freed the chopper, it was as if a second sun had risen.

The temperature of the ground also rose a few degrees with the liberation of Roger’s chopper.

In the sky, Roger looked at the purple membrane of evil qi and swung his sword violently.

An instantaneous high-heat slash that was more than ten meters long slashed out from Roger’s blade.

Immediately afterward, Roger swung his sword continuously, and several of the same slashes were cut out.

The membrane in the sky was directly pierced by Roger in the instant of the slash.

Immediately afterward, the purple moon began to appear white cracks, and then it shattered violently, revealing the white lunar surface.

Roger, who saw this scene, put away the knife and began to descend.

And the people on the ground saw this scene and understood.

It turned out that what Roger wanted to destroy was not the moon at all, but this membrane.

The villagers on the island watched this scene and began to cheer.

Although they did not understand why the moon had not been destroyed, they knew that the moon had returned to normal and their curse had been broken.

“It turns out that this is the side effect of the moon drop!” Urutia looked at what was happening in the sky and muttered to herself.

Although the Moon Drop can break all magical powers, it also has side effects, and no one knows what the specific side effects are.

But she saw it today, though she didn’t understand what side effects the membrane in the sky had.

End of this chapter!

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