Limited Time Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1049 Intimate Kiss

Mucheng asked, "Is the filming of the little milk tank about to end?"

"Well, all that's left is the ending. I'll shoot a few more posters and attend a launch promotion ceremony. The work in country V is completely over. During this time, there have been variety shows that have been sending invitations to Little Milk Tank. I've been Let the little milk jug be rejected by all.”

Mucheng thought for a while and then asked, "After the filming is over, can you come back to Country E with me?"

This sentence suddenly stunned Wen Churan.

She does want to return to country E. The key is whether Sheng Shimo is willing to let her go?

Seeing Wen Churan's worried look, Mu Cheng said, "During this period, I came to the Presidential Palace to find you, but President Adair never showed up to stop me. Presumably, he has given up..."

Have you given up?

Wen Churan was not sure in his heart.

Because he has never been someone who gives up easily. Is he planning to give up just because he saw her and Mucheng being intimate several times?

After not getting a response from Wen Churan for a long time, Mucheng felt vaguely uneasy, so while observing her expression, he asked, "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"

Wen Churan's distant thoughts were instantly brought back, he shook his head and said, "I can't wait to go back to country E quickly. How could I be unhappy?"

But Sheng Shimo's reaction this time surprised her.

She thought she had to get closer to Mucheng, have more arguments with Sheng Shimo, or argue with reason, go crazy, and have a complete breakup before Sheng Shimo would give up.

Unexpectedly, this time, it was so easy.

Mucheng stretched out his hand, rubbed Wen Churan's head, and said with a smile, "There will still be a while. I can work harder to make him give up completely."

Wen Churan was stunned. Before he could digest Mu Cheng's words, he saw Mu Cheng suddenly bring his head closer and stopped when he was only a few millimeters away from her.

Wen Churan was shocked and turned her head back subconsciously, but before she could make a move, Mucheng reached out and grabbed the back of her head, preventing her from moving at all.

"do not move!"

Wen Churan was stunned. He could feel the man's breath clearly hitting his nose.

" are you doing..."

"Just stay like this for a while."

Wen Churan blinked, not knowing what Mucheng wanted to do, and he forgot to struggle.

Although they were close, they still kept a safe distance. Apart from glaring at each other, they didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, their posture looked like lovers kissing.

For example, Sheng Shimo...

The extended Lincoln was parked outside the park. Sheng Shimo was sitting in the car. He looked through the car window and then through the park gate. He could clearly see a man and a woman sitting on a bench in the park. They were leaning against each other, their heads They were leaning against each other, as if they were kissing intimately.

No! Not like!

Just an intimate kiss!

Sheng Shimo was thinking like this here, clenching his fists with both hands, and his face was gloomy, as if a violent storm was about to roll up.

Even the driver could feel the air pressure in the car drop sharply, so depressed that he almost couldn't breathe.

Silence spreads little by little...

I don't know how long it took before Sheng Shimo spoke, and his voice sounded like it was mixed with the wind and snow on a winter night.

"Let's go."

The driver breathed a sigh of relief, restarted the car, and drove away slowly.

At the same time, Mucheng in the park also let go of Wen Churan.

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